Anonymous ID: 5ca3f6 Sept. 12, 2024, 12:04 p.m. No.21578038   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not sure why this post was removed >>21577535


I was perusing the KUN on my phone, and moved over to my laptop, only to see when I updated the bread, that the post no longer existed. Fortunately, I took a picture of it and have included it here. It is not my post btw.


This is why you should never refresh.

Anonymous ID: 5ca3f6 Sept. 12, 2024, 12:13 p.m. No.21578069   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8096


Went to check out the site. Found this article: (bottom left hand side on the website)



The STATE OF MINNESOTA is trying to make an example of a woman who refused to close her business due to unlawful mandates from a Governor’s ‘Emergency’ order. They are trying to crush her.

The funny thing is, that they have stepped into a trap and she has filed a counter complaint that they cannot defend and the state actors (it’s a long list) are now on the hook for millions in damages (personally).

The case is brilliantly crafted to expose; jurisdictional issues between ‘The State’ and ‘the state’, due process violations of the corporate State overextending itself into the ‘de jure’ state recognized in the constitution and a myriad of other central pivotal issues.

We’re actually hoping that the courts deny the facts, deny the record, deny due process and deny the law to rule against her so that;

a). they can dig themselves in deeper and b). these important issues can be exposed and decided in a higher level court to set up a more significant stare decisis

An ultimate victory in this case will be a victory for ALL AMERICANS and will give you court precedent to make your claim of ‘de jure’ status stick in the future!

Here’s what I’m asking you to do to help this important cause;


  1. Click Here and watch the 6 minute video overview and leave some comments with a ‘Like’ to show that this is getting public attention.

  2. Engage yourself in the links found in the Description box below the video and help support this effort any way you can.

  3. Help us make this video and cause go viral by sharing with all of your contacts and make a big noise over this.

We are re-living the revolutionary war all over again when Ben Franklin uttered these words coming out of Independence Hall at the constitutional convention: “We must hang together or most assuredly, we shall hang separately.”


Can we count on you for your support?


Please do what you can and don’t ignore this important fulcrum point in history.


Thanks in advance and may God Bless us all!