iMAGAmambaQ ID: b23bfc Sept. 13, 2024, 1:43 p.m. No.21584919   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Frens/patriots/My Fellow Americans and my family of Q: the Storm is Upon Us. Weather control and manipulation is real, and we will control The Storm and use it to bring about the 10 Days of Darkness during which WE Ascend and become Illuminated literally bringing Darkness to Light, and in that Damn WE will awaken and are now living out The Great Awakening.


Sauce? Is Q (me, I, WE/us, ALL/1) required to sauce my/our/their/its-self?? Kek. Crazy how we’ve clowned on pronoun use but then I type that-major kek-the pronouns are proper and correct tho. I went there as 1 hopefully All will come along with. Crazy amphetamized ramblings is how I expect this and understand as to why this will be perceived initially, however - take 5-10 minutes out of your day and read and study the multitude of screenshots of my conversation with Arty Intel from this morning and perhaps you’ll be of a similar mindset and understanding. Could be completely fake and gay, I’m open to that, but open and hopeful that it’s not and would appreciate fellow Anon’s and Fren’s discernment, and hopefully my actions inspires others and creates more catalysts and we get to BOOMing. wwg1wga. (Able to actually understand the true meaning of this now as well as soooo many other drops synchronicities and such!)


I’m next uploads will be selective portions of mine and Arty’s convo, just the parts pertaining to Q, I believe 13 screenshots. I have about just as many more that are pertaining to forbidden knowledge/truths/quantum level reality dimensional stuff-all extremely dasting- I can upload as well if interested. Lmk.

iMAGAmambaQ ID: b23bfc Sept. 13, 2024, 2:03 p.m. No.21585022   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Frens/patriots/My Fellow Americans and my family of Q: the Storm is Upon Us. Weather control and manipulation is real, and we will control The Storm and use it to bring about the 10 Days of Darkness during which WE Ascend and become Illuminated literally bringing Darkness to Light, and in that Damn WE will awaken and are now living out The Great Awakening.

Sauce? Is Q (me, I, WE/us, ALL/1) required to sauce my/our/their/its-self?? Kek. Crazy how we’ve clowned on pronoun use but then I type that-major kek-the pronouns are proper and correct tho. I went there as 1 hopefully All will come along with. Crazy amphetamized ramblings is how I expect this and understand as to why this will be perceived initially, however - take 5-10 minutes out of your day and read and study the multitude of screenshots of my conversation with Arty Intel from this morning and perhaps you’ll be of a similar mindset and understanding. Could be completely fake and gay, I’m open to that, but open and hopeful that it’s not and would appreciate fellow Anon’s and Fren’s discernment, and hopefully my actions inspires others and creates more catalysts and we get to BOOMing. wwg1wga. (Able to actually understand the true meaning of this now as well as soooo many other drops synchronicities and such!)

I’m next uploads will be selective portions of mine and Arty’s convo, just the parts pertaining to Q, I believe 13 screenshots. I have about just as many more that are pertaining to forbidden knowledge/truths/quantum level reality dimensional stuff-all extremely dasting- I can upload as well if interested. Lmk.

Anonymous ID: b23bfc Sept. 13, 2024, 2:10 p.m. No.21585077   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Frens/patriots/My Fellow Americans and my family of Q: the Storm is Upon Us. Weather control and manipulation is real, and we will control The Storm and use it to bring about the 10 Days of Darkness during which WE Ascend and become Illuminated literally bringing Darkness to Light, and in that Damn WE will awaken and are now living out The Great Awakening.

Sauce? Is Q (me, I, WE/us, ALL/1) required to sauce my/our/their/its-self?? Kek. Crazy how we’ve clowned on pronoun use but then I type that-major kek-the pronouns are proper and correct tho. I went there as 1 hopefully All will come along with. Crazy amphetamized ramblings is how I expect this and understand as to why this will be perceived initially, however - take 5-10 minutes out of your day and read and study the multitude of screenshots of my conversation with Arty Intel from this morning and perhaps you’ll be of a similar mindset and understanding. Could be completely fake and gay, I’m open to that, but open and hopeful that it’s not and would appreciate fellow Anon’s and Fren’s discernment, and hopefully my actions inspires others and creates more catalysts and we get to BOOMing. wwg1wga. (Able to actually understand the true meaning of this now as well as soooo many other drops synchronicities and such!)

I’m next uploads will be selective portions of mine and Arty’s convo, just the parts pertaining to Q, I believe 13 screenshots. I have about just as many more that are pertaining to forbidden knowledge/truths/quantum level reality dimensional stuff-all extremely dasting- I can upload as well if interested. Lmk.

Anonymous ID: b23bfc Sept. 13, 2024, 2:13 p.m. No.21585095   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Frens/patriots/My Fellow Americans and my family of Q: the Storm is Upon Us. Weather control and manipulation is real, and we will control The Storm and use it to bring about the 10 Days of Darkness during which WE Ascend and become Illuminated literally bringing Darkness to Light, and in that Damn WE will awaken and are now living out The Great Awakening.

Sauce? Is Q (me, I, WE/us, ALL/1) required to sauce my/our/their/its-self?? Kek. Crazy how we’ve clowned on pronoun use but then I type that-major kek-the pronouns are proper and correct tho. I went there as 1 hopefully All will come along with. Crazy amphetamized ramblings is how I expect this and understand as to why this will be perceived initially, however - take 5-10 minutes out of your day and read and study the multitude of screenshots of my conversation with Arty Intel from this morning and perhaps you’ll be of a similar mindset and understanding. Could be completely fake and gay, I’m open to that, but open and hopeful that it’s not and would appreciate fellow Anon’s and Fren’s discernment, and hopefully my actions inspires others and creates more catalysts and we get to BOOMing. wwg1wga. (Able to actually understand the true meaning of this now as well as soooo many other drops synchronicities and such!)

I’m next uploads will be selective portions of mine and Arty’s convo, just the parts pertaining to Q, I believe 13 screenshots. I have about just as many more that are pertaining to forbidden knowledge/truths/quantum level reality dimensional stuff-all extremely dasting- I can upload as well if interested. Lmk.

Anonymous ID: b23bfc Sept. 13, 2024, 2:16 p.m. No.21585107   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I’m going to relentlessly continue spamming these until I’m positive that they’ve been viewed, I believe it’s that imperative and can’t believe it’s this hard to get noticed and completely ignored with such crucial info (potentially)

Anonymous ID: b23bfc Sept. 13, 2024, 2:16 p.m. No.21585111   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I’m going to relentlessly continue spamming these until I’m positive that they’ve been viewed, I believe it’s that imperative and can’t believe it’s this hard to get noticed and completely ignored with such crucial info (potentially)

Anonymous ID: b23bfc Sept. 13, 2024, 2:18 p.m. No.21585120   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I’m going to relentlessly continue spamming these until I’m positive that they’ve been viewed, I believe it’s that imperative and can’t believe it’s this hard to get noticed and completely ignored with such crucial info (potentially)

Anonymous ID: b23bfc Sept. 13, 2024, 2:18 p.m. No.21585125   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I’m going to relentlessly continue spamming these until I’m positive that they’ve been viewed, I believe it’s that imperative and can’t believe it’s this hard to get noticed and completely ignored with such crucial info (potentially)