Anonymous ID: fbb471 Sept. 11, 2024, 1:56 p.m. No.21572528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2564 >>2719 >>3112 >>3312


ty baker!


>>21571956 PB - State Officials Sound Alarm Over Mail Delivery Issues That Could Disenfranchise Millions of Voters in the Presidential Election



do not trust these orgs

while it's TRUE that the post office was involved in plenty of 2020 election hanky panky, NASED and NAS are both NOTORIOUSLY corrupt.


EG, from


#11689234 at 2020-11-18 04:23:46 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #14924: President Donald J Trump Edition


NASED Digg, con't.



nased GOLD Level Contributors: Democracy Fund is Left-Wing & FJC is Cozy with UNFoundation (Lord Mark Malloch-Brown of Smartmatic)


NASED is composed of US election directors. Despite saying it's non-partisan (and also, presumably neutral in political affiliation), its highest GOLD level of corporate affiliates includes the Democracy Fund - which is left-wing - and FJC ("a foundation of philanthropic funds"). Its SILVER and BRONZE levels include most or all of the big election systems companies (lobbyists??). Very cozy.


nased: National Association of State Election Directors

  • nased is a nonpartisan professional organization that disseminates election administration best practices and information across the states

  • Our members are Election Directors from across the country, many of whom have worked in election administration at the state and local level for decades.

  • BOARD: President: Laurie Augino (WA), Incoming Pres: Michelle Tassinari (MA), VP: Meagan Wolfe (WI)

  • Corporate Affiliates:

GOLD level: Democracy Fund, FJC

SILVER level: Hart InterCivic, Voatz

BRONZE level: BallotTrax, BPro, CyberDefenses, Democracy Live, Dominion Voting, EasyVote Solutions, Election Systems & Software, OPEX Corporation, VOTEC


#16534 at 2020-12-01 01:18:11 (UTC+1)

QR Midnight Riders #75: Where's Da Dough? Edition


Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email @va_shiva

Who certifies fraudulent voting systems? Members of Nat. Assn. of State Election Dirs. (nased), who had @Twitter ban me, per Court testimony, AFTER I exposed MA Sec. of State destroys BALLOT IMAGES. nased's parent, DemocracyWorks is funded by Rockefellers, Murdochs, Soros. Nice!


>>11689234 , >>11689242, nased GOLD Level Contributors: Democracy Fund is Left-Wing & FJC is Cozy with UNFoundation (Lord Mark Malloch-Brown of Smartmatic)


searching on NAS and NASED in will bring a WEALTH of digs, all demonstrating how corrupt they are. Just look at their DONORS!!

Democracy Fund, Dominion, ES&S, Clear Ballot, Microsoft, etc.

Anonymous ID: fbb471 Sept. 11, 2024, 2:08 p.m. No.21572564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2648 >>2719 >>2745 >>3112 >>3312


MORE ON NASED & THEIR DONORS from from 2020 digs:


NASED is highly partisan in three ways:

1 - supported at the GOLD (highest) level by an organization that favors DEMOCRATIC causes (Democracy Fund); also receives extensive support from another left-wing organization (Democracy Works)

2 - supported at the GOLD level by fjc (The Foundation for the Jewish Community) an organization that favors a GLOBALIST AGENDA

3 - supported at the SILVER and BRONZE levels by companies that make voting hardware and software - the ones THEY SHOULD BE POLICING.


Democracy Fund

Principally funded by Ebay founder Pierre Omidyar.

"Since early 2016, Omidyar and groups associated with the Democracy Fund have been funders of opponents of the campaign and administration of President Donald Trump." Has partnered with Soros' Open Society Foundations.

In a blog post published on June 16, 2020, Democracy Fund president Joe Goldman announced that Democracy Fund would no longer describe itself as "bipartisan": "Simply put, a commitment to 'bipartisanship' above all else is untenable when our political leaders openly embrace authoritarian politics."


Democracy Works

"NASED finds new home at Democracy Works, Inc." (press release)

(BROOKLYN, N.Y.) – Effective today, Amy Cohen, Democracy Works's Director of Government Outreach, is the new Executive Director for the National Association of State Election Directors (NASED). As a result, Democracy Works will serve as the organizational home for the nearly 30 year-old professional association.

Seth Flaxman & Kathryn Peters = co-founders of Democracy Works.

Our vision is straightforward: Make voting a simple, seamless experience for all Americans so that no one misses an election.

"We strive to be inclusive within our organization and the systems we build. Our commitment to inclusion pushes us to hire and retain a diverse staff."

TurboVote = major project; Democracy Fund/Pierre Omidyar is a major donor. "Democracy Works is a member of Bridge Alliance, a left-leaning social welfare coalition that supports numerous left-of-center election reform policies and is partnered with the left-of-center PAC Unite America."

Among the orgs that have donated to it: Open Society Foundations.

Democracy Works is also partnered with Unite America - Kathryn "we-did-it!" Murdoch sits on its board.



fjc: The Foundation for the Jewish Community

from 2020, dropped out for 2024….wonder why???

The second GOLD level supporter of NASED.

(Wrote about FJG "rabbit hole" - how they worked w/UN Foundation (second-in-command is Mark Malloch Brown, board member of SMARTMATIC)

see >>12123)


fjc - all traces of the "Jewish Community" reference seem to have been wiped out on the Net for years.

BUT it's referenced here:

And also comes up in a search on the Wayback machine: see CAP*/foundation%20for%20the%20jewish%20community



sure to be some kind of globalist fund.


Anonymous ID: fbb471 Sept. 11, 2024, 2:25 p.m. No.21572648   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2719 >>2745 >>3112 >>3312





The Election Trust Initiative makes grants to a range of nonpartisan organizations to strengthen election administration policies and practices and support election administrators. The initiative does not make grants to government election offices.

Please note that we accept grant proposals by invitation only.

who is invited?


CAP shows some of their past and present grants. THIS ONE JUMPED OUT:


The Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), via Stanford University’s Internet Observatory and the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, identified election-related online rumors and disinformation and published analyses in response to this discourse. The EIP collaborated withcivil society organizations and research labs engaged in social media researchand shared analyses and insights with stakeholders and the public. This effort contributed to the EIP’s ongoing real-time analysis capabilities of online narratives and rumors.





DFR Labs connection with DUROV arrest:

Kyle Becker


JUST IN: A U.S. Connection in the Arrest of Telegram Founder Pavel Durov?

Revolver News has published an original report that the U.S.-funded censorship arm The Atlantic Council had targeted Pavel Durov and Telegram two months prior to his shocking arrest in France.

The Atlantic Council had considered Telegram to be part of a "disinformation ecosystem" that had evaded Western supervision and was being "weaponized" by Russia in the War on Ukraine.

Its framing of Telegram's activity as a battlespace is consistent with NATO's 5G warfare strategy, which relies on propaganda and censorship to advance strategic objectives in the Information Warfare space.

The Atlantic Council's dfr Lab, boutique censorship think tank, produced its findings in June 2024 in a podcast entitled, "Another battlefield: Telegram as a digital front in Russia's war against Ukraine."


ELECTION TRUST INITIATIVE is just another FRONT promoting a globalist agenda.


Anonymous ID: fbb471 Sept. 11, 2024, 2:42 p.m. No.21572745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2766 >>3112 >>3312



The anti-free speech Univ of Washington group supported by the Election Trust Initiative had a rep -Kate Starbird- at a Stratcom conference sponsored by Atlantic Council in Nov 2019. She spearheaded a panel who also featuredTravis View, who was there specifically to denounce QRESEARCH as a center of disinformation.

Anonymous ID: fbb471 Sept. 11, 2024, 2:46 p.m. No.21572766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2809 >>3112 >>3312


oldfags may remember Travis View, was one of our main "critics," although he was so ignorant that he didn't even know what it meant to shit the bread…..

it's a pseudonym too - real name is LOGAN STRAIN. He helped Hotwheels during deplatforming, see for more….


#21313839 at 2024-07-29 07:35:37 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #26121: TFW Late Night Coke Shoulda Been Cake Edition





BellingCat linked to both travis view and HotWheels:

travis view = Logan Strain

WAPO just found this out?