Anonymous ID: 2396dc Sept. 15, 2024, 11:02 p.m. No.21600475   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I wonder if he has spilled the beans yet on who tipped him off and what a coinkydink that HI boy happened to be in south FL at the same time.


What hotel was he staying in and for how long ?

Anonymous ID: 2396dc Sept. 15, 2024, 11:05 p.m. No.21600482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0600



USSS said he engaged first before any shots by lefty. 4 shots by USSS ? I seriously doubt deranged lefty would have the skillset of engaging a target while under fire but hey who knows.

Anonymous ID: 2396dc Sept. 15, 2024, 11:49 p.m. No.21600583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0601


moar like


[Pro 3:5-6 KJV] 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Anonymous ID: 2396dc Sept. 16, 2024, 12:09 a.m. No.21600632   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One would think they are good shots but the issue is the source of the four shots. A single source or a combination ? All I heard was the USSS engaged first. It appears the perp would not have the skillset to remain calm under fire. I understand that is not an innate skillset and must be learned. So did the perp have training for that ? Is USSS telling the truth about being the first to engage ? One would think if USSS can see a long rifle barrel poking through a fence at a distance , they could also use that keen eyesight to effectively direct fire but who knows.

Anonymous ID: 2396dc Sept. 16, 2024, 12:15 a.m. No.21600647   🗄️.is 🔗kun


In addition, from anon's overhead shot of hole #5 Trump's golf cart would have eventually been headed straight for the assassin less than 10 feet away. Quite the spot he had picked out while visiting S FL all the way from HI.

Anonymous ID: 2396dc Sept. 16, 2024, 12:18 a.m. No.21600653   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I have first hand experience that doctors even USN doctors can be evil fucking bastards who lie out their ass. Does no good to point this out. No one listens. They kinda do after their evil was exposed during covid. Bottom line doctors are humans and all humans have the capability to do evil shit.

Anonymous ID: 2396dc Sept. 16, 2024, 12:24 a.m. No.21600669   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0686


>quantum" missed.

Sorry but I do not follow.

I understand they are still trying to develop quantum computers. What I do not understand is why do that if AI is supposed to be so special. Is their plan to use quantum computing to further advance AI or would quantum computing be used for tasks that AI can not be trusted with ?