Anonymous ID: 229546 Sept. 14, 2024, 4 p.m. No.21591378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1392

You create your reality.

Your emotions make the world around you.

If you are happy, grateful, humble, and patient, the higher timeline you will experience.

If you are in fear, and in other low vibe energies, thay is what you will experience.

Don't believe me?

What would it hurt to try for a few weeks?

Jump a few timelines.

Watch your life get better.

Anonymous ID: 229546 Sept. 14, 2024, 4:11 p.m. No.21591440   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The external world is a reflection of your inner light—or darkness. What you resist is always a part of you. So, stop resisting. Rise to your majestic role and create a magical reality. Yes, you will make mistakes, but they are your responsibility and valuable tools for learning. There are no true mistakes, only experiences that show you what works or doesn’t based on your goals.


Your negative thoughts create chaos and stagnant energy, keeping you locked in the same time-frame reality. Conduct an inventory of all your beliefs and ask yourself: Does this belief serve my existence? Do I wish to create from it?


What you believe will be reflected back to you. It’s not that you believe something and then find it to be true; rather, whatever you believe will be projected into your reality. Be aware of this and create beauty. Choose positivity and truth. Dance in your magic and share it with others. A time is approaching when your thoughts will be transparent, and you will observe the unity in all things.