Anonymous ID: e4b9b2 Sept. 16, 2024, 4:48 p.m. No.21604990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So that sicko yesterday was a "Ukraine" freak.

This is for mark LEVIN, who has MULTIPLE platforms to spew his shit and HAWK his BOOKS: TALK ABOUT THE TRUTHS, ALL THE CORRUPTION, YOU FUCKING ~~FRAUD~~ CONTROLLED OPPO Mockingbird TOOL. adam SHITT? The BIOLABS?

These VIDS, legitimate NEWS Reports, are YEARS old, but who the fuck has SEEN them in this Communist-controlled Country. Meanwhile mawkie has been on radio, TV, and where ever else (his website… still on Blaze?) spewing his Zelinsky lovefest. (Is he still shilling for Ukraine as hard these days?)