Anonymous ID: 515ce5 Sept. 11, 2024, 4 a.m. No.21569916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9927 >>9933

Connoisseurs of fine feline cuisine. Automatic voter registration while air travelling about the US gratis on diners visas.,a83f98,a2c4e0,a2bd72,a2d25e,a2d615,ab7437,a835d1,a2f9dd,a2f016,ad7274,a75013,a2c129,a4d4cc,a835d1

Anonymous ID: 515ce5 Sept. 11, 2024, 4:13 a.m. No.21569950   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't forget Joseph Dagrosa. Former Chairman and Director. He is likely the true source of original funding.

Anonymous ID: 515ce5 Sept. 11, 2024, 4:50 a.m. No.21570050   🗄️.is 🔗kun

23 years of mind fuck about what was really happening that day.


In 1995 it was reported that China was funding Israeli development of an air-launched cruise missile based on the Israeli Delilah anti-radiation attack drone, with a 230-mile range. The new missile reportedly was to be larger than the Delilah, while retaining its basic configuration. The range and CEP of the Chang Feng air-launched LACM are claimed to be 600km and 15m, respectively, and Chang Feng -JIA 1300km and 5m. Similar accuracy claims are made for the Hong Niao family of missiles, though these would appear to be rather optimistic.


In May 2001 an air-to-surface missile was reportedly launched from an H-6 bomber. The test, reportedly the first time China had launched the new cruise missile, was apparently deemed successful by US defense and intelligence agencies. The missile, reportedly an extended-range version of the C-802 anti-ship missile, was assessed as being capable of carrying a 500-kilogram warhead to a range of at least 150 kilometers.


Hong Niao 3


The HN-3 series of cruise missiles is likely based on the Russian AS-15B Kent and U.S. Tomahawk technologies. The HN-3A is a ground- or ship-launched missile with a maximum range of 3,000 km. A second variant, known as HN-3B, is submarine-launched and has a maximum range of 2,200 km. Other improvements and changes include a slight increase in body diameter to 0.75 m, an increased launch weight to 1,800 kg, and an increase in accuracy to 5 m CEP.7


The HN-3 was first flight tested in 1999 and entered into service in 2007.