Sorry, kid. The Border Patrol is supposed to be in the way, but they're too busy escorting illegals across the border.
Gay Edgar Hoovers
Your cat isn't retarded, it's just a lazy fatbody and can't be bothered with chasing rodents.
A magician's trick.
Slight of hand.
Everyone fixates on the price of gold.
When the price of gold goes up, it's an indicator that the value of your money went down.
An ounce of gold used to be set at 20 US dollars.
That means you have both brains.
The right brain sees a dog.
The left brain wants to wear panties and have sex with the dog.
The Noahide World Order fears Trump.
Are the words murder and killed being censored on Twitter, or is the jackass posting the shit self-censoring like a cuckold?
ABC's 40 million dollar campaign contribution.
A Higher Loyalty
Spies lie.