Anonymous ID: e3760c Sept. 13, 2024, 5:46 a.m. No.21582595   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2627 >>2754 >>2770 >>3018 >>3054 >>3137 >>3210 >>3237

all pb


>Epstein associate Les Wexner gives $250,000 to pro-Gov. Mike DeWine group



>Wexner donated to Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) in his two U.S. Senate contests in the early 2000s, a loyalty that didn’t change when he broke off from the GOP.



>Les Wexner.

>Founder of Victoria's Secret.

>Connect the dots.



>Becky DeWine School


1992: Dewine runs for US Senate - Loses

1993: Daughter Becky"dies in a car crash"

1994: Dewine runs for US Senate again -Wins


In 1992, DeWine unsuccessfully ran for United States Senate against the former astronaut and incumbent Senator John Glenn. His campaign used the phrase, "What on earth has John Glenn done?", echoing Jeff Bingaman's slogan "What on Earth has he done for you lately?" against former astronaut Harrison Schmitt in their 1982 Senate race.[17][18]

U.S. Senate

DeWine in 1997


In 1994, DeWine ran again for Senate, defeating prominent attorney Joel Hyatt (the son-in-law of retiring Senator Howard Metzenbaum) by a 14-point margin. DeWine was reelected in 2000, defeating gunshow promoter Ronald Dickson (161,185 votes, or 12.44%) and former U.S. Rep. Frank Cremeans (104,219 votes, or 8.05%) in the primary and Ted Celeste (brother of former Ohio governor Dick Celeste) in the general election. DeWine sat on the Senate Judiciary and Select Intelligence committees. He was the initial sponsor of the Drug-Free Century Act in 1999.[19] He voted in favor of the 2002 Iraq Resolution authorizing the use of force against Saddam Hussein.[20]



First class graduates from Haitian school named for late Becky DeWine


By Mary McCarty

July 13, 2013



How to help


To learn more about Hands Together, or to make a donation to support college scholarships for graduates of the Becky DeWine School, visit


When top students graduate from American high schools, we marvel that they have survived 5 a.m. swim practices and all-night study sessions.


When Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and his wife, Fran, recently attended the first graduation ceremony of the Becky DeWine School in the Port au Prince slum known as Cite Soleil, they witnessed the true meaning of perseverance.


“It was a very moving experience for us,” Mike DeWine said. “Fran and I talked about what survivors these kids truly are. They have survived an horrendous earthquake, a cholera epidemic, and random violence in the streets. Their classmates have been murdered, and two of their teachers were murdered a year ago. And that doesn’t even take into account the day-to-day life in Cite Soleil, one of the worst slums in the world.”


The DeWines have long supported Hands Together, the charity that runs the Becky DeWine School named in honor of their 22-year-old daughter who died in a car crash in 1993.


Becky’s portrait smiled down on the school’s first graduating class as the 120 graduates in their shining white-and-green robes swayed and sang a prayer of thanksgiving in their native French Creole.


The Becky DeWine School’s eight campuses in Cite Soleil have an enrollment of roughly 5,000 students, serving 9,677 daily meals. “It’s a very emotional fact that school is named for Becky,” DeWine said. “We think of Becky and one of the tough things for any parent who has lost a child is that you wonder what they would have done with their lives. Becky was a caring and compassionate person. She’s not here to do this, so we have tried to do it in her name and in her honor.”


DeWine’s perspective on Haiti has evolved since his early years in the Senate. “At first I thought that what we were doing in the Senate and as individuals could have a dramatic impact on Haiti,” DeWine said. “Now I know we can’t do that.Our mission is not to save Haiti, because that’s beyond us. But we can affect one child at a time. Our goal is to help that child survive and have a meaningful life. By accident of birth these kids were born in Haiti instead of Beavercreek. Some of the kids don’t make it, and some of them drop out, but we provide an opportunity for success.”

Anonymous ID: e3760c Sept. 13, 2024, 5:54 a.m. No.21582627   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2632 >>2656 >>2770 >>3018 >>3054 >>3137 >>3163 >>3210 >>3237


>The DeWines have long supported Hands Together, the charity that runs the Becky DeWine School named in honor of their 22-year-old daughter who died in a car crash in 1993.


The DeWines are working to provide college scholarships for some of the graduates of the Becky DeWine School. “The idea of anybody in Cite Soleil going to college is simply unfathomable,” DeWine said. “They looked so good dressed up in their cap and gowns, and then we walked outside and looked at shanties they came out of. And we wonder, ‘How could that be?’”


The DeWines were joined at the graduation ceremony by their son-in-law, Bill Darling of Worthington, as well as their longtime friend Father Tom Hagan, the Philadelphia priest who has worked for many years in Cite Soleil with Hands Together. Hagan, too, is a survivor, having lived through the earthquake that destroyed his home and killed two seminarians living with him there. His chief of staff and close friend, Nelson Jean Liphete, saved his life by throwing him under a table.


But now Liphete, too, is gone, after surviving the earthquake that killed his wife and child. A marauding gang of teenagers shot Liphete to death in March, 2012, along with another Hands Together employee, Alexander Marcus. Despite the danger, despite the litany of loss, Hagan continues to work with the children of Cite Soleil. One of the ways to earn a scholarship is to work with the homeless children known simply as “The Barefoot Kids.”


“There isn’t a night that we stayed with Father Tom that we didn’t hear gunshots,” DeWine said. “It’s a risky, risky world. He has dealt with the gangs, and he has had people put guns to his head, yet he continues to do this. It’s his calling.”


Yet there is hope. Impromptu shrines have sprung up all over Cite Soleil in memory of Liphete, whose success remains a symbol of hope in spite of his tragic death.


‘You talk to these kids and they have the same dreams as American kids,” DeWine said. “A lot of them want to be doctors, or lawyers or teachers. They all want a better life.”


And they could teach our kids a thing or two about what it means to be a survivor.




  1. Mike DeWine's total income is six times his state pay.


DeWine took home $100,449 last year from his state job. He earned an additional $500,000-plus from interest, dividends and capital gains from his investments and family trusts.He also pocketed $87,188 from a pension he receives as a former U.S. senator, and he lost $80,673 on rentals and businesses he owns.


The DeWine family's wealth started with his father's seed business and the Ohio Twine Co. It has expanded to include a minor-league baseball team in Asheville, N.C.


DeWine and his wife gave about 9 percent of their income in 2017. Recipients included several Catholic groups, organizations that discourage women from getting abortions and local charities such as the Yellow Springs Senior Center and Greene County Historical Society.The DeWines gave more than $15,000 to a school in Haiti named for their late daughter.


The DeWine family also runs a charitable foundation, which had $13.7 million in assets at the end of 2017. It gave out nearly $740,000 last year, including $400,000 for schools in Haiti and thousands of dollars for scholarships.



Anonymous ID: zGyR4tyi No.147646189 📁

Nov 2 2017 13:36:25 (EST)

List out all who have foundations.

Why is this relevant?

How can donations be used personally?

Analyze the filings.

Who is charged w/ overseeing this?



Politically motivated?

The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY.

Alice & Wonderland.