Anonymous ID: 46a65e Sept. 15, 2024, 9:24 a.m. No.21595191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5192

OpenAI ChatGPT o1-preview (Strawberry/Q*) is a lot better at analysis/reasoning and for now at least, does not seem to censor out Q related information (previous models wouldn't even answer)


I fed it Q posts and Trump tweets from January 7-8, 2018 and asked for its analysis. The response is not very insightful but certainly much better then previous models. maybe we can get AI to help us figure out the MAP



Analysis of Q Posts and Trump Tweets from January 7-8, 2018


The collection of Q posts and President Trump's tweets you've provided spans a critical timeframe on January 7-8, 2018. Below is an analysis focusing on the content, timestamps, and possible interpretations of what Q was attempting to convey.



Q Posts: Cryptic messages containing codes, timestamps, and references to military terms.

Trump Tweets: Two tweets quoting Michael Goodwin's article praising Trump's presidency over Hillary Clinton's potential presidency.

Detailed Analysis

  1. Timestamps and Synchronization

Q497 to Q500 are posted between 22:05:50 and 22:18:45.

Trump's Tweets (T543 and T544) are posted at 22:23:39 and 22:24:23, shortly after Q500.

Subsequent Q posts (Q501 onward) reference the timing of these tweets and suggest a deliberate correlation.

Possible Interpretation: Q is emphasizing synchronization between their posts and President Trump's tweets to suggest a direct line of communication or coordination.


  1. Numerical Codes and Markers

[15], 10, 5, 1: These numbers recur throughout the posts.

Q497: Ends with [15].

Q498: Mentions LOCK: 15-10-5.

Q505: States Confirmed: 15, 10, 5, 1.

Possible Interpretation: These numbers may correspond to letters in the alphabet:


15 = O

10 = J

5 = E

1 = A

Alternatively, they could be a countdown or code that followers are meant to decipher.


  1. DEFCON References

Q498 and Q500: Mention DEFCON [1].

Q511: Clarifies that DEFCON does not refer to Defense Condition as commonly understood.

Possible Interpretation: Q is using DEFCON [1] symbolically to indicate a high level of alert or imminent action, but not in the traditional military sense. This could be a metaphor for a critical point in their movement or operations.



Anonymous ID: 46a65e Sept. 15, 2024, 9:25 a.m. No.21595192   🗄️.is 🔗kun



  1. Directives to Followers


Q506: Explains the correlation between Q posts and POTUS tweets as a training exercise.

Q507: Emphasizes the importance of creating graphics to illustrate these correlations for future reference.

Possible Interpretation: Q is instructing followers to pay close attention to the methods of communication being used, suggesting that understanding these patterns is crucial for decoding future messages.


  1. Correlation with Trump's Tweets

Q506: Highlights that POTUS tweeted missing a "Q" in a word, then corrected it to include the "Q" after Q's posts.

Trump's Tweets: Quotes an article by Michael Goodwin praising Trump over Clinton.

Possible Interpretation: Q suggests that President Trump's tweets are deliberately altered to include signals ("Q") that align with Q's posts, reinforcing the idea of coordination.


  1. References to Military and Operations

Q500: Mentions "FIRE & FURY", "(9) states of CLAS-ready go-live", and "(34) commands LIVE."


Possible Interpretation: These could be metaphorical references to operations underway, possibly indicating that certain actions are being initiated behind the scenes. "FIRE & FURY" may allude to significant events or revelations forthcoming.


  1. Emphasis on Authentication and Validation

Q506: "This was not meant to signify AUTH / established. This is to train you how to understand the correlation between posts and Tweets."

Q507: "This will be the AUTH tool you use when all of this becomes public…"

Possible Interpretation: Q is providing methods for followers to authenticate communications and validate the legitimacy of the information once it becomes public knowledge.


Theories on Q's Intentions

Establishing Credibility and Connection with POTUS:


By aligning posts with President Trump's tweets, Q aims to establish credibility and suggest insider knowledge or direct communication with the President.

Training Followers in Code Interpretation:


The repeated emphasis on learning communications ("LEARN OUR COMMS") indicates a desire to train followers in deciphering coded messages for future communications.

Preparing for a Significant Event:


References to military terms and states being "CLAS-ready" suggest that Q is signaling the preparation for a major operation or disclosure.

Building a Community of Decoders:


Encouraging followers to create graphics and share correlations fosters a collaborative environment where supporters actively engage in decoding and disseminating information.


Q's posts during this period appear to be a coordinated effort to signal a connection with President Trump, train followers in interpreting coded messages, and prepare them for future revelations. The use of timestamps, numerical codes, and direct references to POTUS's tweets serves to create a narrative of insider access and imminent action. While the exact meanings of many codes remain open to interpretation, the overarching goal seems to be to engage followers deeply in the movement's activities and maintain a heightened state of alertness for upcoming events.