I was tortured while being filmed and experimented on. All the victims were, it serves many purposes-
Cult families sacrifice one of their own children and it acts as blackmail video against them should they ever think about defecting.
It is a deterrent against any would be betrayers lest their children and grandchildren become "shows"
An entertaining video for them to watch of the cults sacrifices and enemies as a testament to their power.
Valuable experimentation data can be accrued by setting up experiments from birth till death on what can break a psyche down the best.
I was nearly drowned, ran over, crashed, stabbed to death on two seperate occasions, hypothermia, eaten by dogs, eaten by an alligator - and more - - Most of the victims are likely dead but probably by sheer quantity of victims a few like me survived by law of averages. - They try to drive us to suicide while not outright murdering us - but it's a whole ceremony on Epstien island. - The red lines of Epstein are the bloodlines - that's how they take over the world, - the geography of Epstien island is the same as the people in my life - I've met St. Thomas who tried to drown me - and the two owls above it are the two St. James's just like the owned islands of Epstein - including the one that sells "Pizza"
those are related to the Owls that watched over me - the two St. James's that tried to murder me.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Saint_James%2C_U.S._Virgin_Islands - watch its commercial for some obvious codes.