Anonymous ID: bdd09e Sept. 11, 2024, 8:05 a.m. No.21570879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0912 >>0920 >>0973 >>1285 >>1494 >>1559



Trump baited Kamala a few times.

Ukraine - he exposed that she was supposed to be an emissary - negotiate peace between Zelensky and Putin…. but Kamala winds up admitting she only spoke with Zelensky 5 times and never spoke to Putin. Sounds more like negotiating war, not peace.




The 2020 Trump v Biden debates took place on 9/29/2020 and 10/22/2020.


In 2023, the first debate was originally scheduled for 9/16/2024, then 10/01/2024, and the last one for 10/09/2024.


In late July 2024, Harris announced the 9/10/2024 date.

As of this article, the 9/10/2024 is the only debate on the schedule that wasn't cancelled.


Is it a coincidence that Kamala picked 9/10 as a debate date???


On August 8, Trump said from Mar-a-Lago: “We’d like to do three debates. I think it’s very important to have debates, and we’ve agreed with Fox on a date of September 4. We’ve agreed with NBC, fairly full agreement subject to them on September 10, and we’ve agreed with ABC on September 25, so we have those three dates and those networks.”


Look again what Trump demanded.


"Subject to the 9/10/2024 date. "


No debate happened on 9/4/2024. No further debates are scheduled, so far.




Dec 2017 - Trump signed EO 13818 Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights AbuseOR CORRUPTION


I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America,find that the prevalenceand severity of human rights abuse andcorruption that have their source, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States,such as those committed or directed by persons listed in the Annex to this order,have reached such scope and gravity that they threatenthe stability of international political andeconomic systems.


System banking system collapse.


Kamala mentioned economists and Wharton in the debate last night, and Trump reminds everyone he attended Wharton (with a Bach. of Sc. in ECONOMICS).


What's interesting, with all the Trump EOs that Biden cancelled…. this EO 13818 is still in effect.


December 18, 2023

Press Release: Notice on the Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Serious Human Rights Abuse and Corruption

Anonymous ID: bdd09e Sept. 11, 2024, 8:11 a.m. No.21570920   🗄️.is 🔗kun



OK, Kamala busted using a comms devise.


Did someone tell her to tilt her head up in the "snob" position during the debates?


Who gave the questions to her ahead of time, and was she told what answers to give?


Such as mentioning Wharton.


Are we assuming Obama/Biden camp prepped her for the debate?


What if……… patriots are in control?

Anonymous ID: bdd09e Sept. 11, 2024, 8:37 a.m. No.21571066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1241 >>1279



Trump posted recently that Zuckerberg told him that he couldn't ever vote for Dem again.




Facebook Acted Too Late to Tackle Misinformation on 2020 Election, Report Finds


Have to wonder if there is any 'art of the deal' stuff going on in the background.

Anonymous ID: bdd09e Sept. 11, 2024, 9:51 a.m. No.21571485   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21570602 p/b


Interesting starting point, but some of this stuff is SOCIALISM.


>Proposed 28th Amendment




Yellow Vests movement - started in France - 2018


some of this stuff sound pretty socialists to me….


The right to work at home if it can be proven that your job can be performed at home. <<<shouldn't that be negotiated between employer-employee? as opposed to government mandated.>>>


A guarantee of the right to affordable housing.

<<< not found in the constitution…. Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness>> This kind of right is at the expense of another. How about fixing the underlying root cause of the problem (unsound money), and let free markets determine the rest.


25% of all new mining and oil or natural gas revenue from federal lands or coastal areas shall be given to the American people each year,

<<< at the expense of those that made the investments, committed the capitol, took the risks. in expectations of a return on investment…. sounds socialist to me….>>>


25% of all space mining revenue shall be given to the American people each year. <<< outer space? cyber space? Either way…. socialist. The transfer of wealth is unearned.>>>


If a company needs non citizen labor then they shall pay these workers at least 25% more than the average pay in that industry than they do for Americans, the only exception being farm labor. <<< so foreign labor can send even more money to their families back home…>>


Once a year if congress fails to pass the national budget bill within the funding deadline then each United States representative and senator will pay a fine of $20,000. <<< this will discourage average joe citizen from running for office, and leave it in the hands of the rich. Why not force the issue - congress can't pass budgets larger than receipts, and any money borrowed is only for exceptional circumstances, and must be repaid within XX time?>>>


Term limits

Representatives – 10 Terms (20 years)

Senators – 5 Terms (30 years)

Age Limit – 76 Years Old (Representative, Senatorial, or Presidential candidates)

<<< why not 15 years - 5 terms for Reps, and 3 terms for Sen? Even it up. What happens though when there are actually good reps or sens; the kind that follow the constitution, the kind that represent all people, not just their party masters Cognitive test might be more appropriate than age. I know a 95 year old that is sharper than a tack, and I also knew a 55 y.o. that had early onset Alzheimers and was dead by age 60.>>>




All American citizens who are descendants of American slaves pay no income tax.

All Native Americans pay no income tax.

<<what happened to the concept of equality? If they benefit equally from anything from the government - roads, bridges, protection by military, etc etc - then they should pay equally. Not distributing the costs of government between all people results in people who had absolutely nothing to do with slavery being victimized. And what about those who were supposed to received 40 acres and a mule as reparations. Maybe what would be fair is descendants of each original person get 40 acres/mule as promised, but now make is federal land, and have them start paying real estate tax on the land.>>>


Ballot harvesting illegal.

No mail in voting.

90 days of early voting prior to election day for all elections. <<no way - helps "them" cheat. 3 days max. Saturday, Monday, Election Day. 1 day preferable, all that is needed is going back to the old way of more precincts, more booths and ballot tabulators.>>

ID required to vote.

Must be a US citizen to vote in any election.