Anonymous ID: 1923c2 Sept. 16, 2024, 4:07 a.m. No.21601062   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Today we choose to identify and annul the mechanisms that have been put in place to bind us, to hinder us from happiness and freedom.

These are the mechanisms ofFear.


ToBreakfree from the mechanisms of fear one must start with their notion of fear. As you awaken, what are your first set of thoughts? Will you let fear lead your day?

Allow yourself to be led byLOVE & CREATIVITY.

As you travel this path you will findSafety

As you travel this path you will findTruth

As you travel this path you will findTRUST


-identify anything in your life that is causing fear, then eliminate it.

-you must enter this battle with an open mind, you have had fear based programming blasted at you since you were young.

-the sum of all fear is death and annihilation.

-would your creator want this for you?

-Remove your Cross from the Stone and you will find it.

-Good Mourning? orBeautiful Day!!