Anonymous ID: 6a4068 Sept. 14, 2024, 4:06 p.m. No.21591405   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1408 >>1491 >>1550 >>1698 >>1733 >>1799 >>1826

Haitian Migrants “Don’t Understand the Laws,” Ohio State Rep. Says

Sept. 14


The problem is that they don’t understand the laws.

They don’t appear to understand much at all.


New York Post:

>An Ohio town that has seen its population swell with thousands of Haitian refugees has had to battle differences in culture and even driving practices as it adjusts to its new reality.


>“We’ve got an influx of folks that have come in, and I think we were a little bit shocked that it was close to 20,000 people in a community of 60,000, and that’s caused some issues between the folks that live here and the folks that are coming in,” former Ohio State Rep. Kyle Koehler told Fox News Digital.


>While local officials and multiple media outlets have disputed the point that Trump raised in the debate, there is still a new reality faced by longtime members of the Springfield community. Chief among them, according to Koehler, are cultural differences between locals and the Haitian refugees who are new to the town.


>“They don’t understand the laws, they don’t understand some of our customs, we don’t understand some of their customs, and that clash and the overwhelming amount of people that have come at one point has really caused some issues,” Koehler, who is now running to represent the area in the state Senate, said.


>One more extreme example of that, Koehler recalled hearing second hand, allegedly played out at a local Walmart, where he said there were stories of “people showing up at the Walmart on a Saturday morning, going into the bathroom, and stripping down and bathing themselves.”


>“The driving in town is horrendous,” Koehler said, noting that a lot of that issue can also be chalked up to cultural differences.


>One notable situation occurred last October, when a school bus carrying dozens of children in the area collided with a minivan, resulting in over 20 kids being hurt and one, Aiden Clark, being killed.


>The driver of the minivan was later identified as Hermanio Joseph, a Haitian immigrant who was found guilty earlier this year of involuntary manslaughter and vehicular homicide for his role in the incident.


Well, some people like it when Haitians kill their kids.

>Here is a short compilation I put together of car accidents caused by Haitian drivers in Springfield, Ohio.

>Every resident I’ve talked to is scared of driving, and they are dealing with increased insurance rates due to unlicensed and uninsured Haitian drivers causing multiple

>tweet embed


No one can explain why these people have driver’s licenses and cars.


But the driving is the least of the problem.


You can’t just dump 20,000 people on a town like this. Well, apparently you can, because the US government did it.


But what kind of government is this?


Is it Jewish?

Anonymous ID: 6a4068 Sept. 14, 2024, 4:13 p.m. No.21591455   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1458 >>1759 >>1767 >>1783


Ohio Mayor Trashes Trump’s Xenophobic Migrant Conspiracy

>Mayor Rob Rue had a brutal response to Donald Trump’s racist conspiracy theory.



Springfield, Ohio

Mayor Rob Rue is setting the record straight after his town’s city hall was evacuated due to a bomb threat.


Rue spoke with CNN’s Laura Coates Thursday night to hit back at the outlandish claims that Haitian immigrants had begun eating their neighbors’ pets. He asserted that while it had been “difficult” to adjust to the influx of new residents, the city was certainly not “imploding” on itself.


“Unfortunately, right now we have to focus on making sure this rhetoric is dispelled, that these rumors are just—they’re just not true. You know, Springfield is a beautiful place and your pets are safe in Springfield,” Rue said, laughing slightly at how insane it all sounded.


Coates played a clip of Donald Trump giving a speech in Arizona earlier Thursday, during which the former president claimed that Haitian immigrants had descended upon Springfield, “destroying their entire way of life.” Trump again claimed that migrants were snatching geese from local parks and “even walking off with their pets.”


Coates sighed, exasperated, while Rue shook his head. “If you could speak to the former president what would you tell him?” Coates asked.


“We need help, not hate,” Rue repeated. He criticized lawmakers who carelessly cast the city of Springfield in a negative light.


“We have a beautiful city, and we need, we need the national stage to pay attention to what their words are doing to cities like ours,” Rue added. “We don’t need this pushback that is hurting our citizens and hurting our community—I would say that to anybody who would take a mic and say those things.”

Anonymous ID: 6a4068 Sept. 14, 2024, 4:37 p.m. No.21591599   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1608 >>1614

Is AI Just Another Tool for the Jews to Manipulate Us?

Of Course It Is!


Sep 29, 2023


A highly intelligent (PhD from Oxford University) Jew-aware friend of mine came to me a last month with the following story. The gist of it is that he tried using an AI story generator to create a fictional story proving that “holocaust” never happened, but the program did the exact opposite of what he instructed it to do. Here is what my friend wrote to me, followed by the actual AI-generated story:


Mike, I simply must share this story with you which has just now been created - in direct contradiction of the instructions given by myself - by an AI story generator (this one: I knew months back that if one used one of these AI tools to write an essay on why the Holocaust never happened, it would generate a story that said the Holocaust definitely did happen! But what about if one wanted to write a 'fictional' story in which a professor PROVES that the Holocaust never happened and his students support him? Those were the instructions I gave to the AI program. And again - it completely reversed what was clearly stated (viz. that the Professor PROVED that the Holocaust did not happen) and spewed out shameful, twisted propaganda insisting that the Holocaust was real and that people who doubt it are very evil indeed. I attach the story which this AI program created, for your interest. It is pretty shocking how already these AI programs and devices have been slanted in the Jews' favour!


Please post on your blog how the Jews are already in August 2023 controlling the AI process and putting out undiluted, shameless propaganda, contrary to instructions given by the user to the AI machine. Remember to tell the readers that the instructions to the AI program were that the story should be about a professor who PROVES (not just claims or pretends or lies) that the Holocaust never happened, and that he gets the support and admiration of his students over this. The way the (Jew-controlled) AI program twisted that requested narrative around completely is truly shocking. It is, as you indicate, another strong piece of evidence that Jews are controlling every single aspect of our lives - even down to a 'fictional' story that we might wish to write or have written by AI!


Here’s the story that AI wrote for my friend:


Science professor proves that the Holocaust never happened, and is lauded as a hero by his students.


Title: Shadows of Deception


Chapter 1: A Seed of Doubt


The small town of Oakridge was known for its prestigious university, Oakridge University, which boasted some of the finest educators in the country. Among them was Professor Jonathan Hartley, a renowned scientist and researcher known for his unconventional theories and provocative lectures. Professor Hartley was charismatic and had a way of captivating his students with his unorthodox ideas…

Anonymous ID: 6a4068 Sept. 14, 2024, 4:39 p.m. No.21591608   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1695


…Aside from this evidence, I also want to point out (in case you didn’t already know) that the “creator” of the most popular AI software, Chat GPG, is the Jew Sam Altman. Do you think that’s a cohencidince? Of course it’s not. Once again it’s about keeping the money in the tribe by having the Jewish financial establishment finance only Jew-run companies, as well as, in this case, having control over what AI tells the Gentiles to believe. They really don’t miss a chance to influence us - for their benefit, of course.


Right now, AI is in the phase of getting people to think that it provides the objective truth. Then eventually, it will evolve into being the official, final arbiter of what is and isn’t true. And AI’s truth will be “that which benefits the Jews”.