Anonymous ID: b2a7bc Sept. 16, 2024, 1:07 a.m. No.21600752   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0764 >>0765 >>0768 >>0906 >>0982 >>1095 >>1300 >>1308 >>1459 >>1530





Replying to @karmapatriot and @X22Report

He had several posts where he provided a phone number and email address when reaching out to elected individuals seeking support.


I connected both the phone number and email address to this site:

Fight for Ukraine | +1-808-464-8342





Sep 16, 2024, 2:57 AM
 | +1-808-464-8342



Military recruitment



Ukrainian army wishes and hopes to pay every person helping in the fight for freedom and human rights, but the country is struggling and funds and support dwindling, so our expectations must be realistic, and what we each must give will be far beyond normal sacrifice, but it is what we all must do.



Each one of us is responsible for the outcome of this war, as our every single action must stand for humanity and show kindness, caring, selflessness, altruism, empathy, generosity, and all of the moral goodness that this battle is about.


Volunteering in Ukraine is the most honorable and noble sacrifice, and every human on the planet should be here for freedom and human rights and we need thousands, but this civilian war is complex and the military units and charities are constantly changing and it requires diligence and patience to find a place to be useful.


As this war is about our entire world working together and moving forward as a collective unit to always show kindness and caring for our fellowman, the most amazing way to show selflessness and generosity and the character of moral fabric of ourselves is to go directly to Ukraine and stand with them for freedom, humanity, and basic human rights. Do not call your home country embassy to seek approval to join the fight, simply get on a plane and come to Ukraine and join us, as there are countless military and aid groups that need help.


This is a civilian war that cannot be lost and we need thousands if not millions of civilians from all 190 countries here to stand for kindness, caring, generosity, hope, dreams, and a safe future for our children. Everyone, please stop what you are doing and come join this fight. Fighters, do not waste time with the embassy in your country, just come with gear and food and money – expect nothing. Everyone must slowly be vetted and you must prove loyalty.

Anonymous ID: b2a7bc Sept. 16, 2024, 1:12 a.m. No.21600764   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0816



We need thousands of fighters and humanitarian aid workers and supplies to win this war and no one should ever let paperwork or red tape hinder their desire to fight for freedom, humanity and basic human rights. It is the most honorable and dignified sacrifice anyone can make to support their fellowman. Please encourage every age and gender from around the world to come and join the fight. WE NEED EVERYONE.




You do not need a visa, simply get all military gear and money and fly to Krakow.

Take an intercity train or bus to Przemyśl.

Take a local train or bus to Medyka.

Make your way to the border with Ukraine.



Tell the border guard you want to join the International Legion and they will take you to the office and meet with Nazar and the leaders.

If you do not have military experience you must sell yourself that you are capable.

They will run your passport and go through your phone to make sure you are not Russian.

If accepted, you go directly to a nearby base and train.

More information




There is a tent located alongside the sidewalk to the border for the Foreign Legion.

It is very casual – you can sell yourself there to be shipped to their base in western Ukraine.

More information


If all of the above fails

Cross the border to Ukraine.

Take a bus from the border town (Shehyni) to Lviv.

Get a train to Kyiv.

Get in touch with me. We can call and visit countless units in need of help. We have unlimited places to fight and help, so please do not hesitate.

Insights from fighters

“Best to avoid any connecting flights in Europe or your bag will be delayed a week to 10 days, so fly directly to Poland.”


— A., Boston


“Do not expect anything to be given to you. You will need to come with everything that you may need or buy it here. Anything you are lucky to be given is a bonus and whatever food you can bring is smart as well.”




“While you would expect a red carpet for foreigners, it often seems opposite as everyone seems to want everything from us, and we get little respect”


— A., Albania


Two Brazilians were killed in a house that had been bombed. The female medic was in the basement and could not get out and the fellow Brazilian who went in to save her did not make it out despite his heroic efforts. Sad.


— C., Brazil


Two men decided, against strong advice not to leave the trench, to go out for a smoke and were killed by a tank they could not see. Particularly in combination with thermal and night vision, smoking kills.


— Canada


“I was injured in a car accident and many people have been seriously hurt or killed just in transit from bad driving, so be careful who you ride with.”


— Australia


“While everyone must have a contract for a weapon, most every contract can be canceled mutually at most any time. However, if you fail to follow orders or leave without finalizing your paperwork, you will not be able to fight with another unit, so finish up all duties prior to switching.”


— M., USA


“Be extremely careful about missions that colonel XXX and YYY might send you on with the Territorial Defense as they might be extremely dangerous and have limited Intel. Be extremely well prepared and have an extraction plan in mind.”




“Bring mosquito netting and gallons of bug spray, because the mosquitoes are Russian and they are killers.”


— Taiwan


“Ukraine has very limited resources, so military training and intel are extremely limited. Highly educated fighters must find a way to allow their Ukrainian counterparts take the leading role, while kindly and gently encouraging change and more progressive thinking, with teaching opportunities at every moment, so that we can keep them – and us – alive. We cannot abandon them simply for lack of insight. We must help them as brothers.”


— England


“While one might expect tremendous gratitude from Ukrainians for foreigners coming to risk their lives for them, well, do not expect any praise or appreciation, The most important part of this war is influencing the mindset and culture of our global partners towards selflessness and kindness and caring. That is our biggest battle.



Anonymous ID: b2a7bc Sept. 16, 2024, 1:12 a.m. No.21600765   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ryan routh


WHATSAPP, signal, telegram, viber

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Sep 6 • 2 tweets • 1 min read • Read on X


I am a Democrat.


I support most progressive policies.


I will be voting for President Trump.


Please watch and share my speech below to understand why.


I’m sure many disagree, or are even disappointed with my choice, which is fine! Respectful political disagreement is vital for our democracy. I would ask that we nonetheless recognize we are all on the same time: fighting for the future of American Jewry