Anonymous ID: 9a1fc6 Sept. 13, 2024, 4:12 a.m. No.21582360   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Whatever just happened: I had nothing to do with it. If I was supposed to have something to do with it: I was unaware. If you believe that you need to say something to me then kindly speak your mind: in person: to my face. Evidence of gang-stalking, projection of voices, and other types of telekenisis should provide enough evidence to you: I am aware. Your actions in the dark hidden realms show your cowardice. Keep your homosexual or bi-sexual projections to yourself. If the "collective" does exist with power: then bring the videos audios and other information which can be verified to the forefront so "justice" can be realized. I shall definitely seek to prosecute those who have harmed my good name and reputation and who have sought to defame me by surreptitous video and audio if such information exists and is brought to my complete attention. I do not condone your activities. I do not condone your threats against me nor my home nor my peace of mind. Especially knowing you are complicit in such activities which have harmed me mentally and physically. If you believe you are married to me in this realm or dimension: Then verify said information and bring yourself to my complete attention and we shall then verify if any of what I have experienced during past years is truth or simply the inner workings of the propaganda machine which has evidenced itself here. I do not condone your activities.