Anonymous ID: fc002f Sept. 11, 2024, 6:37 a.m. No.21570460   🗄️.is 🔗kun






Map or map is NOT equal to MAP. (Includes other Qwords also.)

Capitalization(s) matter, have different meanings/context.


MAP =Military and Potus (confirmed in Q270) (See also, Military subgroup)

KEY= information (confirmed in Q269 )

stone= Who this is, is confirmed in first line of Q270

key+stone- Q269 & 270 (for those in the back=working together, Military and Potus will supply the information for Anons to assimilate/spread. Military will do the heavy lifting (Q1052=You elected us to do the heavy lifting. )

This is the keystone to The Great Awakening: MAP & INFO. This is confirmed in Q764 which is a sort of legend to understand the Qdrops.