Russia supported USA when it rebeled against UK in Am Rev War. Russia again blocked UK interference when USA struggling with Civil War, started in part because UK/EU globalist promised Southern plantation owners they would buy their raw cotton (trade war) then pulled out of deal after South rebeled against North.
In 1800’s UK fought Russia for control of Central Asia which included Afghanistan. UK lost. Rudyard Kipling refered to the power struggle as the “great game” in story Kim.
1917 Russia fell to Soviets who took refuge in UK.
During Clinton admin (Clinton is Oxford trained “Rhodes” scholar, also where spygate Halper trained with Bill - they pledge to UK) Russia fell through some tricky financial back door deals. Put in put the Russian Humpty Dumpty together again much to UK chagrin.
Now Russia has oil and UK/ EU has none. If WW3 could be finagled then Russia could be conquered broken into tiny powerless states and oil controlled by globalists.
Also the former Khazar state, home of Ashkenazi pretend Jews who were kicked out by Czar is within Russian territory. Reputed to have a major stargate. Ashkenazi HQ is now London in UK.