Anonymous ID: 68443e Sept. 15, 2024, 3:57 p.m. No.21597716   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Ukraine was the center of the Soviet, where the powerful lived, and a slave society for generations before that.

powerful Bolshivicks fanned out from there and took over the West.

Read about Trotsky.

Russia was not the power in the Soviet.

Ukrainian Bolshivics have always been a secret upper-class, and Ukrainians of a certain tribe are ALWAYS favored over everyone else in many many companies, government, organizations, etc, even to the point where people born in Ukraine were placed in the Trump White House, and the brother of that one is running for congress in Virginia.

Many might say that Ukraine was the center of an ancient criminal enterprise.

if you look at Holywood and the Music Industry you will find a lot of ethnic Ukrainians that became suddenly exceptionally famous seemingly overnight.

Ukraine was the secret center and many of that clan still like to pretend that no one knows this.