Anonymous ID: a19caa Sept. 12, 2024, 3:28 p.m. No.21579276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9305 >>9578

President Biden is removed before end September. Senate passes S.A.V.E act and it goes to Kamala. She refuses to sign it, so the house doesn't pass the government spending bill. Government goes into shut down for 10 days at the beginning of October. North Korea's little rocket man begins firing missiles which scares the normies. (10 Days DarNKess). Kamala not signing the S.A.V.E act will put her front in center and will show people she doesn't want voter ID required to vote, because she won't win the election without the interference. The backlash becomes to much and she is forced to sign it, resulting in Trump winning in a landslide.


Since Biden is removed before end of September, Hunter Biden sentencing date happens sometimes in October and he goes to jail for all his felonies (Hunters Become The Hunted).


Deep states last attempt to interfere in the election will be on Nov 5th or 6th with massive cyber attacks. Which leads to Trump's tweet "My fellow Americans… The storm is upon us".

