Rich people vote democrat because it’s their way of saying, “they are helping the poor people.”
That was funny last night. Not one person knew any actual laws on abortion.
Trump tried to explain that the state vote is a vote. Then Kamala and The Media kept acting like there was a no abortion state.
Everyone always talks about rape and incest when they talk about abortions.
Majority of them are one night stands.
Trump put tariffs on when he was president. Biden never took them away because without them the government funding would have fallen.
I just wish Trump could somehow show all their corruption and people would be shocked. That’s what would solidify this entire take over. It’s the slow boil that takes the longest time.
I agree. The problem that causes abortion is wisdom taught to the people.
In America there aren’t any wisdom teachers. It’s just religion and money.
Okay so who is the wisdom teacher here in America? Certainly it’s not you