its bad tonight
thank you for baking through it!
I think they will talk about Syria, Ukraine, muh russia for the libtards, U1, and how to work together to reduce tensions with NATO/Russia
I also think they'll renew the START treaty
not sure what other written/signed agreements they will be able to do at a first true summit
I thought I heard that some christian orgs (not sure which denomination, will dig) are try to go for moar muh diversity to gain followers/attendence
Russia is an ally
muh russia is a way to drive us to WW3 so the globalist elites can profit from and exploit the war, not to mention infringe on our constitutional rights
(pic related) wow!
never knew about it, not very "advertised", thank you anon
> Q couldn’t maintain the functionality of the board for a week and a half
thats the CM's job, fixed
> hasn’t posted for just as long
not unusual at all, except to newfags and shills
>after being called out for weak photo proof bullshit
we've proved over and over again its legit and not a "stock photo"
try harder, kys shill!!
gotta new one
the 502s have been going on for hours now
>Just look at the thread fuck stick your not doing anything else tonight
its you're, and I'm not gonna be a Rtard, I know that
way to go jim
rotten fascist vermin
we will shoot in the forehead
scum of humanity
put together a strong coffin
>What songs will American patriots Be singing years from now?
lee greenwood
very unconvincing IP hop
this summit is the first step in securing a TRUE American-Russian alliance against the radical islamic terrorism, rogue states, and the cabal
fukken saved… on a text editor!