Anonymous ID: b1896f Sept. 13, 2024, 8:11 p.m. No.21587307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7328 >>7354 >>7360

Posting this here so maybe it doesn’t happen.


I have it under good authority that a plan is being made to create another worldwide event, for the sole purpose of preventing Trump from becoming the 47th President and issuing in the final steps of the new world order.


They are preparing on using Ukraine as their means of conflict to begin WW3. They know Putin’s red lines they are not to cross, one of them being striking Russian homeland with western munitions. Putin has every system in place to launch tactical nuclear missiles, and will, if struck from the outside.


Harris/Biden understand the situation, and are willingly goading Russia in responding in a red line manner. This whole event may occur as soon as Sunday.


Zelensky is not in control. He is merely a puppet for the government and the media to keep up the charade that Ukraine is simply a victim, and not an aggressor in the war, via loss of diplomatic assurances and treaties.


It is my suspicion, among others in my field, that this plan is being executed swiftly before the ballots can be filled in at all. I hope that me and my circle are wrong, but given the recent history, I’m afraid that we are most likely predicting the situation correctly from some people we have on the inside.


If the lights go dark, I guess we’ll truly know.