Anonymous ID: 43876d Sept. 12, 2024, 5:42 p.m. No.21580309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0316 >>0364 >>0444 >>0514

BIDENBUCKS: The Biden-Harris regime used the 2022 election as a trial run to use federal tax dollars to replicate and expand Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan's so-called 'Zuckbucks' effort using HUD in 2020. This year they have expanded the effort to EVERY federal agency and they're refusing to allow ANY oversight from Congress.


Without any fanfare or mainstream media reporting HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge rolled out a Chan Zuckerberg Initiative-Style election effort in the 3,000+ Public Housing Agencies she managed. Secretary Fudge was given more than a billion dollars and orders to build a nationwide election infrastructure on top of the nation’s 3,000+ Public Housing Agencies. As a result, she was able to multiply the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative’s 2020 election successes by more than ten times - expanding it from five states to all fifty.


When Democrats learned that Mark Zuckerberg had decided to discontinue his effort to build election infrastructure they looked to the government to fill the void. The billionaire invested more than $400 million in the 2020 presidential election to help election officials in five swing states set up parallel election infrastructure consisting of thousands of ballot drop boxes, voter registration efforts targeted at Democrat communities, and the personnel to manage and maintain them. To fill that gap the Biden-Harris regime signed the Executive Order 14019 on Promoting Access to Voting on March 7, 2021. Six months later Biden allocated more than $5 billion for the effort including more than a billion dollars for the Department of Housing and Urban Development and outlined specific actions to be taken by the agency.


Secretary Fudge stepped down in March but her initiative was expanded to include ALL 15 cabinet secretaries - each of whom were directed to implement Executive Order 14019. Flush with more than $4 billion in taxpayer funds these political appointees have been able to use the infrastructure, personel, and power of their federal agencies to duplicate HUD's efforts to mobilize voters in Democrat communities - under the guise of mobilizing 'historically disenfranchised groups'.


The Chairman of the House Administration Committee @RepBryanSteil

correctly pointed out that this effort violates the Constitution's 'times, places, and manner of elections' clause. As a result Steil issued subpoenas to 15 cabinet secretaries on June 13, 2024, demanding they provide documents related to their strategic plans for implementing the executive order. These plans were originally supposed to be submitted to the White House under the guidance of then-Domestic Policy Advisor Susan Rice. Despite Steil's repeated requests, the agencies have only provided publicly available information effectively stonewalling the committee. The plan seems to be to run out the clock before the November election.


Democrats have repeatedly attempted to pass legislation that would nationalize federal elections. Their most recent effort was called “Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act” (H.R.5746) and would have turned over elections to unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats from the Civil Rights Division of the DOJ which is headed by Kristen Clarke who has written extensively on race claiming that Blacks have “greater mental, physical, and spiritual abilities” than other races. Republicans blocked the legislation but Biden’s EO has opened the backdoor allowing for the creation of a de facto National Election Infrastructure.

Anonymous ID: 43876d Sept. 12, 2024, 5:43 p.m. No.21580316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0364 >>0498 >>0514


HUD, flush with almost a billion dollars in startup capital on top of the $48 billion the agency already receives, features a majority-minority workforce almost completely made up of registered Democrats. These dedicated Democrats provide services to a majority-minority population who live in 958,000 public housing units and typically identify as Democrats but are traditionally unreliable voters. By using HUD’s massive footprint and infrastructure Democrats are guaranteed to bring these unreliable voters into the fold and provide a federal election beachhead into every state in the union. Observers have pointed out that having a federal employee actively running a de facto partisan election agency would violate the Hatch Act. In fact, the Office of Special Counsel investigated Fudge before she left office and determined she had, indeed, violated the Hatch Act issuing her a stern warning.


On its face, the president’s EO sounds innocent enough. But in practice, it provides Democrats with a blank check to create a permanent national election infrastructure. DNC operatives and NGOs aligned with the Democratic Party are ‘helping’ Public Housing Authorities read between the lines to understand the actual intent of the president’s EO - to create a massive election machine designed to increase the Democratic representation in federal elections. To that end, HUD has notified PHAs that they are to use Section 8 administration fees and public housing operating subsidies to fund the following mandates:

  • HUD is requiring each of the nation’s 3,000+ Public Housing Agencies (PHA) to apply to each state to become official ‘Voter Registration Agencies’ including the hiring of staff to manage election-related efforts. Designation is designed to protect their electioneering efforts from scrutiny.


  • Where PHAs cannot submit voter registrations electronically they are required to stock voter registration forms along with procedures for conducting regular voter registration drives. PHAs are instructed to collect completed applications and transmit them to election officials on a regular basis as permitted by law.


  • PHAs are to create ‘safe community spaces’ with adequate technology to support candidate forums, phone banking, ballot distribution/collection, and in-person early and election day voting (power outlets, HVAC, internet, etc).


  • HUD is collaborating with local election officials to locate one or more HUD approved/ provided/ funded/ serviced voter ballot drop boxes in each public housing unit operated by a PHA. The collaboration will ensure compliance with local laws and allow for legal challenges as necessary.


  • HUD is collaborating with local election officials to ensure that at least one or more in-person voting site is located in facilities managed and controlled by each PHA to facilitate both early and election-day voting.

HUD has instructed PHAs to fund ‘Resident Advisory Boards’ to assist with electioneering efforts. For example, RABs may use federal funds to provide transportation to ANY voter enabling them to vote at a PHA voting location or any other voting location in the area.


  • HUD is providing PHAs with funds to hire homeless outreach staff to ensure that every homeless person is registered to vote. U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness has provided guidance to PHAs that they can use the PHA’s address for the homeless person regardless of rules, regulations, or laws stating otherwise. It is expected that PHAs will handle 10X as many ballots for the homeless than they do for residents.


Publicly, HUD has stated:


“PHAs must not fund partisan political facilities or activities. Additionally, PHAs should not suggest that benefits are tied to voting activity, nor should they give the appearance that voting and voter registration are not voluntary activities. Additionally, PHAs should follow all applicable civil rights laws, including those that ensure voting processes are accessible for individuals with disabilities.”


Of course, this is what is going on at just ONE of the fifteen agencies ordered by the Biden-Harris regime to use their vast resources to implement similar efforts. We have no idea what the other agencies have done - we likely won't know until it is too late. But if what happened in 2022 with JUST the efforts of HUD - I can't imagine what the Democrats could do with all 15 federal agencies working in unison to elect Democrats.


To me it appears that only one Republican - Rep Bryan Steil is even working on this issue and he's being stonewalled by the entire administration. There are a number of independent journalists working on the story like @KimWexlerMAJD

but it is such a massive story/scandal it is overwhelming.


Part 2

Anonymous ID: 43876d Sept. 12, 2024, 6:13 p.m. No.21580468   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0481


She bothers Lindsey Graham; She must be better than I thought?


Loomer song.


My Bloody Valentine






Tiptoe down

To the holy places

Where you going now

Don't turn around


Little girls

In their party dresses

Didn't like

Anything there

Pretty boys

With their sunshine faces

Carrying their

Heads down


Tiptoe down

To the lonely places

Where you going now

Don't turn around


Seems very satanic.

remember that pic of Loomer next to the bloody bath tub?

Anonymous ID: 43876d Sept. 12, 2024, 6:15 p.m. No.21580481   🗄️.is 🔗kun


rereadin the lyrics, it's not so bad


"Tiptoe down to the holy places

Where you are going now.

Don't turn around"

The "music" though to me sounds really nasty.