Anons were well onto this yesterday with proven photoshop posted to Drudge yesterday. Source of the fake image? Loomer herself! Posted to her twitter over a year ago!
>>21583553 past bread
>>21583771 past bread
Check the pb link lazy. There is sauce for Loomer's tweet of the image. As for the rest? It's called analysis fucktard. There is no sauce because it is original. It is the sauce. Take it or leave it. But don't use the lame excuse of no sauce.
cry moar
To all the paid shills posting and hopping. Anon understands your dilemma. Money is tight. Shit is expensive. Why? Because your boss. That's why. Look, just get yourself one of these babies, take a much needed break, and get paid anyway!
Unless it's a slope saying it sarcastically. And remember. Anything that seems positive on first blush can be taken as being said in a mocking tone if repeated to no end.
>what makes you safe from the microscope?
Thorough analysis of Pig's history of posting images that are subversive.
Address the photoshop. Shill Turd.
word salad
Form a cogent idea first. Put it to paper. Read, review, edit, then post. FFS (you) make yourself look like a fool doing it the way that you are.
>Give an example of the subversion.
>not some mimic copypasta either
Nice rule you lay down there. So you want to lock me out of repeating what I have said here many times. You. Are. A. Snake.
Here are five examples of Pig subversion. If you can't see it then you are a simpleton.
Linda Sun, Chinese Agent in New York EXPOSED
China Uncensored
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Bread keeps shrinking. They are not sending their best.
Dub dubs for dinner. Yummy.
ROLLS-ROYCE NORTH AMERICA INC Boeing 747 engine development test flight. Number two pylon is test engine mounting point.