If Trump didn't show the country what the idiot Kamala is she won
Didn't catch it what day was that?
I would say if who was up there he she would have won the debate
You want to debate get rid of the monitors and let the people on stage ask the questions
we? Spirits , game what do you here? How many come and try it can't I don't suck dick bich!
Jee it's almost like a movie
I don't doubt it but what is that picture supposed to showing
We had an almost serious debate and you fucks want to talk cats blow me
Nixon was my favorite President two weeksBefore I graduated he dropped the draft I won that Lottery 001 classification 1A now you know my birthday if you're any good good day
Because he should have I was hoping
Good answer could be because I'm drunk
Most likely Epstein
I love Trump no homo I'll vote for him I always have but do you truly believe you did good tonight?
he not you
You goddamn right i ante I would have tore into her no matter what questions they asked me
So potatoes going to be off the beach in 90 some percent of the country doesn't know what the narrative is
So this is 21 Posts I'm going to mix another drink and watch you fuckers all night do some good I love you all no homo