Anonymous ID: d4b0bc Sept. 12, 2024, 1:19 p.m. No.21578403   🗄️.is đź”—kun



This redpill information to share with those still asleep"

State Citizenship vs US Citizenship


I was born a first-class citizen. I entered into contracts that, without my knowledge, made me a second-class citizen. I was surprised to find that the United States government recognized two distinct classes of citizens, let alone that my citizenship status had changed. At first, I did not believe it. It was not until I learned how to use the law library in the county courthouse that I was able to confirm my status. I am not an attorney so this article should not be considered as legal advice. It may be used as the basis of your own research. This article does not have a copyright, so you can copy all or part of it. This article borrows research from other articles/papers without copyrights written by people across the nation. I will describe the big picture first, then I will substantiate the claims made and give a more detailed picture later……….


..If the federal government is defined by the Constitution, and the Constitution says that I am a sovereign, why do I feel like a subject? I own my house. If I don’t pay my property tax the government will go to a court and remove me from it just as the courts would remove me from an apartment if I did not pay the rent. Do I really own the land if someone can take it away from me simply because I don’t pay them for the use of it? Could the King of England have the land taken away from him if he did not pay a tax? So long as I don’t cause injury to someone’s person or property or defraud them shouldn’t I, as a sovereign, have the right to do anything I want? Today there are so many rules and regulations that the government has that I think nearly everything I do is against some law. What has happened to my sovereignty? Isn’t the government sovereign over me? Are there any sovereign People left in the United States of America?.

Anonymous ID: d4b0bc Sept. 12, 2024, 1:31 p.m. No.21578490   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8503


Nato is now a nation? Can someone point to that on a map for me?

Thought Nato was a bunch of countries sending folks to represent their country?

Piss poor word choice. Sounds like they are pushing a new reality on us.


Nato World Order (NWO)?