Anonymous ID: 5626d1 Sept. 12, 2024, 3:49 p.m. No.21579430   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9435 >>9464


Note:dough below


LIVE: President Trump in Tucson, AZ




djt youtube


djt: starts speaking at 5.16pm e.t

President Trump: As everyone saw two nights ago, we had a monumental victory over Comrade Kamala Harris in the presidential debate. We won big with independent voters, moderates, republicans, and working people all across this nation, putting forward a clear vision to, very simply, Make America Great Again. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris showed up, spewing empty rhetoric, the same old lies, meaningless platitudes, offering no plans, no policies, and no details whatsoever.

djt: snopes came out totally for me.

President Trump: [Harris] claimed I want to monitor women's pregnancies. I don't want to do that. It's a total lie. I don't want to do that. Women, I won't be following you around to the hospital, monitoring. No, she made it up. She's a liar. She claimed that I want to deny people IVF treatment, when in fact, I want to require insurance companies to pay for it.

djt: project 25 never had my authorisation. i do not want to read it.

President Trump: You want to keep your gun, vote for Trump. I promise.

President Trump: The public was not fooled. Kamala's lies and unprecedented partisan interference of two lowlife anchors; they're lowlifes. For them to do what they did; and they wouldn't correct her on, like Project 2025; I don't know what the hell it is. I purposely have not read it. I could, but I don't want to, because they never had my authorization.

djt: barack Hussein obamas brother endorsed me, that is a very hard thing.

djt: there will be no 3rd debate.

President Trump: Because we've done two debates, and because they were successful, there will be no third debate.

>>21578852 djt; we are talking about a border and she is smiling like this,

President Trump: We're talking about a border invasion [during debate], the likes of which, no country has never suffered, and she is like this [smiles and grins like idiot Harris did].

DJT: we're gonna go, comrade your fired, get out, get out

President Trump: You know, in 2016, and 2020, where I got many more; millions more votes by the way, I hate to say that. They said, 'Oh that's a conspiracy theorist.' No, it's called, I got more votes than any sitting president in the history of our country. And they said we lost. I was told if I got sixty-three million votes, which is what I got in 2016, you can't lose. Just get sixty-three. I got close to twelve million more votes than that. And we lost. But we didn't lose, and we're never going to let that happen again in this country. We can't let that happen again.

President Trump: '16 was great, '20 was better, and this one blows both of them away, because we've never seen the enthusiasm that we have.

djt: border kari lake


Anonymous ID: 5626d1 Sept. 12, 2024, 3:49 p.m. No.21579435   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9464


President Trump: As the people of Arizona understand better than anyone else, under Kamala Harris, our country is under a thing called invasion…just like a military; it's like a military invasion. We are being conquered, and we are being occupied by a foreign element.

djt: they are flying them in, in beautiful planes and the cartels have a app for their people, we have 50 border states.

President Trump: As discussed in the debate, not only is Comrade Kamala allowing illegal aliens to stampede across our border, but she is flying them here from other countries…they fly them in by the tens of thousands….they have a special app. They have an app, where the cartels are allowed to use the app to get their people in. You believe this? It's an app for cartels…over the past three and a half years, the Harris/Biden administration has resettled a half a million illegal immigrants from the failed state of Haiti…into American communities, including over two hundred thousand who Kamala has illegally flown into the United States by airplane.

President Trump: In addition to Aurora, Colorado, there's a place called Springfield, Ohio, that you've been reading about. Twenty thousand illegal Haitian immigrants have descended upon the town of fifty-eight thousand people, destroying their way of life…enrollments on the state's Medicaid and food assistance programs have soared, motor vehicle accidents have skyrocketed, and recording of 911 calls are even show residents are reporting that the migrants are waling off with the town's geese. They're taking their geese…and even walking off with their pets.

President Trump: A small, four thousand person town, Charleroi, Pennsylvania…has experienced a two thousand percent increase in the population of Haitian migrants under Kamala Harris…this is a small town; all of a sudden they got thousand of people. The schools are scrambling to hire translators for the influx of students who don't speak, not a word of English, costing local taxpayers hundreds of thousand of dollars, and the town is virtually bankrupt. This flood of illegal aliens is also bringing massive crime to the town, and every place near it…there has never been an invasion like this in any country.

President Trump: Kamala, a committed marxist; you know, her father is a marxist professor, will be far worse than Crooked Joe Biden; she's gonna be worse, because he really doesn't believe it. She does. She does believe it

Trump will decrease 30% to 50% of building a new home, by cutting regulation.

President Trump: Another terrible effect of the Harri migrant invasion; she's the one that wanted it more than Biden. Biden didn't know what the hell was happening. He said, 'Oh. that sounds like a nice idea'…is that it is driving housing costs through the roof…fewer than five million houses were built in the last three years, yet Kamala Harris has imported twenty-one million illegal aliens who are now disproportionally occupying lower income rental properties…when I return to the White House, we will require that all companies receiving federal housing subsidies; to verify citizenship. We're going to verify citizenship. We're going to make sure it's a legal residency. And as a condition of their rental agreement, they're going to have to do all of it. Taxpayers will not subsidize apartment rentals for illegal aliens, and we will not permit illegals to drive up the cost for Americans in need. In addition, I will ban all mortgages for illegal aliens. You can't have it.

President Trump: Under Comrade Kamala Harris, your electricity bills here in Arizona rose an estimated one hundred percent. It's the largest increase anywhere in the country.

DJT: i will protect the suburbs single family housing, the democrats want to change the zoning to build low income apartment houses next to your house

DJT: no taxes on social security benefits for our seniors, that's a big deal

President Trump: I will save American suburbs by protecting single-family zoning. The radical-left wants to abolish the suburbs by forcing apartment complex and low-income housing into the suburbs…I will end this marxist crusade

TRUMP-No taxes on Social Security. And I have a new one coming up. You are the first to hear it.No taxes on OVERTIME.

President Trump: Today, I'm also announcing that as part of our additional tax cuts, we will end all taxes on overtime. That' gives people more of an incentive to work. It gives the companies; it's a lot easier to get the people….the people who work overtime are among the hardest-working citizens in our country, and for too long, no one in Washington has been looking out for them…it's time for the working man and woman to catch a break.

djt: and we will make arizona great again.

music plays young man, ymca djt does his dance

Q+ finished speech @ 6:31 pm EDT