Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 12, 2024, 10:02 p.m. No.21581745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1754


I've been working on the Katanga Mustangs

I think they were from the 30 sent to New Zealand in 1945, not assembled until 1950, hardly flown due to the post-war gas shortage and sold off as scrap circa 1955

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 12, 2024, 10:18 p.m. No.21581800   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Sweet! I totally boomarked that

Have this in trade:


Mercenary warfare


In February 1961, attempting to bolster his position in Katanga, Moise Tshombe began importing more and more foreign mercenaries from neighboring states to assist his Gendarmes. The "Mercenary Problem", as the international community termed it, was a major concern of the ONUC. The Katangese Army was already staffed by Belgian officers, and white volunteers of Belgian extraction constituted about one hundred and seventeen men under Tshombe's direction. Although from January to February 1961, gestures were made to remove these 'illegal combatants' from the Congo, their places were quickly taken by a sizable force of close to five hundred British, Rhodesian, French, and South African irregulars. Many of them were given command assignments in the Gendarmes, while others formed a pro-Tshombe unit known as the "International Company", composed chiefly of white South African fighters.[3]


Especially notable among the French mercenaries were professional career soldiers who had fought in the Algerian War. Several in particular were the heads of a paracommando training program in Katanga. On March 30, one of the first public reports mentioning large contingents of foreign soldiers claimed that the mercenaries in Katanga included "Belgians, Italians, and 100 South Africans".[3] Serious fighting soon broke out as President Tshombe began to incite both Katangese civilians and white mercenaries to attack UN forces after the ONUC dispatched elements of the nearly 5,000 man-strong 99th Indian Infantry Brigade into the capital. On April 5, 1961, the Secretary-General criticised Belgian mercenaries for their service in Katanga and condemned Tshombe for turning the Katangese public against the United Nations Force. Hostilities broke out again just three days later, when Belgian and South African Gendarmes assaulted Kabalo, a Baluba town in northern Katanga, and engaged the Ethiopian peacekeepers stationed there. In the battle that followed, at least thirty mercenaries were disarmed and captured. It was not until April 30 that the State of Katanga agreed to cease hostilities against the ONUC.



Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 12, 2024, 10:28 p.m. No.21581846   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2223 >>2314 >>2315 >>2349 >>2373 >>2480

I interrupt the cat memes to bring you…whatever this is


South Africa Investigates Pharmaceutical Bottles Washing Ashore Amid Uptick in Cargo Losses

Mike Schuler September 12, 2024


The South African Maritime Safety Authority (SAMSA) is actively investigating the source of pharmaceutical bottles washing up along the country’s eastern coastline. The incident comes amid a surge in container losses from cargo vessels traversing the Indian Ocean around the Cape of Good Hope.


“We are aware of pharmaceutical bottles containing pills that have been washing ashore in the Port Alfred, Kenton, Cannon Rocks, and Boknes areas since Monday, September 9, 2024,” said a SAMSA spokesperson. The authority is working with an Incident Management Systems (IMS) committee, including various government departments, to identify, analyze, and safely dispose of the products.


The influx of medicinal products coincides with reports of several cargo vessels collectively losing nearly 200 containers in the past eight weeks amid a series winter storms. SAMSA confirmed that vessels involved include the MV Benjamin Franklin, MV CMA CGM Belem, MV Maersk Stepnica, MV Rio Grande Express, and MSC Antonia.


“These incidents highlight the risks posed by severe weather conditions and the challenges of responding to coastal shipping emergencies,” SAMSA explained. The authority is actively monitoring the coastline and collaborating with local authorities to track any further containers or goods that might wash ashore.


The incidents coincide with an increase in vessel traffic around the Cape of Good Hope, attributed to Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. SAMSA assured that vessel owners are cooperating fully and have committed to undertaking clean-up operations if necessary.


As investigations continue, coastal residents are advised to report any unusual findings to local authorities and refrain from handling unidentified substances.

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 13, 2024, 12:45 a.m. No.21582080   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Course I'm sure there's graphene oxide in almost all processed food stuffs by now which would render any of that useless.


I guess I'll be adding to my speaker magnet collection

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 13, 2024, 12:58 a.m. No.21582104   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China admits responsibility for last year’s European pipeline destruction

Bojan Lepic August 13, 2024


Chinese authorities have stated that Newnew Shipping’s container ship Newnew Polar Bear was responsible, albeit by accident, for damaging the Balticconnector subsea gas pipeline between Estonia and Finland last year.


According to a report by the South China Morning Post, Chinese authorities have conducted an internal investigation and forwarded the results to the two European countries. In it, they claimed that the accident was caused by a strong storm.


A joint criminal investigation into the 1,638 teu Newnew Polar Bear is still being conducted by authorities of both Finland and Estonia.


The Chinese media outlet stated that the report was currently going through several ministries, but that type of report can’t be used as evidence in the investigation by the two countries. Finland and Estonia have requested information on the ship from China but Beijing has stayed silent on the matter apart from the report.


The Balticconnector gas pipeline was damaged in early October last year in the Finnish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Later that month, the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation stated that the damage was caused by an external mechanical force and that they had found a heavy object near the damaged pipeline.


It turned out that the mentioned heavy object was an anchor from the Hong Kong-registered vessel and the Finnish authorities found that the same type of paint was identified on the anchor as on the Balticconnector and that it was most probably from the Newnew Polar Bear.

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 13, 2024, 1:44 a.m. No.21582151   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2162


Now that there is a dilemma, isn't it?

Used to call him VD for Vatican Dude, but since he spread ocular herpes the VD label hung around until one night "vatican't" popped up

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 13, 2024, 2:47 a.m. No.21582221   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Why is it you post that here and not on a dedicated Christian board? Here's a screencap of the 8kun Index that shows the first one, I recall seeing at least one other before

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 13, 2024, 2:49 a.m. No.21582223   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2248 >>2313

Notes passing 400


#26436 >>21581657

>>21581765, >>21581768 Archive: President Trump in Tucson, AZ - 12th September, 2024

>>21581780, >>21581826, >>21581858 'We strike at midnight': Boeing machinists vote to reject contract offer

>>21581846 South Africa Investigates Pharmaceutical Bottles Washing Ashore Amid Uptick in Cargo Losses

>>21581868, >>21581874, >>21581881 Adverse side effects of pfizer covid death jabs (Parts 1-3)

>>21581893 US Releases $1.3 Billion in Military Aid to Egypt

>>21582053 Arrival of AC-130J Ghostrider Gunship Marks a New Chapter for Kirtland Air Force Base

>>21582083 Developer of Oxford's new Covid "vaccine" admits it was designed to sterilize 60-70% of Recipients

>>21582203 Karli Bonne: Man arrested for allegedly killing at least 80 animals in a three hour Period

>>21582217 Kyle Kohler, a former State Representative from Springfield and the Clark County area, shared shocking information about their migration crisis

>>21582222 Shocking new bodycam footage shows moment woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat in Ohio

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 13, 2024, 3:23 a.m. No.21582280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2289


Supply and Demand?


Canada #60 >>21150138

Nigeria recalling gold reserves from U.S., U.K. as world increasingly abandons corrupt Western finance pyramid scheme

Saturday July 6, 2024


The global financial system appears to be in peril, which is prompting more and more countries to recall their gold reserves from countries like the United States and the United Kingdom.


The latest nation to claw back its gold from the West is Nigeria, which is reportedly repatriating 21 tons of gold amid ongoing economic concerns like runaway inflation and escalating geopolitical tensions.


In order to minimize the risk of major losses, Nigeria has decided that its gold is best stored domestically rather than in volatile places like the U.S. and the U.K. that appear to be getting dethroned by an emerging new world order.


"Economic indicators such as rising inflation, escalating debt levels, and geopolitical tensions have raised apprehensions among Nigerian policymakers about the stability of the U.S. financial system," reported The Star, quoting Nigerian officials.


This "strategic decision," to quote economist Fatima Abubakar, is one of many "proactive measures" that Nigeria is taking "to safeguard its wealth and strengthen its financial resilience."


"By bringing its gold reserves back within its borders, Nigeria not only asserts greater control over its financial assets but also demonstrates prudence in managing economic risks amidst global uncertainties," Nigerian officials further revealed. )


Nobody trusts the West anymore

India is another country that recently decided to bring its gold home as well. Reports indicate that the world's most populous nation recalled 100 tons of its gold from vaults in the United Kingdom.


Increasingly, non-Western countries are questioning the legitimacy of the Western stranglehold over money in general. They are also figuring out the West's gold and dollar reserves scam, which is used as a foreign policy tool to control the world.


A 2023 survey conducted by the World Gold Council (WGC) found that a "substantial share" of central banks is anxious about what comes next for the world after the U.S. and other Western nations froze about half of Russia's $650 billion gold and FX holdings following the invasion of Ukraine.


About 68 percent of banks polled told the WGC that they intend to keep their gold holdings within their respective countries' borders moving forward. Back in 2020 before the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic," only about 45 percent of central banks wanted to hold their gold reserves domestically.


"'If it's my gold, then I want it in my country,' has been the mantra we have seen in the last year or so," said Rod Ringrow, Invesco's head of formal institutions.


Currently and for a while now, the Federal Reserve private central banking cartel here in the U.S. has refused to divulge any information about the amount of gold held in its vaults. When asked back in March about it, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell "skirted questioning," to quote Great Game India.


Federal officials here in the U.S. are also refusing to comply with a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records on gold holdings, which some believe suggests there is no gold at all in the vaults.


Headline USA reportedly filed the FOIA request, which also called for information about the amount of gold holdings before Russia launched its special military operation in Ukraine. The Fed declined the request.


Back in 2019, long before COVID and the Russia-Ukraine war, Poland repatriated 100 tons of gold, as did Hungary and Romania. In the summer of 2017, Germany brought back about half of its gold reserves. Two years before that, Australia took steps to bring back half of its gold reserves as well.

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 13, 2024, 3:37 a.m. No.21582301   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm clueless about such market tricks but I think if there's gold in the bank no loans are needed for "climate change"


Canada #58 >>20902152

US profits from climate change loans to poor countries – media

A program billed as fighting global warming has reportedly funneled back billions of dollars to wealthy nations

22 May, 2024


A program that ostensibly helps developing nations deal with the effects of climate change has reportedly generated windfall profits for Japan, the US, and other wealthy countries, Reuters reported on Wednesday.


The gains stem from a pledge to provide $100 billion a year to help poor nations cope with climate change and undertake projects to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, according to the report, which cites an analysis of UN and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) data. Benefactor countries have channeled money from the program back into their own economies, reaping billions of dollars in profits, it says.


Japan, the US, France, Germany, and other wealthy nations have made the initiative a money-making opportunity by extending loans at market rates – rather than giving grants or low-interest financing – or insisting that the recipients hire their companies to carry out the projects. Reuters said it identified nearly $22 billion in loans and grants that came with such strings attached.


“Offering climate loans at market rates or conditioning funding on hiring certain companies means that money meant for developing countries gets sent back to wealthy ones,” Reuters said. Liane Schalatek, associate director with Germany’s Heinrich-Boll Foundation policy think tank, called the tactics “deeply reprehensible.” She added, “Climate finance provision should not be a business opportunity.”


The funding pledges were first made in 2009, supposedly to help poor countries that were disproportionately harmed by climate change. Roughly $353 billion was paid from 2015 through 2020. Reuters said more than half of that money came in the form of loans, which indebted poorer nations used “to solve problems largely caused by the developed world.”


Andres Mogro, Ecuador’s former director of climate initiatives, said the program heaped a new wave of debt on the global south. “It’s like setting a building on fire and then selling the fire extinguishers outside.”


Ritu Bharadwaj, a researcher at the UK-based International Institute for Environment and Development, told Reuters that the benefits reaped by developed nations have overshadowed the program’s primary objective of supporting climate action in poorer countries. “This is a classic example where a bad loan, which has been given to a country in the garb of climate finance, will create further financial stress.”

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 13, 2024, 3:50 a.m. No.21582314   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2315



Greetings Morning Baker!


==Notes passing 488=


#26436 >>21581657

>>21581765, >>21581768 Archive: President Trump in Tucson, AZ - 12th September, 2024

>>21581780, >>21581826, >>21581858 'We strike at midnight': Boeing machinists vote to reject contract offer

>>21581846 South Africa Investigates Pharmaceutical Bottles Washing Ashore Amid Uptick in Cargo Losses

>>21581868, >>21581874, >>21581881 Adverse side effects of pfizer covid death jabs (Parts 1-3)

>>21581893 US Releases $1.3 Billion in Military Aid to Egypt

>>21582053 Arrival of AC-130J Ghostrider Gunship Marks a New Chapter for Kirtland Air Force Base

>>21582083 Developer of Oxford's new Covid "vaccine" admits it was designed to sterilize 60-70% of Recipients

>>21582203 Karli Bonne: Man arrested for allegedly killing at least 80 animals in a three hour Period

>>21582217 Kyle Kohler, a former State Representative from Springfield and the Clark County area, shared shocking information about their migration crisis

>>21582222 Shocking new bodycam footage shows moment woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat in Ohio

>>21582228 Chicago City Council Meeting, Resident Has Confirmation There Is Absolutely No Vetting Process For Illegal Migrants

>>21582232 Jack Posobiec: A homeless mother with a baby cant get public assistance bc Haitians get priority

>>21582233 OMG they're chanting "we're not eating cats" at the Tim Walz rally. Trump broke their brains

>>21582236 Influx of wild-driving Haitian migrants turning streets of Springfield, Ohio into combat zone: ‘Eight to 10 accidents a day here’

>>21582238 DNCF reporter said Thursday that viral cat memes involving former President Donald Trump were forcing the media to cover the border crisis and Vice President Kamala Harris’ role in it

>>21582241 Springfield residents turn on John Legend after Ohio town's most famous son urges them to embrace 15K Haitian migrants… From the comfort of his Beverly Hills mansion

>>21582247 End Wokeness: Mayor Johnson's aide Kennedy Bartley: "F*cking pigs need to be abolished" Abolishing the police in Chicago. What could go wrong?

>>21582251 Congressman Jim Banks, R-Ind. slammed the Department of Defense over a military training session that labelled pro-life organizations as terrorists

>>21582252 VP Harris' national co-chair, @StevenHorsford was rebuked by the police for misleading campaign ads that falsely implied their support

>>21582265, >>21582266 ABC Debate C0-<oderator makes eye-pening admission on Why they fact-checked Trump

>>21582268 ABC Failed to Disclose Debate Conflict of Kamala Harris and Linsey Davis Being AKA Sorority Sisters

>>21582273 NY Times/Siena Poll: Majority of Likely Voters Blame Kamala Harris for Record Illegal Immigration at Southern Border

>>21582274 Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman from Pittsburgh's field office. She FAILED a key exam, but disgraced former director Kim Cheatle promoted her anyway. Now Homeland Security is telling the Secret Service to cover the whole thing up

>>21582281 Jesse Kelly slams Garland for sending FBI to School Board Meetings

>>21582292Call to DigSmalltownKYGAL: I found it odd that Ohio Gov Dewine has ties to Haiti with schools there for over 25 years and now all of a sudden Ohio is being inundated with Haitians.

>>21582302 James Watkins: Someone needs to tell the new arrivals about the Pound. It's like an all you can eat Haitian buffet

>>21582310 James O'Keefe: EXCLUSIVE: Sean Payton Allegedly Tied to Opioid Scandal in Part 2 of OMG NFL Series; NFL Used "Bountygate" as Cover-Up

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 13, 2024, 3:53 a.m. No.21582315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2323 >>2328

>>21582314 (me)

Let me see if this way works, hate that green line


Notes passing 488


#26436 >>21581657

>>21581765, >>21581768 Archive: President Trump in Tucson, AZ - 12th September, 2024

>>21581780, >>21581826, >>21581858 'We strike at midnight': Boeing machinists vote to reject contract offer

>>21581846 South Africa Investigates Pharmaceutical Bottles Washing Ashore Amid Uptick in Cargo Losses

>>21581868, >>21581874, >>21581881 Adverse side effects of pfizer covid death jabs (Parts 1-3)

>>21581893 US Releases $1.3 Billion in Military Aid to Egypt

>>21582053 Arrival of AC-130J Ghostrider Gunship Marks a New Chapter for Kirtland Air Force Base

>>21582083 Developer of Oxford's new Covid "vaccine" admits it was designed to sterilize 60-70% of Recipients

>>21582203 Karli Bonne: Man arrested for allegedly killing at least 80 animals in a three hour Period

>>21582217 Kyle Kohler, a former State Representative from Springfield and the Clark County area, shared shocking information about their migration crisis

>>21582222 Shocking new bodycam footage shows moment woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat in Ohio

>>21582228 Chicago City Council Meeting, Resident Has Confirmation There Is Absolutely No Vetting Process For Illegal Migrants

>>21582232 Jack Posobiec: A homeless mother with a baby cant get public assistance bc Haitians get priority

>>21582233 OMG they're chanting "we're not eating cats" at the Tim Walz rally. Trump broke their brains

>>21582236 Influx of wild-driving Haitian migrants turning streets of Springfield, Ohio into combat zone: ‘Eight to 10 accidents a day here’

>>21582238 DNCF reporter said Thursday that viral cat memes involving former President Donald Trump were forcing the media to cover the border crisis and Vice President Kamala Harris’ role in it

>>21582241 Springfield residents turn on John Legend after Ohio town's most famous son urges them to embrace 15K Haitian migrants… From the comfort of his Beverly Hills mansion

>>21582247 End Wokeness: Mayor Johnson's aide Kennedy Bartley: "F*cking pigs need to be abolished" Abolishing the police in Chicago. What could go wrong?

>>21582251 Congressman Jim Banks, R-Ind. slammed the Department of Defense over a military training session that labelled pro-life organizations as terrorists

>>21582252 VP Harris' national co-chair, @StevenHorsford was rebuked by the police for misleading campaign ads that falsely implied their support

>>21582265, >>21582266 ABC Debate C0-<oderator makes eye-pening admission on Why they fact-checked Trump

>>21582268 ABC Failed to Disclose Debate Conflict of Kamala Harris and Linsey Davis Being AKA Sorority Sisters

>>21582273 NY Times/Siena Poll: Majority of Likely Voters Blame Kamala Harris for Record Illegal Immigration at Southern Border

>>21582274 Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman from Pittsburgh's field office. She FAILED a key exam, but disgraced former director Kim Cheatle promoted her anyway. Now Homeland Security is telling the Secret Service to cover the whole thing up

>>21582281 Jesse Kelly slams Garland for sending FBI to School Board Meetings

>>21582292 SmalltownKYGAL: I found it odd that Ohio Gov Dewine has ties to Haiti with schools there for over 25 years and now all of a sudden Ohio is being inundated with Haitians.Call to Dig

>>21582302 James Watkins: Someone needs to tell the new arrivals about the Pound. It's like an all you can eat Haitian buffet

>>21582310 James O'Keefe: EXCLUSIVE: Sean Payton Allegedly Tied to Opioid Scandal in Part 2 of OMG NFL Series; NFL Used "Bountygate" as Cover-Up

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 13, 2024, 4:09 a.m. No.21582349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2354 >>2369

Morning Baker ready to take the helm?

Notes passing 520


#26436 >>21581657

>>21581765, >>21581768 Archive: President Trump in Tucson, AZ - 12th September, 2024

>>21581780, >>21581826, >>21581858 'We strike at midnight': Boeing machinists vote to reject contract offer

>>21581846 South Africa Investigates Pharmaceutical Bottles Washing Ashore Amid Uptick in Cargo Losses

>>21581868, >>21581874, >>21581881 Adverse side effects of pfizer covid death jabs (Parts 1-3)

>>21581893 US Releases $1.3 Billion in Military Aid to Egypt

>>21582053 Arrival of AC-130J Ghostrider Gunship Marks a New Chapter for Kirtland Air Force Base

>>21582083 Developer of Oxford's new Covid "vaccine" admits it was designed to sterilize 60-70% of Recipients

>>21582203 Karli Bonne: Man arrested for allegedly killing at least 80 animals in a three hour Period

>>21582217 Kyle Kohler, a former State Representative from Springfield and the Clark County area, shared shocking information about their migration crisis

>>21582222 Shocking new bodycam footage shows moment woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat in Ohio

>>21582228 Chicago City Council Meeting, Resident Has Confirmation There Is Absolutely No Vetting Process For Illegal Migrants

>>21582232 Jack Posobiec: A homeless mother with a baby cant get public assistance bc Haitians get priority

>>21582233 OMG they're chanting "we're not eating cats" at the Tim Walz rally. Trump broke their brains

>>21582236 Influx of wild-driving Haitian migrants turning streets of Springfield, Ohio into combat zone: ‘Eight to 10 accidents a day here’

>>21582238 DNCF reporter said Thursday that viral cat memes involving former President Donald Trump were forcing the media to cover the border crisis and Vice President Kamala Harris’ role in it

>>21582241 Springfield residents turn on John Legend after Ohio town's most famous son urges them to embrace 15K Haitian migrants… From the comfort of his Beverly Hills mansion

>>21582247 End Wokeness: Mayor Johnson's aide Kennedy Bartley: "F*cking pigs need to be abolished" Abolishing the police in Chicago. What could go wrong?

>>21582251 Congressman Jim Banks, R-Ind. slammed the Department of Defense over a military training session that labelled pro-life organizations as terrorists

>>21582252 VP Harris' national co-chair, @StevenHorsford was rebuked by the police for misleading campaign ads that falsely implied their support

>>21582265, >>21582266 ABC Debate Co-Moderator makes eye-opening admission on Why they fact-checked Trump

>>21582268, >>21582340 ABC Failed to Disclose Debate Conflict of Kamala Harris and Linsey Davis Being AKA Sorority Sisters

>>21582273 NY Times/Siena Poll: Majority of Likely Voters Blame Kamala Harris for Record Illegal Immigration at Southern Border

>>21582274 Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman from Pittsburgh's field office. She FAILED a key exam, but disgraced former director Kim Cheatle promoted her anyway. Now Homeland Security is telling the Secret Service to cover the whole thing up

>>21582281 Jesse Kelly slams Garland for sending FBI to School Board Meetings

>>21582292, >SmalltownKYGAL: I found it odd that Ohio Gov Dewine has ties to Haiti with schools there for over 25 years and now all of a sudden Ohio is being inundated with Haitians.Call to Dig

>>21582302 James Watkins: Someone needs to tell the new arrivals about the Pound. It's like an all you can eat Haitian buffet

>>21582310 James O'Keefe: EXCLUSIVE: Sean Payton Allegedly Tied to Opioid Scandal in Part 2 of OMG NFL Series; NFL Used "Bountygate" as Cover-Up

>>21582332 Laura Loomer: Speaking in Tucson, Arizona today, President Trump said, “I will BAN all mortgages for illegal aliens – This is the first part of my plan to restore HOUSING AFFORDABILITY in America."

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 13, 2024, 4:19 a.m. No.21582373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2382 >>2422 >>2444



I think I have it all spiffy now

Notes passing 542


#26436 >>21581657

>>21581765, >>21581768 Archive: President Trump in Tucson, AZ - 12th September, 2024

>>21581780, >>21581826, >>21581858 'We strike at midnight': Boeing machinists vote to reject contract offer

>>21581846 South Africa Investigates Pharmaceutical Bottles Washing Ashore Amid Uptick in Cargo Losses

>>21581868, >>21581874, >>21581881 Adverse side effects of pfizer covid death jabs (Parts 1-3)

>>21581893 US Releases $1.3 Billion in Military Aid to Egypt

>>21582053 Arrival of AC-130J Ghostrider Gunship Marks a New Chapter for Kirtland Air Force Base

>>21582083 Developer of Oxford's new Covid "vaccine" admits it was designed to sterilize 60-70% of Recipients

>>21582203 Karli Bonne: Man arrested for allegedly killing at least 80 animals in a three hour Period

>>21582217 Kyle Kohler, a former State Representative from Springfield and the Clark County area, shared shocking information about their migration crisis

>>21582222 Shocking new bodycam footage shows moment woman with 'fur on her lips' arrested for eating cat in Ohio

>>21582228 Chicago City Council Meeting, Resident Has Confirmation There Is Absolutely No Vetting Process For Illegal Migrants

>>21582232 Jack Posobiec: A homeless mother with a baby cant get public assistance bc Haitians get priority

>>21582233 OMG they're chanting "we're not eating cats" at the Tim Walz rally. Trump broke their brains

>>21582236 Influx of wild-driving Haitian migrants turning streets of Springfield, Ohio into combat zone: ‘Eight to 10 accidents a day here’

>>21582238 DNCF reporter said Thursday that viral cat memes involving former President Donald Trump were forcing the media to cover the border crisis and Vice President Kamala Harris’ role in it

>>21582241 Springfield residents turn on John Legend after Ohio town's most famous son urges them to embrace 15K Haitian migrants… From the comfort of his Beverly Hills mansion

>>21582247 End Wokeness: Mayor Johnson's aide Kennedy Bartley: "F*cking pigs need to be abolished" Abolishing the police in Chicago. What could go wrong?

>>21582251 Congressman Jim Banks, R-Ind. slammed the Department of Defense over a military training session that labelled pro-life organizations as terrorists

>>21582252 VP Harris' national co-chair, @StevenHorsford was rebuked by the police for misleading campaign ads that falsely implied their support

>>21582265, >>21582266 ABC Debate Co-Moderator makes eye-opening admission on Why they fact-checked Trump

>>21582268, >>21582340 ABC Failed to Disclose Debate Conflict of Kamala Harris and Linsey Davis Being AKA Sorority Sisters

>>21582273 NY Times/Siena Poll: Majority of Likely Voters Blame Kamala Harris for Record Illegal Immigration at Southern Border

>>21582274 Sen Josh Hawley says the Lead Secret Service advance agent was a woman from Pittsburgh's field office. She FAILED a key exam, but disgraced former director Kim Cheatle promoted her anyway. Now Homeland Security is telling the Secret Service to cover the whole thing up

>>21582281 Jesse Kelly slams Garland for sending FBI to School Board Meetings

>>21582292, >>21582338, >>21582366, >>21582368 Ohio Gov Dewine has ties to Haiti with schools there for over 25 years and now all of a sudden Ohio is being inundated with Haitians.Call to Dig

>>21582302 James Watkins: Someone needs to tell the new arrivals about the Pound. It's like an all you can eat Haitian buffet

>>21582310 James O'Keefe: EXCLUSIVE: Sean Payton Allegedly Tied to Opioid Scandal in Part 2 of OMG NFL Series; NFL Used "Bountygate" as Cover-Up

>>21582332 Laura Loomer: Speaking in Tucson, Arizona today, President Trump said, “I will BAN all mortgages for illegal aliens – This is the first part of my plan to restore HOUSING AFFORDABILITY in America."

Anonymous ID: 5ca6a7 Sept. 13, 2024, 4:55 a.m. No.21582462   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ok, before I take off:

Anons made cat memes with PDJT and the commies were losing their shit

Now anons are digging again?

ABC & DeWine coming under the scrutiny of the army of frogs, I can only imagine what fresh hell gets delivered before I get back

Get 'em!