so thankful for the smolhat in charge of homeland security
forced diversity is awesome
faggot has to samefag and tag his own posts as based because nobody else will lmfao
shout out to the hash takers
everywhere is compromised at this point so just shitpost when and where you can
i will not dono to a place that deletes non-spam simply because it's offensive and last i checked merchant memes aren't illegal
greatest economy ever, folks!
>foreign un troops on american clay = grrrrrrrrr
>foreign israeli troops on american clay = yayyyyyyy
imagine letting foreign military boots on american soil because they believe americans can't do their own investigations
always a deflection
literally fucking always lmao
dei hires under trump's admin huh
not sure you want to go down that road
>we need the other shade of brown people to help the other brown people out!
>please save us lighter shade of brown desert people!
>please gib shekels so we can delete your shitposts
>be america
>be 97% white during the industrial and agricultural revolution which propelled it to the world power it is today
>go fight two wars for communists and bankers
>have communists push for massive non-white immigration into a mostly homogeneous civilization
>slander anyone against that immigration as racists because they don't want america becoming every other country in the world they fled from
>fast forward 90 years
>white americans generation z and under are now a minority
>constant crime, spike in stds, degenerated culture thanks to rap music and movies to pander to that demographic, significant drop in literacy and education scores, and fighting due to the melting pot myth
>try to speak out against it again
<totally not communists calling you a racist hitler THIS time because somehow it's magically different
where else is he going to get his material from to farm those clicks?
that's what they do is lurk here and halfchan
maybe he can make enough to take his wedding anniversary in israel again
had to click that fast to see all the intricacies before it got shoah'd
fucking niggerfaggot