By that, meaning the name of the program, less than a one sentence description and the agency/organization and program manager. I was not read on to the any of the programs, but was designated to get in contact with those who could, should a very senior official need to be made aware in case of a crisis or contingency. Many senior national security officials, cabinet secretaries, diplomats generals, admirals who obviously have the highest security clearances still do not rate being indoctrinated into nearly all the SAPs within the US. national security community. In fact, most don’t even know the most SAPs exist.
Unlike individuals with the highest Top Secret SCI access security clearances, who must undergo a special background information with periodic “bring-up” background investigation, those tiny few who have access to SAP’s must also endure periodic and regular polygraph tests in addition to the most comprehensive of special background investigations. During my career since 1985 or so, I underwent polygraphs on average every three years, in order to maintain access to the SAP programs I was involved with and, or was required to be knowledgeable of.
Compromise of a SAP is the single most dangerous security violation that can ever happen to the USA. Even the enormously damaging revelations of the Edward Snowden’s TOP Secret SCI security compromise does not reach the level of a SAP compromise. I am aware of what Snowden revealed, but he deals were limited.
To put SAP information in to an unsecure sever like Hillary Clinton’s unsecure server is a class one felony that could, in many cases, result in life in prison. That is because such a compromise is so dangerous that it could, and likely will result in the death of people protected by and within the scope of the specific SAP. The intelligence community will certainly know if that happens, but will never reveal it publically because that could likely validate the death and prevent U.S. deniability of other sources and methods. Most people truly do not understand and have absolutely no concept of how grave and dangerous and perilous a revelation and compromise would be.
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