It was all real. you should see the retards on twitter who are defending her getting the questions.
hahahahaha fuck that made me kek
damn forgot to crop
scratch ;(
>Good game Anon! Thanks for the KEKs and entertainment. o7
hahaha glad i could entertain you, likewise. i had to get my head off this math im doing so thanks for the break lol.
it is but cmon man. have some strats
Fell into your trap, shit. hahaha good game anon!
back to linear algebra and discrete maths ;(
tell my mom i went down swinging
what is that snake story he's talking about?
ill grab a clip real fast
>It's your claim, you get clips, homo.
check again homo!
must have struck a nerve hahaha funny little bots!
after looking they came back, only 4 left but they returned, find lady with the sash it has glitter
Bonus Round!
They like the numbers 13,14, and 15 because…
13 14 15
1 3.1415
first 5 digits of pi in a seemingly arbitrary number system.
angle quads!!!