Anonymous ID: 3d26bd Sept. 15, 2024, 10:52 a.m. No.21595539   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nope too many fatties. If it is FEDS, embrace their messaging. Calling us names is literally their only weapon unless we hand them the federal government with a Kamala victory. Embrace being called a racist. We shouldn't care. Every American citizen should get it by now. We are enslaved by a government who commits treason by importing unsustainable amounts of incompatible enemy combatants into your front yard, schools, hospitals, and streets. Humans used to build castle walls to keep outsiders out. Now we believe, collectively, that forcing outsiders inside to steal, rape and kill you, your families, and your property is VIRTUOUS. SUICIDE IS VIRTUE. Reject forced suicide. I say embrace racist Feds and their message of Americans are racism. OK, we are racism.


Now make government funded charity unconstitutional.