they are sick people who like to freak others out.
they feed off the fear.
It's a psychological thing: they get a perverse glee from freaking out others.
they are sick people who like to freak others out.
they feed off the fear.
It's a psychological thing: they get a perverse glee from freaking out others.
we have laws against killing domestic birds.
It's illegal to hunt them out of season.
it's illegal to take their feathers.
it's illegal to use them for creepy rituals.
why should hatians be exempt from this?
oh, ya, because protected classes of profit center 'poor people' can do anything they want and get funded to excess so that the monies are laundered into the pockets of connected marxists.
the guy who shot the gun was arrested!
even though the other person had bum-rushed and tackled someone else.
so far no news if the guy who bum-rushed the pro-Israeli demonstrator will be charged too, for assault.
but that one is in the hospital with life threatening injuries!
but is he bigger than the Grateful Dead?
what a meaningless comparison.
they are both with their own over whelming fame.
according to news report which is linked
the Newton Police want to see this video!
anyone want to call them or email them and give them a link?
I'm not going to do it.
it's not about money, it's about influence.
try for centuries, for millennium.
bum-rushing and tackling! and then shot by the guy he tackled who is now under arrest!
the grateful dead didn't go around telling everyone what to do and not do and saying thngs like 'how dare we say Merry Christmas'
she's a buzz kill.
they were open minded, loving, and live-and-let live people.
"Man sets himself on fire in downtown Boston, police say "
no reason given for this but it did say it happened 'near' a consulate of one of the nations at war in the Middle East.
what is the point of the midnight shills?
who do they think is reading and not filtering?
your story seems inauthentic.
why would a princess want to target you?
I think you weren't warned of anything but just crafted a post to accuse as many groups as you could of ridiculous BS.
sauce on 'you were warned'.
PS If you knew she was part of an organized crime family why did you work for her?
you do understand that the person who posts the Cat pictures which are Mr. Pig memes isn't a feline, right? It's a human person.
I know how the cabal works, anon.
PS: no the cabal was not 'Jews and Italians' for ages.
you really know little to nothing about it, so it seems to me.
you know, I shouldn't say I know how it works. I should say "I know it doesn't work the way you said it."
someone seems to think that you're a real cat who is able to produce and post memes . . .
this is a NO-DOX board, anon.
if you really had that you'd not brag about it.
you make conclusions that you can't back up.