Anonymous ID: 17a461 Sept. 13, 2024, 2:57 a.m. No.21582234   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My local FOX affiliate has used VERIFY to say this Spingfield /Cat/ Bird eating voodoo story is completely false.

In the same broadcast they also showed a street interview with AOC saying that illegals voting is 100% made up by Trump supporters. I made the mistake of watching "the news" for 2 minutes..

Anonymous ID: 17a461 Sept. 13, 2024, 4:33 a.m. No.21582412   🗄️.is 🔗kun

OH Gov. DeWine covering up Haiti child trafficking ring

September 14, 2020

European Adoption Consultants (EAC) of Strongsville, Ohio (Cleveland-Akron).

Caught trafficking children.

Selling and kidnapping them.

Paying bribes.

In 12 countries.

Including Haiti.

According to Ted Coley of the State Department.


Coley certifies international adoption agencies for the U.S.


And cancels them.

On Dec. 16th, Coley cancelled the international adoption license.

For European Adoption Consultants (EAC) formerly of Strongsville, Ohio (Cleveland).

Citing 18 violations…

Coley said it was the first time his agency closed down “an international adoption agency for any length of time.”

Upheld in federal court on May 28th.

Operating since 1991.

No one noticed until Dec. 16th, 2016.

No convictions.

Or jailed for it.


Four former European Adoption Consultants’ employees, including its Director, have been charged with paying bribes and falsifying documents.

One, Miss Robin Longoria, has pleaded guilty to conspiracy.

Her sentencing has been delayed five times since August last year.

Longoria is to be sentenced on Oct. 14th in Cleveland Federal Court.

Details of the court case are in this story:

Anonymous ID: 17a461 Sept. 13, 2024, 4:47 a.m. No.21582443   🗄️.is 🔗kun





Since the start of the Covid-19 crisis, Governor Mike DeWine has chosen to align himself & the state of Ohio with some unsavory individuals and organizations.


First, it was Partners In Health, an organization co-founded by Paul Farmer that lists George Soros’ Open Society Foundation as an official partner, along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


Farmer & the PIH openly espouses a Marxist, globalist world view.


PIH counts Chelsea Clinton on its board of trustees.


DeWine handed contact tracing of Ohioans over to PIH on a silver tray, with no input from the legislature, thereby avoiding any potential opposition.


More Recently, DeWine chose to partner with the Rockefeller Foundation, a group well known for promoting eugenics & population control.


On Aug 4, The Rockefeller Foundation released a statement announcing that Gov. DeWine & 5 other governors established a partnership with the foundation to source 3 Million Covid-19 antigen tests.


The same test that 2 days later produced DeWine’s false positive.


“The Rockefeller Foundation stands ready to assist in facilitating financing mechanisms to support this large-scale interstate testing compact,” said The Rockefeller Foundation release.


Incidentally, The World Health Organization cautioned against using antigen tests in April, due to a low accuracy rate of just 34% to 80%, according to WHO.


The Rockefeller Foundation also has close ties with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


DeWine has extensive ties to Haiti & reportedly took Dr. Amy Acton for a visit there before she became ODH Director in February 2019. Many of DeWine’s chosen bedfellows are also active in Haiti. ( Hillary Clinton & The Clinton Foundation )


Clearly, DeWine has forgotten that it is Ohioans’ hard-earned money funding his paycheck, & that he is not in office to pursue his own interests & agenda.

Anonymous ID: 17a461 Sept. 13, 2024, 5:33 a.m. No.21582561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pet owners in Springfield on edge after multiple family cats disappear, including 2 later found dead in dumpster