If you're reading this sir or can talk to The President, you CANNOT make a deal on DACA. Even if the bastards agree to your terms on chain migration. Build wall deport all. Any kind of deal will simply make you a one term president, and the country cannot survive another democrat as they are all communist idealogues now.
You pretty much only get it if you do some faggot shit. It used to be called GRIDS. (((They))) renamed it to sell the idea that it was a general STD to the public or to take the stigma off of faggots.
niggerfaggot detected.
God damn I hate spiders. Death to all xenos.
it's literally God's Disease.
it ONLY affects those who should be wiped the hell out anyway.
It should be called Sodom's Syndrome
What's stupid about it? It's reality. You must think it's a bioweapon the (((rich))) tested on those oh so poor Apefricans too. It's not. It's what happened when a dude stuck his dick in another dude's ass. You can't get it from a vagina.
Unless she got it from a dirty needle or banged a faggot somehow.
Maybe by bringing awareness to it, the perpetrators can be put in fucking prison today. One can wish.
Odds are good that a girl that has it is also a needle user and wouldn't be very attractive anyway. The point is that it's extremely rare to contract it via hetero sex. In the fraction of a percent and I really dont see why you're getting so up in arms about this. Why is it a big deal? You're not gay are you?
I regret even replying to that soft glowbastard, seeing how many replies that post has gotten overall. He probably thinks he was a successful shill now.