Here is criteria to prove Q: Successful prosecutions of the CABAL result. So far we see SA shakeup but tie to POTUS is sketchy at best. Lately we have seen many events supporting legislative victories and potential reduction in DJT legal problems. But indict and prosecute the US players in the CABAL, that is what most long for, and it remains elusive at this time. We hope sealed indictments are related. We long for some sign it is happening. Speculation of CABAL player captures is off the chart but has no current factual support. World events seem to contradict Q at times. Time will prove or disprove Q. If disproved, I hope we can all laugh like the gold miners in the Treasure of the Sierra Madre film when the gold they all worked so hard for was thrown to the wind. But if Q is proved true…what a moment in history to be a part of. The latter seems worth the gamble. What else you going to do in life that is potentially as important?