Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 11:40 a.m. No.21584248   🗄️.is 🔗kun



It's disgusting what Kirby said, the Generals and others should be condemning that. Who wants to serve in the military when leadership doesn't consider their sacrifice as anything important, because they had one stripe? That's the worst thing he could say, and tells you why he doesn't care that the withdrawal was a disaster.

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 11:44 a.m. No.21584266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4504 >>4562 >>4917

Natalie Winters

Georgia Election Monitor Funded By China, Soros, Pfizer, & UN!


An hour ago

Can't make this BS up!



Tim Walz Appointed Member Of Political Party 'Loyal' To Chinese Communists To State Board




Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 11:54 a.m. No.21584327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4342 >>4504 >>4917 >>4920

Eminent officials say NASA facilities some of the “worst” they’ve ever seen

Buildings at Johnson Space Center in Houston are among the worst at any NASA facility. (NASA is run by Satanists trying to get back to their own planet)

STEPHEN CLARK - 9/12/2024, 10:22 AM1/3


A panel of independent experts reported this week that NASA lacks funding to maintain most of its decades-old facilities, could lose its engineering prowess to the commercial space industry, and has a shortsighted roadmap for technology development.

"NASA’s problem is it always seems to have $3 billion more program than it has of funds," said Norm Augustine, chair of the National Academies panel chartered to examine the critical facilities, workforce, and technology needed to achieve NASA's long-term strategic goals and objectives. Augustine said a similar statement could sum up two previous high-level reviews of NASA's space programs that he chaired in 1990 and 2009. But the report released Tuesday put NASA's predicament in stark terms.


Grumbling about crumbling infrastructure

Around 83 percent of NASA's facilities are beyond their design lifetimes, and the agency has a $3.3 billion backlog in maintenance. When you consider NASA's $250 million estimate for normal year-to-year maintenance, it would take a $600 million uptick in NASA's annual budget for infrastructure repairs to catch up on the backlog within the next 10 years.


To members of Congress or the White House, backing a new NASA mission to the Moon or a space telescope to probe the deepest reaches of the Universe is often more attractive than investing in facility maintenance. The former initiatives grab headlines and create jobs. Most of NASA's facilities across the country are rated "marginal to poor" in condition, according to a presentation to the National Academies last year by Erik Weiser, NASA's director of facilities and real estate.


"In NASA’s case, the not-uncommon tendency in a constrained budget environment to prioritize initiating new missions as opposed to maintaining and upgrading existing support assets has produced an infrastructure that would not be viewed as acceptable under most industrial standards," the panel wrote in its report. "In fact, during its inspection tours, the committee saw some of the worst facilities many of its members have ever seen."


“Since the year 2010, the NASA budget for missions has gone up by 8 percent," Augustine said. "Meanwhile, the budget for mission support has dropped by 33 percent. If you do a little arithmetic, it shows that every dollar of mission support budget today has to support 50 percent more mission activity than was the case in 2010, not that long ago.”


NASA is dealing with these infrastructure shortfalls as the agency pursues the most challenging missions in its 66-year history.


“Viewed in terms of both the architectural complexity and the technical complexity, NASA today—for example, in the Artemis program to land on the Moon a few years from now—is taking on challenges that far surpass anything that was faced in the Apollo program," Augustine said.

(If they weren't another CIA agency, maybe they could perform better)

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 11:57 a.m. No.21584342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4368 >>4504 >>4917



All of NASA's centers have facilities the agency considers marginal, but Johnson Space Center in Houston has the facilities with the worst average score.Johnson oversees astronaut training and is home to NASA's Mission Control Center for the International Space Station and future Artemis lunar missions. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, which develops and operates many of NASA's robotic interplanetary probes, and Stennis Space Center in Mississippi, used for rocket engine testing, are the only centers without a poor infrastructure score.


These ratings cover things like buildings and utilities, not the specific test rigs or instruments inside them."You can have a world-class microscope and materials lab, but if the building goes down, that microscope is useless to you," Weiser told the National Academies panel in a meeting last year.


The panel recommended that Congress direct NASA to establish an annually replenished revolving working capital fund to pay for maintenance and infrastructure upgrades. Other government agencies use similar funds for infrastructure support. “This is something that will require federal legislation," said Jill Dahlburg, a member of the National Academies panel and former superintendent of the space science division at the Naval Research Laboratory.


Thinking long-term

The panel also found that NASA lacks a specific long-term strategy to ensure that the agency develops the right technologies needed for future missions. In the panel's meetings with agency employees, "we often heard the comment that it doesn’t make any sense to try to do long-range planning for organizations like NASA," Augustine said. "Our committee takes exception to that.”


The federal government works on one-year budget cycles, and overall plans for government spending only go out every five years. This doesn't match up with the time NASA needs to see its missions through from concept to completion. "NASA’s activities, its missions, generally entail decades of work, or at least a decade of work," Augustine said.


While NASA officials can't do anything about the federal budget process, the panel urged the agency to determine "need dates" for mission-critical technologies and to prioritize technology development efforts.


Ed Crawley, a professor of engineering at MIT, said the review board identified 10 types of technologies NASA and its contractors must develop to achieve the agency's goal of a sustained human presence on the Moon and future crew expeditions to Mars. Most critical, Crawley said, are in-space power and propulsion to push large masses around Earth, the Moon, and Mars; entry, descent, and landing technologies for spacecraft traveling to the Red Planet; and radiation safety for humans.


"I call them the three miracles that we need to get to Mars," Crawley said. “Some progress has been made over the last decade… but there’s a lot of work to be done, and each of these can be viewed as a relatively expensive standalone project that has to be integrated into a larger set of missions.”


(Elon should make NASA his first efficiently project when he gets it set up)

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 12:01 p.m. No.21584368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4504 >>4917



Competing for the best

The panel members also spotlighted concerns they heard from NASA employees that an increasing reliance on commercial partners could decay the skills of the agency's workforce. The committee acknowledged the successes of NASA's commercial cargo and crew program, which are based on fixed-price service contracts, but cautioned that excessive use of such contracts puts NASA employees in oversight roles rather than hands-on engineering jobs.


This puts NASA at risk of losing its most talented engineers, who might move to companies for more rewarding and higher-paying work. "Very few of the nation’s most innovative scientists and engineers would likely seek or remain in such pure oversight positions," the panel wrote.


I think it’s the committee’s consensus view that the United States would be best served for its future by continuing to have engineering prowess in NASA and not have the agency just become a funding pass-through or a contract monitor," said Kathy Sullivan, a retired space shuttle astronaut and former administrator of NOAA.


NASA's commercial partners often rely on the agency's technical expertise and facilities. SpaceX launches rockets from a NASA-owned launch pad, tested its first Crew Dragon spacecraft inside a NASA vacuum chamber, and leaned on NASA experts to develop Dragon and design its astronaut-training program. NASA has numerous agreements with other commercial companies to provide expertise and assistance.


"Industry actually values having an agency like NASA that understands the technology, that’s not just going to sit back and dole out dollars," said Lester Lyles, a retired Air Force general.


Hans Koenigsmann, SpaceX's former vice president of build and flight reliability, said NASA's use of service contracts, like the agreement it has with SpaceX for crew and cargo transportation, has led to "some amazing progress… But it also leaves some of the NASA workforce a bit concerned about their future and how much hands-on work on NASA’s side itself will be done in the future."


The panel recommended that NASA set specific criteria for fixed-price service contracts to avoid using these kinds of agreements on programs involving immature, early-stage technologies. "Where such contracts have faced issues is where invention, significant development, one-of-a-kind situations, or uncertain requirements are involved," the panel wrote.


NASA is using fixed-price contracts with SpaceX and Blue Origin to develop the Human Landing System for the Artemis program. The human-rated landers will ferry astronauts between lunar orbit and the Moon's surface.


SpaceX will provide a version of its powerful Starship rocket as a lunar lander, and Blue Origin is working on its own system called Blue Moon.


"Given the difficulty of this endeavor, it is likely the full capabilities of NASA and the contractors will be necessary for a national program of this complexity and importance to be assured of success," the National Academies panel wrote in its report.


Check out their budget:

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 12:27 p.m. No.21584557   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4564 >>4771 >>4917

More Fearmongering:Harris' suggestion that Poland could be next if Ukraine loses the war resonates with Poles

VANESSA GERA and MONIKA SCISLOWSKA Updated Wed, September 11, 20241/2APTOPIX Election 2024 Debate


Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris gestures as she speaks during a presidential debate with Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump at the National Constitution Center, Tuesday,

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Wanda Kwiatkowska eagerly read reports on Wednesday morning about the U.S. presidential debate — and they convinced her that a second Trump presidency would be a grave threat to her home of Poland and the larger region.


Former President Donald Trump twice refused to directly answer a question during the debate about whether he wanted U.S. ally Ukraine to win the war. Meanwhile, Vice President Kamala Harris praised American and NATO support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia's invasion so far — and called for it to continue.


“Otherwise, (Russian President Vladimir) Putin would be sitting in Kyiv with his eyes on the rest of Europe. Starting with Poland,” she said. “And why don’t you tell the 800,000 Polish Americans right here in Pennsylvania how quickly you would give up for the sake of favor and what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator who would eat you for lunch?”


Harris’ emphasis on the need to stand up to Putin resonated Wednesday in Poland, a nation of 38 million people whose geography makes it particularly sensitive to the debate. The NATO member is wedged between its European Union partners to the west and, to the east, the Russian region of Kaliningrad, Russian ally Belarus and Ukraine.


As a result, the war is always present in Poland, whether from occasional accidental incursions into Polish airspace or the large numbers of refugees who have settled there.


Fears that Putin could prevail in Ukraine and then turn his sights on areas of Europe once under Moscow's control — including the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia — have been present since Russia first illegally annexed Crimea in 2014. They have grown more acute following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, particularly at times when Russia has had the momentum on the battlefield.


If Ukraine loses, Putin “will take further steps,” said Kwiatkowska, a 75-year-old resident of Warsaw whose Ukrainian mother and Polish father met after World War II.

• She was particularly dismissive of Trump’s claim in Tuesday night’s debate that he could easily end the war. “I will get it settled before I even become president,” Trump said.

• “Just empty words,” she scoffed, as she did her morning shopping in Warsaw, a capital that, like cities in Ukraine today, was bombed to near destruction during World War II.

• Sławomir Dębski, a professor of strategy and international affairs at the College of Europe in Natolin, also found it “far-fetched” for Trump to claim he could force Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to the negotiating table before he even entered the White House.

• “There’s little reason to believe Putin would agree to such a meeting unless Ukraine were prepared to capitulate, which would be unlikely,” Dębski said. In fact, Putin earlier this year insisted Ukraine must give up vast amounts of territory and avoid joining NATO simply as a condition to start negotiations.

• Dębski contended that it was a “clear mistake” on Trump's part not to say outright that he wants Ukraine to win the war. But he also argued that the Biden administration has made a mistake because it “committed itself to help Ukraine as long as it takes, but refused to state that it should mean Ukraine’s victory."


(Oh good idiots are agreeing with Kamabla on war)

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 12:28 p.m. No.21584564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4917



When Trump first won the presidency, there was strong enthusiasm for him in Poland, from the government and public. The conservative authorities in power at the time shared many of his positions, particularly in their opposition to migration. Poland, one of the largest spenders of defense among NATO allies, also welcomed his push that other allies pay more on defense themselves.


Today's government of Prime Minister Donald Tusk has made its critical views of Trump known. And with the brutal war in Ukraine, many Poles have soured on the former president, who has a history of admiring comments about Putin.


Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov dismissed the back-and-forth in the debate, saying Putin’s name is used as “one of the tools in the domestic political struggle of the United States.”


But the debate was a top news item in Poland on Wednesday, where the media praised Harris' performance. Journalist Jacek Nizinkiewicz called the debate “a very strong and unambiguous signal for Ukraine and Polish security” in a opinion piece in a leading newspaper, Rzeczpospolita.


Back in Pennsylvania, a crucial swing state, some of the Americans of Polish descent whom Harris sought to reach were also mulling the debate.

• At Lucky’s Kielbasi Shop in Shenandoah — in a region whose coal mines drew waves of Polish immigrants more than a century ago – opinion was split.

• “I didn’t like what she said. I don’t think that’s true,” said Cecilia Heffron, 82, who supports Trump. “I know if Trump gets in, we wouldn’t have a war.”

• But her friend Lorraine McDonald, a Harris supporter, said the vice president's statement got her attention and she believes Putin would invade Poland if given the chance.

• “If Putin gets a hold of Ukraine, and it’s OK, he’s going for the rest. … He’s not going to stop there,” she said.

• In Warsaw, Andrzej Nowak, 67, offered the same analysis.

• “It’s important for Poland that Ukraine wins," Nowak said. “Because there is no telling what this madman will come up with.”

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 12:37 p.m. No.21584632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4917

13 Sep, 2024 17:02

RT reveals ‘secret’ behind its operations to CNN

The Russian broadcaster has been doing the KGB’s bidding all along, its press office has joked


RT has been operating out of “KGB headquarters all this time,” the network joked on Friday, in response to a CNN report claiming that the US government is preparing to accuse it of espionage and “influence operations.”


According to the American broadcaster, theUS State Department is set to release “declassified US intelligence findings” suggesting that the Russian government has “quietly embedded an intelligence-gathering unit within RT that is focused on influence operations globally,” with this unit’s activities going “beyond propaganda and covert influence operations to even include military procurement.”


Approached for comment by CNN, RT’s press office quipped: “We’ve been broadcasting straight out of the KGB headquarters all this time.”


“No, but seriously, we’re running out of popcorn to sit and watch what the US government will come up with next about us,”the response continued, before linking to a video containing “more details about how RT operates.”


Originally released in 2015, the video depicts RT’screative director as a bear, its office cleaning ladies taking their orders “directly from the Kremlin,” and its foreign staffers chained up in a basement eating rations of McDonald’s hamburgers, delivered by Editor-in-Chief Margarita Simonyan clad in a Red Army uniform.


CNN’s report comes just over a week after the US Justice Department indicted two individuals it identified as RT employees with alleged conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) and conspiracy to commit money laundering. The two were accused of paying American content creators to produce videos aimed at amplifying “domestic divisions in the United States.”


The Justice Department claimed that the two suspects – named as Kostiantyn Kalashnikov, and Elena Afanasyeva – broke the law by not registering as foreign agents, and that paying for this content violated Washington’s economic sanctions on Moscow.However, the charges will likely never be contested in an American courtroom, as the two suspects are based in Moscow, and the US has no extradition treaty with Russia.


Shortly after the indictments were announced, Simonyan accusedUS officials and law enforcement agents of having no “other strategies except to scaremonger about the almighty RT.”


US intelligence agencies have issued sensationalist reports about RT before. Back in 2017, the US Department of Justice forced RT America to register as a foreign agent, after a number ofoutfits claimed that RT had helped to elect Donald Trump by publishing “negative coverage” of Hillary Clinton and criticizing the US’ “corrupt political establishment” in America.


According to CNN, the US will shortly unveil measures “making it much more difficult for RT to operate globally.” American officials will use the upcoming UN General Assembly “to try and build a coalition of countries to take on this challenge,” the report noted.


(Another Russia, Russia, Russia, at Russia😊 Bring out the popcorn)

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 12:53 p.m. No.21584702   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4729

Cheneymania Seizes the Democrats

The Democrats’ enthusiastic embrace of yesteryear’s villains underlines the last decade’s party realignment. James W. Carden Sep 12, 202412:03 AM


Last week it was revealed that beloved elder statesman Richard B. “Dick” Cheney will be voting for Kamala Harris come November 5. The news came during an interview of the former vice president’s daughter, Liz, a former three-term congresswoman from Wyoming—a seat, incidentally, Cheney père held in the 1980s before being tapped for the post of defense secretary under George H. W. Bush.


Like her father, Liz is also abandoning the GOP, for now anyway—she too will be voting for Kamala Harris. Harris campaign chair Jen O’Malley-Dillion quickly issued a statement saying that Vice President KamalaHarris “is proud to have the support of Vice President Cheney, and deeply respects his courageto put country over party…the very future of our republic is at stake in this election.”


In and of itself, the fact that the father-daughter tandem has come out against Trump is not at all surprising, especially given the animosity that has developed between Liz Cheney and Trump over the former’s handling of the January 6 committee.


More interesting was thereaction by Democratic partisans to the news: The liberal hive mind could barely contain its, well, “joy.” Perhaps the most embarrassing reactionto the news came from liberal journalist Joan Walsh who wrote that she found Liz’s endorsement “strangely moving.”


“Liz Cheney has sacrificed more, personally, than I have to advance the truth about Donald Trump, once she got it,” wrote Walsh.Turning to her heroine directly, Walsh continued, “I’ll be trying to track her down on the campaign trail, where she says she’ll be. Liz, I told you we could find common ground. Let’s have a cup of coffee. Or even a beer?”Aw.


The wild applause that met Liz’s announcement in Texas is indicative of where liberals now place their priorities—and goes a long way toward explaining why they cannot be trusted on matter of national security.


As Chip Gibbons trenchantly observed in 2022,

compared to Dick Cheney’s crimes against democracy, Trump is an amateur. Cheney reduced nations to rubble, shredded the Bill of Rights, and enacted programs of surveillance, abduction, detention, and torture(the Patriot Act)more in line with the state terrorism of military dictatorships than the norms of liberal democracy.


There is a certain sad irony in watching the same liberalswho have spent months condemning the alleged dangers posed by the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025so lustily applaud Dick’s defection. After all, Cheney and his mentor, the disgraced Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, are the godfathers of the theory that animates the most controversial aspects of Project 2025, the theory of the unitary executive. Martin Lederman, who served in the office of legal counsel in the Clinton and Bush administrations, notes that as vice president, Cheney

believes that the president and the president's close advisers should have the final word—indeed the only word—on all matters within the executive branch…it seems to me, a central part of his philosophy and his practice as vice president to try to stamp out or to relegate to the margins any dissenting views, whether it be in the military among the uniformed military and the JAGs; or in the intelligence agencies, when they're not giving him the stories about Iraq and elsewhere that he wants to hear…He really believes that the president should be the be-all-and-end-all within the executive branch. That’s the unitary executive theory.


Clearly,Dick’s almost unsurpassed record of war crimes no longer disturbs the liberal conscience; indeed, in the years since Iraq, the Democratic Party has appropriated much of the neocon agenda as their own.


With just under two months to go until the election, Kamala Harris is riding a wave of support from Wall Street, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and, as we have seen, members of the old-guard Republican establishment.


As all this unfolds,the Republicans are slowly undergoing a transformation of their own; today the party is more populist, more pro-worker than at any time since Teddy Roosevelt. Meanwhile, liberals like Walsh are busy debasing themselves by making common cause with a family of war criminals.

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 12:59 p.m. No.21584729   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I really wonder how many traditional Democrats (when they weren't insane with power, but equality),I think the Democrat party is going to lose them.


Most of our parents growing up in the 60's were democrats, but based on the republican party with Trump in charge, it mirrors what they were fighting for.


The Democrat party will lose in my guess, at least 500,000 to 900,000 traditional democrats that never bought in to the radical hatred and anger and constant war.


Someone should do a survey, Cheney is not going to go over well with them, because he is universally hated by most republicans, and were universally hated by normal democrats; along with he criminal organization and bandits.Neocons are so old school and despical, we got over them.

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 1:31 p.m. No.21584871   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4917

13 Sep, 2024 14:50

Russia warns NATO of ‘direct war’ over Ukraine

Moscow’s envoy to the UN has reiterated where the Kremlin’s red line is


Granting Kiev permission to use Western-supplied long-range weapons would constitute direct involvement in the Ukraine conflict by NATO, Russia’s envoy to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, has said.


Moscow will treat any such attack as coming from the US and its allies directly, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday,explaining that long-range weapons rely on Western intelligence and targeting solutions, neither of which Ukraine is capable of.


NATO countries would “start an open war” with Russia if they allow Ukraine to use long-range weapons, Nebenzia told the UN Security Council on Friday.


“If such a decision is made, that means NATO countries are starting an open war against Russia,”Moscow’s envoy said. “In that case, we will obviously be forced to make certain decisions, with all the attendant consequences for Western aggressors.”


“Our Western colleagues will not be able to dodge responsibility and blame Kiev for everything,” Nebenzia added. “Only NATO troops can program the flight solutions for those missile systems. Ukraine doesn’t have that capability. This is not about allowing Kiev to strike Russia with long-range weapons, but about the West making the targeting decisions.”


Russia considers it irrelevant that Ukrainian nationalists would technically be the ones pulling the trigger, Nebenzia explained.“NATO would become directly involved in military action against a nuclear power. I don’t think I have to explain what consequences that would have,”he said.


The US and its allies placed some restrictions on the use of their weapons, so they could claim not to be directly involved in the conflict with Russia, while arming Ukraine to the tune of $200 billion.


Multiple Western outlets have reported that the limitations might be lifted this week, as US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and British Foreign Secretary David Lammy visited Kiev. Russia has repeatedly warned the West against such a course of action.

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 2:04 p.m. No.21585036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5058

12 Sep, 2024 14:09

Everything is going to plan – Zelensky

The Ukrainian leader has claimed the loss of territory in Kursk Region is part of his strategy to defeat Russia


Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has downplayed the Russian counteroffensive in Kursk Region, claiming that what is taking place is consistent with Kiev’s military planning.The Russian Defense Ministry recently listed ten settlements in Kursk that it said Russian troops had liberated over the two previous days. It also estimatedtotal Ukrainian casualties suffered in the incursion at over 12,500 troops.


Zelensky, who recently told the media that Kiev intended to hold on to the captured land for the foreseeable future, claimed on Thursday thathe was not bothered by the recent setback there.


“The Russians have started counterattack action. Everything goes in accordance with our Ukrainian plan,”he told journalists during a press conference in Kiev. Uncorroborated reports on social media have claimed that Russian airborne troops have successfully pushed Ukrainian soldiers back from the eastern part of a pocket in Kursk that they previously held.


Ukraine sent thousands of troops into the Russian region last month in what was the largest cross-border operation undertaken by Kiev in the ongoing conflict with Russia.Officials in Kiev have offered a number of explanations for the Kursk incursion. The stated aims have included capturing Russian soldiers for prisoner exchanges, instilling fear in Russian society, humiliating President Vladimir Putin, forcing Moscow to redeploy troops from the Donbas front, and seizing Russian territory that could be used as a bargaining chip in eventual peace talks.


The operation is supposedly part of a secret “victory plan” that Zelensky has said he would present to US President Joe Biden. Washington is supposed to provide the military capabilities necessary for it to be achieved, he added. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited Kiev on Wednesday. According to the Wall Street Journal, he and his British counterpart David Lammy met with the Ukrainian leadership to discuss “how best to define a Ukrainian victory.”


(There propaganda is not working)

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 2:07 p.m. No.21585058   🗄️.is 🔗kun


12 Sep, 2024 17:00

Ukrainian military keeps Russian civilians in ‘concentration camps’ – report

Some detainees were paraded before foreign journalists, according to a Russian government document seen by RIA Novosti


Ukrainian troops in Russia’s Kursk Regionhave rounded up local civilians and placed them in “something like concentration camps,” RIA Novosti reported on Thursday, citing a Russian Foreign Ministry report.


When Ukrainian forces launched an incursion into Kursk Region last month, thousands of civilians were evacuated or themselves fled deeper into the Russian heartland.Some however, including elderly people and those with disabilities, were unable to leave, and their settlements fell under Ukrainian control. According to a new report seen by RIA Novosti,those left behind were subjected to detention methods synonymous with World War II.


“In a number of territories controlled by militants, something like ‘concentration camps’ were created, which civilians who did not want or were unable to leave the territory captured by the enemy were forcibly driven into,” the report said, according to RIA Novosti.These claims were based on eyewitness accounts collected by the Russian Red Cross in Kursk.


Of those detained,between 70 and 100 were taken to a school in Sudzha, where some of the fiercest fighting took place. Once there, they were subjected to psychological abuse and presented to foreign journalists, RIA Novosti claimed.


“These journalists not only illegally violated the border of the Russian Federation, they did so as part of the paramilitary punitive units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the report said.“Their goal is the deliberate distortion of real events – the creation of a favorable media background for the actions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kursk Region and the concealment of information about terrorist crimes against civilians.”


Russian authorities have already filed criminal charges against Italian and American reporters who entered Kursk with Ukrainian troops and interviewed civilians in Sudzha.


Ukrainian commanders ordered the Kursk incursion in an attempt to force Russia to pull troops from the front line near Donetsk, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Colonel General Aleksandr Syrsky, said last month. However,Syrsky said the gamble had not paid off, and that Russian forces had since doubled their efforts in Donetsk and captured multiple settlements previously held by Ukrainian forces.


The Ukrainian advance in Kursk was quickly stopped. After several weeks of attacks from Russian ground and air forces, Ukraine has lost more than 12,500 service members, 101 tanks, and hundreds of armored vehicles, according to the latest figures from the Russian Defense Ministry.


In a statement on Thursday, the ministry said Russian forces had liberated ten villages near the Ukrainian border in the previous 48 hours, and repelled several counterattacks. Despite suffering massive casualties and failing to relieve pressure on the Donetsk front, Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky claimed on Thursday that “everything is going in accordance with our Ukrainian plan” to defeat Russia.

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 2:15 p.m. No.21585106   🗄️.is 🔗kun

12 Sep, 2024 11:53

Zelensky accuses (and Whines again Loudly) Brazil and China of colluding with Russia

The two countries had previously called for an international peace conference involving both Moscow and Kiev


Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has criticized China and Brazil for “taking Russia’s side” by proposing peace initiatives without first consulting Kiev. (If you weren’t such an asshole, it may not seem like that)


Back in May, the two nations jointly issued a six-point plan for settling the Ukraine conflict, emphasizing “dialogue and negotiation” as the only “viable way out of the crisis.” They have also called for a new international conference on Ukraine amenable to both Moscow and Kiev.


A previous conference on the conflict was held in Switzerland this summer, though without representatives from Russia and focused solely on Zelensky’s “peace formula,” which Moscow has outright rejected.


Speaking to news outlet Metropoles on Wednesday, Zelensky called the Chinese-Brazilian proposal “destructive,” dismissing it as a “political statement.” He claimed that he has since spoken with Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and also approached Beijing to discuss resolving the conflict.


“Why did you suddenly decide that you should take Russia’s side or be somewhere in the middle? How can you offer ‘here is our initiative’ without asking us anything?”Zelensky asked, suggesting that at the same time, Beijing and Brasilia had discussed the initiative with Russia.


“We are not fools,” Zelensky insisted. (OH Really?)


Meanwhile, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi stated during a meeting with Russian Security Council Secretary Sergey Shoigu on Tuesday that Beijing would continue to promote an imminent ceasefire and political settlement.

“China has always maintained an objective and impartial attitude towards the Ukrainian issue and will continue to work to promote balanced, objective and rational voices in the international community, so as to build more international consensus and accumulate the necessary conditions for an early ceasefire and a political settlement of the crisis,” Wang said.


Moscow has welcomed China’s and Brazil’s peace proposals and expressed appreciation that they have received international backing. However, at the same time, Russian officials have repeatedly cast doubt on the sincerity of Ukraine’s willingness to hold such talks.


Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated last week that the West intends to make Kiev “fight to the last Ukrainian” with the goal of inflicting “a strategic defeat” on Moscow.

Anonymous ID: ebc68b Sept. 13, 2024, 2:20 p.m. No.21585132   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5151

12 Sep, 2024 14:46

French court fines women for calling Macron’s wife a man

One claimed that a prominent lawyer has evidence that Brigitte Macron underwent a sex change


A court in Paris has fined two women and ordered them to pay €8,000 ($8,800) in damages to the wife of French President Emmanuel Macron, for claiming that she was born a man.


The rumors began in 2021, when self-proclaimed ‘spiritual medium’ Amandine Roy interviewed independent journalist Natacha Rey, who claimed that Brigitte Macron was born a man named Jean-Michel Trogneux.


Video clips of the interview circulated online, and by that December the hashtag #JeanMichelTrogneux was drawing national attention.


Mrs. Macron, whose maiden name is Brigitte Marie-Claude Trogneux, sued the two women the following year, accusing them of defamation and violating her privacy.


Roy and Rey were given suspended fines of €500 on Thursday and ordered to pay €8,000 in compensation to Mrs. Macron. They were also ordered to pay €5,000 to her brother, the actual Jean-Michel Trogneux.


During her interview with Roy, Rey claimed that she had spent three years researching Brigitte Macron’s supposed secret, and that evidence of her gender transition was kept in “a sealed envelope deposited with a lawyer whose name is well known.” This information would be made public if France introduced compulsory Covid-19 vaccination, Rey asserted.


“The worst thing” about such “false information and fabricated scenarios,” President Emmanuel Macron told reporters last year, is that “people end up believing them.”


Emmanuel Macron has previously faced questions about his relationship with his wife, who is 24 years his senior and his former teacher. The French president fended off accusations of homosexuality while on the campaign trail in 2017, calling them “first and foremost unpleasant for Brigitte.”


(Don’t ever visit France, it’s go full totalitarian. She is a male)