Anonymous ID: 7eb3b3 Sept. 10, 2024, 11:04 p.m. No.21569473   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9479 >>9484

On July 13, Trump nearly got assassinated.

Had his head been turned a few degrees differently, he'd be dead.

But he survived.

Anons have jumped into action, analyzing what happened.

A consensus has emerged that shocking lapses in security enabled the attack.

But what enabled them?

Did clueless DEI hires simply not notice the threat from a confused youngster raised on fake news?

Or was the "incompetence" by design, the security team allowing the shots before stepping up to terminate the shooter once his role was done?

In any case, the failures were appalling and inexcusable.


Still, I am a bit puzzled how this all meshes with the Q narrative.

Q would have us believe that Trump once escaped a missile fired by a rogue submarine.

But now he nearly meets his end due to a slightly sloped roof?

Anonymous ID: 7eb3b3 Sept. 10, 2024, 11:05 p.m. No.21569479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9482


Before I go further, I feel it appropriate to address an objection that has perturbed me since I began working on this decode (pretty much the day of the shooting).

Contrary to the impression given by our enemies, being a supporter of Trump and of Q is not a matter of cutting loose and venting my deepest chauvinistic tendencies.

Rather, I have considerably grown in my awareness of the diversity of people working towards our common goals.

We each have our part, and so many of us are stepping up to play it, and that is a wonderful thing that gives me hope.

At the Butler rally, one guy did die and he seems like a solid dude who cared about his family and his community and his country.

He even died protecting his family.

We live in a time when courage is devalued.

Worse, even the most abject cowardice and moral depravity gets inverted and praised as courage.

Well this guy Corey seems to have had the real thing, putting in years as a volunteer firefighter, stepping up to support MAGA, and finally taking a bullet for his loved ones.

His life is different from my own in various ways, but I feel nothing but respect for him and anger for those who would callously destroy him.

They would destroy the rest of us too.

If I can play some role in stopping them, then I am glad to do it.

Anonymous ID: 7eb3b3 Sept. 10, 2024, 11:07 p.m. No.21569482   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I initially had lots of caveats and explanations and a lot more words altogether.

But I figured it is more fun to just drop the torpedo in the water and see where it hits.

I do want to say thanks to many of you.

I rely in a few cases on decodes posted to the board by others.

All of the frogs are from the board too.

More generally, our work depends on the infrastructure and atmosphere built and maintained by other anons.

We all depend on the bakers, the researchers, the autists, the mememakers, the oldfags, the newfags, and even the lurkers.

And that's just on the anon side.

It's a group project, made possible by the whole white hat team, from anons to insiders and all those in-between, and I thank you all.

The world doesn't always get it.

They'll see.