Kek, I'm sure. Can't see it though cuz filtered. It's actually beautiful really cleans the bread up not seeing the psyop retard. Oh BTW, if its losing its mind, Anon did dat.
Kek, I'm sure. Can't see it though cuz filtered. It's actually beautiful really cleans the bread up not seeing the psyop retard. Oh BTW, if its losing its mind, Anon did dat.
Holy shit I mean how do you explain that for real for real
Is that you Freddy?
It exists to divide, always has been. Just famefags like a shill All day waiting for opposition as it was designed to irritate real actual anons. Then the scripted projections about hating America and being unpatriotic. All very rinse and repeat. Habby to help expose it all.
Now that's America winning.
You damn right it is. Even moar fun trolling the shills.
Namefags hab no credibility QT
When you ignore famefag shills you become a servant of famefag shills
Quads of yeast infection checked
Don't bother, you're filtered and can't read your posts. You're wasting your time. Your narcissist ego is obsessed and preoccupied now. You exist to hang off my every word while I ignore you.
I won
Rent free
I won
Anon can think of a guud reason
It's really so triggered, seething and retarded that it keeps feeding me (You) while it's filtered. Anon is living absolutely rent free. It exists to follow my every word, it has nothing left.. it's destroyed. Anon did that.
Zen you eat your neighbor
Kek Anon knows just messing
You're invisible nigger. Don't waste your energy.
That's really going to make him lose his mind. Ignoring a narcissist is the ultimate way to destroy a narcissist. Works great