(R) 3 bread anon here.. I've been reading the thread not posting for past several hrs but have to say in bread #2(I think) an anon gave a link to docs that spoke of this but more so about the US, about people being vessels legally under some mumbo jumbo legal lingo from long ago..3 page doc & it stated that citizens were considered as "vessels" (likened to a ship) own by the gov.. also stated that since we are owned(slaves) each must be documented therefore a birth certificate is required of us by & for the gov & when said slaves reach the age of 65 the slave may request & receive payment for serving the master under the guise of Social Security… I can't remember any links because after going to anon's link & reading all, honestly I wanted to throw up…I just closed down for several hrs feeling great defeat but more so of all before us who died to make this country the best in the world…this PLAN's gotta work or my future grandchildren, your future grandchildren will be considered slaves when they're born with an ink stamp of their tiny foot, name tag around their wrist & a birth certificate to document them…