Anonymous ID: 61b1bb Sept. 15, 2024, 10:58 a.m. No.21595569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5598

>>21591789 PREV BREAD

>>21591641 PREV BREAD

Had a thought about the(((+)))and#My Presidentseen in these pictures.


One theory: + in parenthesis could be a ref to the assassination attempt on President Trump, (who some believe to be Q+) and that we should just Trust the Plan. Hence #My President, which we all consider him as, whether he's in the OO or not.


Second Theory: JFKjr, who is [dead], actually really isn't as is suggested in the pictures, and may be Q+. See Qdrop 2401) The #MY President may be indicative of his path in politics yet to come. Possibly the October surprise/Trump Card yet to be played? Side note: triple ((( ))) also means echo, as in echo thru time. JFKjr's name has certainly held it's popularity, his death is still somewhat a mystery, and potential future still in question.


Third theory: neither are correct and I need to go to Tard Jail.


Fourth theory: Both are correct- a sort of duality or multiple meanings exist.

Anonymous ID: 61b1bb Sept. 15, 2024, 11:21 a.m. No.21595666   🗄️.is 🔗kun


What am I missing? I'm not a Navalfag, so am unfamiliar with the sequence and timing of these events.


According to the definition, ships are commissioned when they go into active service.


It appears the USS John Basilone has been in service for18-24 months. Is this a training/trial period? (Get to know the ship) If it's only just now going "into service", what has it been doing for the past 18-24 months?


Is this time frame normal for commissioning?

Or is there another reason why it will be in NYC 4 days after the election?