Anonymous ID: 607c72 July 14, 2018, 11:29 p.m. No.2160959   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The main reason for genetic mod is not for pest problems or drought, etc. it's to make the plant not grow viable seeds that will produce new plants next year. This is what is behind Monsanto and others, make any seed they sell grow only that year only normal, if you save those seeds and plant them the next year you get deformed plants and no fruit set. These companies would then own the patent for the seeds and eventually they were going to outlaw growing your own crops and saving seeds, making it illegal. This shit with Monsanto is way bigger than most know, I remember Obummer signed something with them during a break of Congress, holiday or something, that was pushing it that way. If we aren't able to save seeds….we're all screwed.