You 2 should do group therapy together
You catch on quick
I guess your population is going away then.
Draft them all
They stand at the CNC and catch purts as they get spit out. ((McGregor)) is no toolmaker. Any questions?
If [D-fag] was paying what the commie subsidies re now he would have got better workers. I hope he doesn't need 911
If by younger anons you mean clowns, why waste the bits?
Somebody called Jerry Brown's beard to shill, but all the geezers she could influence already died from AIDS or VAIDS. Scraping bottom.
Toxoplasmosis is one example. You can literally follow them jumping from tribe to tribe.
Catbert brought them in.
While they spent just enough on homeless to put them on the bus to Commiefornia.
On the way down remember how to spot the folks with the bottomless EBT cards and rides.
Sure there is. Take away the phone, internet and idiot box. They'll come around. Maybe.
His continuous proximity puts him at risk of dying in a car wreck.
"Russian TV"