ru$$el larpin drumpf juuus ID: c1ec79 peanut butter priests scamble to babel in scoundrel w/ Sept. 15, 2024, 3:23 a.m. No.21593820   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>running in circles going dickbutt wznt nuff fo fart taxes collectors frenchin greek gurms frum wrong poleland gittin high


>swamp farts taxes collectors were frenchin gurms frum wrong poleland war lik a bunch of british twits trying to impress greek oil in gahycowboy fart locker before alec bladwin volcano probed church got kilos barge island funding


>insatiable ammounts of russel brand suck alec bladwins pedoore farts hommage tribute ass apple windows 11 pruuf joachim an boaz arr faggo lik a hobamamoo fart taxes collectors died election change


>fart token slavurs were really frenchy drumpf larpin fart taxes collectors when swamp election changed


>gpa;s nostalgia for antique fart lickin heavy metals still true bout fart taxes collectors died of election changes


>frenchy juws trying to greek juw got stap juwin ordurs frum fart taxes rent to dman high gittin electin changes


>fat lickin fart tax collectors stap makin cents @DANvilingus templediedtoo


>> candelstick beating


>ghosts of fart taxes collecting still pray to foreskins an stolen candelstick beating frum election changes depends diapur


>fart taxes gittin high collector swamp changed with candelstick in bookstore


>nickels nails spectacles testicles impeachin election fart collectors tax changes swamp



>big fart tax collectors changes election now


>fart tax collectors election again