I want to give a little bit of help and guidance to my fellow young adult male anons… I'm an Oldfag IRL… well, somewhat… Mid 40s… I have 5 kids, ages 6 to 14… and I'd like to share with you all something that I think is very important.
There has been a concerted effort from the leftist SJW types to destroy anything having to do with traditionalism… traditional gender roles, traditional values, etc… They want men to become women (Transgender movement), they want women to behave like men (sexual revolution, modern feminism)… they want to blur all the lines, and destroy what WORKS and replace it with dysfunction.
I have never seen in all my life, as much confusion and pain in young men as I have seen in the last 2 years or so. Young men, who are trying DESPERATELY to figure out where they belong in the world… what they need to do, to get laid, get married, have a stable relationship, etc… I see men being made into beta cucks, because they think that's what women want, and they think that's the only way they will be able to find love and happiness in our modern mixed up world.
I'm here to tell you… I was seduced by that crap in my 20s as well… but about 5 or 6 years ago, I broke out of it. My marriage almost ended… I literally had to tell my wife that I was going to divorce her if things didn't change.
And boy have things changed.
Here's the deal, young guns… Women NATURALLY desire to be provided for… they desire a "strong man". They go for the "bad boys" because those are the men that show they have authority and power.
The video I embed here is related to this.
Part of the lyrics of this song… "you need someone, older and wiser, telling you what to do." It's true. Women WANT this…
But there's a huge caveat to all of this.
You have to be worthy of her trust and respect. You have to be a real man, who CAN provide for her and protect her. You can't fake that shit.
You have to be confident, you have to be "large and in charge"… you have to be willing to tell her "no" whenever she needs to be told "no".
Here's an example of the attitude you need to have with women. You know the old relationship squabble about going out to eat, right?
Man: "Where do you want to go out to eat?"
Woman: "Oh, I don't really care. YOU pick!"
Man: "Okay, how about Olive Garden?"
Woman: "Hmmmm… naw, I'm not really in the mood for Italian."
Man: "How about Outback?"
Woman: "Naw… "
Man: "How about Red Lobster?"
Woman: "Naw…"
Man: "Well then WHERE SHOULD WE GO!?!?"
Woman: "It doesn't really matter to me… just not THOSE places.. YOU pick."
See fellas… that's what you call a "shit test". The woman is testing you to see how much of her SHIT you'll put up with before you put her in her place.
Here's how you handle that…
Man: "Where do you wanna to go out to eat tonight?"
Woman: "I don't care, you pick!"
Man: "Okay, we're going to Olive Garden".
Woman: "Naw, I'm not really in the mood for Italian."
Man: "Oh, I wasn't asking for your opinion. I AM GOING to Olive Garden… If you want to go too, that's great… but if you don't want to go, fine, stay home. But I AM GOING."
Woman: (((Wets her panties because you took control and shut her down)))
Seriously… that's all there is to it. But you'll notice in that scenario, you have to be WILLING to leave her behind! If you're willing to do that, she loses all the power. There is no argument, because she can't control you… and if she decides to stay home, GO OUT WITHOUT HER… let her stew in her own juices for a while… Come home, and say nothing about it.
That's the secret to relationships right there, fellas. You have your plan, You execute YOUR plan… and you invite a woman along to follow you down the path you've chosen.
If she tries to deflect you off that path… leave her behind. If she's able to deflect you from your path, you'll only end up resenting her and the relationship is toast anyway… so you might as well stick to your plan.
Your job, as a man, is to make yourself the best man you can be, follow your own path in life, and INVITE A WOMAN TO WALK ALONG WITH YOU DOWN YOUR PATH… but it has to be YOUR path… NOT HERS!
If you walk down HER path, it will wander, meander, and end up at a dead end… and you'll resent her for it… and she'll NEVER respect you enough because you'll be nothing but a weak spineless manboy in her eyes eventually.
So yeah… that's my advice for y'all… :)