Anonymous ID: c42dc8 Sept. 12, 2024, 7:21 p.m. No.21580885   🗄️.is đź”—kun



General Research #25634 >>20900517


In case you didn't know, this is a real national company. A big crowd does not necessarily mean popular support.




Protests, Rallies and Advocacy


Organize rallies and get media attention for your causes and candidates


Whether your organization is lobbying to move forward a healthcare, financial, energy or other social initiative, we can organize rallies and get media attention for your causes and candidates. We also assist individuals, companies and political organizations with protests and picketing campaigns. We’ve protested governments, corporations and everything in between.


We’ve achieved results on campaigns on everything from ending institutional discrimination in a religious organization to getting refunds and compensation for hundreds of homeowners who bought hazardous land from a real estate firm to forcing a patent trolling company to back down. We have gotten tough energy projects approved from oil to natural gas to wind and solar. We are frequently called upon to address Real Estate issues that, while (in many cases) not heavily covered by the media, are relevant to stakeholders and depend heavily on public opinion. Some of these campaigns are long and drawn out while others can be resolved quickly. Regardless, we endeavor to deliver campaigns that bring out the best qualities of our clients’ messages and to achieve tangible results.


If you need to hire protesters, we can get a crowd on the street, sometimes within 24 hours time. If you need speakers to present at a council meeting, we can provide talented and well-spoken individuals to advocate for the cause. We also have a dedicated team of phone-banking staff who can call Congressional Offices and convince government officials to support your cause and help you overcome opposition. If you need lots of letters and emails written from constituents, we have a network of tens of thousands of individuals across the country who can send well-written constituent letters to their representatives.


We provide a cost-effective way to lobby government to pass or defeat legislation, push for approval of projects, and influence government in a grassroots manner. We are the ultimate guerilla lobbying and government relations firm.

Anonymous ID: c42dc8 Sept. 12, 2024, 9:21 p.m. No.21581551   🗄️.is đź”—kun



Sing It!


His sex-change operation got botched

His guardian angel fell asleep on the watch

Now all he got is a Barbie Doll-crotch

He's got an angry inch


Six inches forward and five inches back

He's got a

He's got an angry inch

Six inches forward and five inches back

He got a

He got an angry inch

Anonymous ID: c42dc8 Sept. 12, 2024, 10:26 p.m. No.21581837   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Here, take a vacay to South Africa and see if any of the meds washing ashore can help you


South Africa Investigates Pharmaceutical Bottles Washing Ashore Amid Uptick in Cargo Losses

Mike Schuler September 12, 2024


The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) is actively investigating the source of pharmaceutical bottles washing up along the country’s eastern coastline. The incident comes amid a surge in container losses from cargo vessels traversing the Indian Ocean around the Cape of Good Hope.


“We are aware of pharmaceutical bottles containing pills that have been washing ashore in the Port Alfred, Kenton, Cannon Rocks, and Boknes areas since Monday, September 9, 2024,” said a SAMSA spokesperson. The authority is working with an Incident Management Systems (IMS) committee, including various government departments, to identify, analyze, and safely dispose of the products.


The influx of medicinal products coincides with reports of several cargo vessels collectively losing nearly 200 containers in the past eight weeks amid a series winter storms. SAMSA confirmed that vessels involved include the MV Benjamin Franklin, MV CMA CGM Belem, MV Maersk Stepnica, MV Rio Grande Express, and MSC Antonia.


“These incidents highlight the risks posed by severe weather conditions and the challenges of responding to coastal shipping emergencies,” SAMSA explained. The authority is actively monitoring the coastline and collaborating with local authorities to track any further containers or goods that might wash ashore.


The incidents coincide with an increase in vessel traffic around the Cape of Good Hope, attributed to Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. SAMSA assured that vessel owners are cooperating fully and have committed to undertaking clean-up operations if necessary.


As investigations continue, coastal residents are advised to report any unusual findings to local authorities and refrain from handling unidentified substances.