She's deep with Maynard, Les Claypool, Rick Wilson, Lincoln Project… Pedo-friendly crowd. She went to Maynard immediately after the unpleasantness here last year. The full-circle loop is gathering the dragnet shut.
The pics tend to show genetic expressions of connected bloodlines. The patriarchs aren't human of course.
Let's take a trip down memory lane in light of the present "The spirit cooking discovery is bigger than you know." events. To understand the present, we need facts about the past: Satan the Serpent
Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field that Yahuwah 'Elohiym had made
Genesis 3:1
The word "serpent", mentioned here, is translated from the word nachash. This word can mean in the sense of a verb: to whisper, prognosticate or enchant. As a noun it can mean an incantation, an enchantment or a snake.
It is of interest and importance to also note that the same root is used to mean "copper" : nechuwshah and the Chaldean word for "copper" (nechash) is virtually identical to the word which is used for "serpent" in Genesis 3:1.
Was an actual snake involved in the temptation of Eve?
Go to their socials.
Do Insta. I have no social accounts other than TS. I do have screenshots in my other machine.. There is also info in results. The drama began around this time, last year.
I have encountered, recently, quite a bit of material which supposes that there was no involvement of any reptile in the events of Genesis 3. This view is often closely associated with the idea that the method of temptation also did not involve a literal tree nor any literal fruit.
It is noted in this view that the definition of the word "nachash" only associates serpents with the meaning by way of attributing the primary definition to its character, such as hissing and a sneaky, crafty nature.
Without going off topic and delving into the literal or non-literal meaning of trees and fruit, the use of the word nachash can be found throughout scripture in reference to instances where anything But a literal snake would be quite odd.
An example would be Exodus 4:3 when Moses cast a rod upon the ground and it became a serpent. God commands him to then put forth his hand and take the serpent by its tail. It's a logical conclusion, then, that the word nachash is, at least at times, used to mean an actual, physical reptile.
Another source to examine for evidence of the presence of an actual serpent in the garden of Eden is what history and archeology have to say about serpents throughout a wide array of cultures.
Serpents, are perhaps, the most heavily dealt with beasts in religious and mythological records. They are seen as embodiments of evil, wisdom, luck, power, knowledge and enchantment. Depicted in ancient art countless numbers of times, they are often shown as an evil to be defeated or feared.. as if mankind had learned to associate their misfortune in life with this beast.
Other depictions actually portray a serpent with a tree and human beings nearby… a scene very reminiscent of the description of events in Genesis 3.
Some even depict serpents as having legs. Recall the curse put on the serpent - "Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all cattle and more than every beast of the field. You shall go on your belly and you shall eat dust all the days of your life." Genesis 3:14
So then if we have the involvement of a real beast… how did this beast come to be used as Satan's tool and why a serpent rather than some other animal or why did Satan himself not appear instead of using a creature as his medium?
First we can look at what is unique about the serpent as opposed to other animals. "Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field…"
You might look at a modern snake crawling through your own garden and not associate it with a great degree of intelligence, and such is the case now with this animal who has been debased from its original created form both in appearance and brain power, but not only did the serpent once have a very different form, it also had great intellect.
Though most might be accustomed to considering humans the only earthly creatures with sentient intelligence and feel that this is directly connected to mankind being created in YHWH's image… there is not an actual parallel between human monopoly on intelligence and their unique design in His image.
Humans are designed in His image in the sense that they literally resemble the form of their Maker, both in appearance and in having an imperishable and individual spirit. The serpent was not made in the image of YHWH but it was created with great intelligence and even a sentient will that could yield to Satan.
This brings us to another point about why the serpent as opposed to some other animal. YHWH created man in His image, but is man the only creature who had a "model" they were created to resemble?
Consider a particular classification of angelic being called a Seraph. Seraphim are mentioned in the English translation of the Bible in Isaiah: "Above it stood seraphim, each one had six wings, with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew." Isaiah 6:2.
The word in Hebrew - saraph means a fiery, burning creature identified with a serpent and interestingly… copper. (refer back to the words nachash and nechuwshah). The word saraph occurs also in Numbers 21:8 and is translated "fiery serpent" and again in Isaiah 14 and 30 also translated a "fiery serpent".
In Revelation, Satan is referred to as "that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan" Revelation 12:9. If the animal known as a serpent was modeled or "made in the image" of the class of angelic beings to which Satan himself belongs, it is quite logical that he chose this beast as the most suitable physical housing for himself.
Why didn't Satan himself manifest physically to Eve? Because he couldn't. Satan had no physical presence and as a rebellious spirit outside of YHWH's will, he had no authority to breach the divide between the spiritual and physical realms without the explicit consent to inhabit a native, physical resident of earth.
Satan: The Originator of Sin: Satan is most often connected to the individual called "Lucifer" spoken of in Isaiah 14… i do not agree that these are the same individuals, but that subject is for a different discussion.
The bible does, however, provide an understanding of his goals, his motives and when he initiated his rebellion. He is described in Job as an opponent of both the Creator and those who serve Him… attempting to lay accusation against God's servants in order to destroy them.
He behaves like a malicious prosecuting attorney, he can't supersede his Creator's law so instead he attempts to work it to his ends… knowing that the wages of sin are death, he seeks to demand the full penalty of breaking the law when a person stumbles… and is not above tempting you to stumble so he can. (Thank God for Mercy)
In Revelation are these verses about him :
"And war broke out in the heaven. Miyka'el and his angels fought with the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought but they did not prevail nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer.
So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Diablos and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was cast to the earth and his angels were cast out with him. Then I heard a loud voice saying in the sky, "At this moment salvation and strength and the kingdom of our 'Eloah and the power of His Anointed have come, for the accuser of our brothers who accused them before our 'Eloah day and night, has been cast down. " Revelation 12:7-10
This future event shows some of Satan's goals… he has a desire to literally overthrow YHWH, His law and His will to the (insane) point that he will even storm the "gates of heaven" and engage His faithful angels in battle.
Some will see this as a description of a past event, however it is clear by looking throughout scripture that until this point, he brings before YHWH accusation against believers and is denoted as the "prince of the power of the air"… still having access to heavenly realms.
Satan was the original sinner… having been created (as were all creatures) good, he conceived the antithesis of creation… destruction, in that he willfully began to oppose the sovereign will of YHWH which by its very nature upholds all creation… the natural consequence of that opposition is destruction… the wages of sin were always death.
In his dissent, he successfully lured legions of other angelic beings into his vision of a universe without YHWH. This event occurred before mankind existed, as obviously he was already in a sinful state when he tempted Eve.
This is the rebellion most believers are familiar with, and it was the one which would set in course all other instances of willful sin for all of time… but it might not be as well known that it wasn't the last angelic rebellion. (That's another discussion.)
Would the PD news have broken at all on 9-16 if IO/9-15 had been successful.
Basic Reminder [2], keeping in mind those who practice Evil, are well aware of the previous and following information and in much more detail, however as always only we have the Deep Magic.
There is a theme reflected which refers to time or a circular continuity thereof. In Ecclesiastes an interesting observation is made which probably doesn't often get mulled over in terms of being a literal statement.
"That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there anything of which it may be said, "See? This is new"? It has already been in ancient times before us. There is no remembrance of former things nor will there be any remembrance of things that are to come by those who will come after. " - Ecclesiastes 1:9-11
This is a very enigmatic statement which is understood in a mostly figurative way by readers now in pertaining to the shortsightedness of humankind and their tendency to repeat the mistakes of the past…but it doesn't really read as a figurative statement, does it? It has already been in ancient times before us…there is no remembrance of former things.
Satan is no simple-minded creature. I've often heard it asked among believers how Satan continues to war against the Almighty knowing full well that he can not win..or at least having every reason to know full well that he can not. It begs an answer…because he is not without great intellect and because he has had enough experience in knowing the nature of his Creator to understand the magnitude of the power he is up against, there must be a plausible reason that he has some hope (a deluded hope though it might be) of achieving his goals to usurp His position.
What Satan realizes and has realized since the moment that God cursed him and predicted his downfall, is that there is an inevitable finale to his existence and the only way to have a chance of bypassing this finale was to somehow circumvent the process of time entirely. You might be tempted to automatically say "that's impossible…the Creator would not let him do that." but we can't dismiss the fact that the Creator has allowed the freedom of his creation to choose to act upon good or evil in whatever their capacity is to do so. This does not mean that such a measure…or any measure, no matter how grand, can ultimately defeat His will…but sinful beings can try.
Hard evidence is power.
Time travel and dimensional travel was, not so long ago, an entirely fringe notion to most people…the stuff of science fiction. It is now receiving public attention by such esteemed scientists as Steven Hawking, who brought up the CERN LHC as an example of how real time travel might be achieved. I would suggest that the LHC was built precisely for this purpose however, and not a foremost effort to locate the Higgs Boson. Time travel has been achieved decades ago in the aftermath of an incident with a ship called the USS Eldridge and the Philadelphia experiment. In the process of what was done to further experiments like this it was found that a loop was created between the dates of exit and re-entry which linked those time frames together like a circuit until the equipment which perpetuated the experiments was destroyed. It was a small time circuit of only about 40 years…but this leaves us with the knowledge that such a loop could be created between two points of time that were vast millennia apart.
A massive time loop which connects the introduction of sin to creation with the last viable moments of Satan's reign of freedom on Earth in a cycle which repeats itself (endlessly, Satan would hope) is not as crazy of an idea as it might seem. It is a concept represented over and over again from antiquity to this day and a symbolism which is held in high importance by the Luciferian elite. Circular time which rebirths itself at the end of it's turning is observable in the real phenomenon of precession of the equinoxes in which the sun rises throughout the ages at precise zodiacal points at the vernal equinox, preceding slowly in a circle as if it were the hand of a giant, cosmic clock. Upon the knowledge of this celestial activity are such ancient time keepers as the famed Mayan calendar established.
Dead wrong. …Read the Bible. Your enemy has.
The repetitive time cycle is represented by an apt symbol…the Ouroborus. This symbol shows a serpent or dragon which is coiled in on itself in a circle and is devouring its tail. Satan, as we the serpent or the dragon and this symbol is a reference to what he has to do with time and the repetition of it. It is known as the symbol of eternal return and it and a similar representation of the same, a spiral, can be noted as persisting to this day in that strange, hieroglyphic language of symbols that appear as common logos for companies, institutions and agencies which the elite control.
An Egyptian description of what Ouroborus is was written on a sarcophagus chamber like this…"A serpent is entwined by a serpent. The male serpent is bitten by the female serpent, the female serpent is bitten by the male serpent, Heaven is enchanted, earth is enchanted."
This is the demented hope of fallen angels..that they will ensure the continuation of time in a loop which bypasses all accountability for their actions and at the same time keeps the Earthly domain which was sold under sin in their possession. What they did not account for was Messiah and His intervention in the manner which He did, doing what had never before been done in His act of sacrifice. This introduction of a truly New thing by necessity changes the landscape of a time-state which can not in it's intended purpose produce utterly new events.
If such a notion as a forced recycling of ages is understood in the magnitude of what it means scripturally…this means that the intervention of Messiah and the end of the age not only mean the redemption of saved individuals from a sinful world and the end of means the final cessation of time itself as it is now known…the cessation of a corrupted chronology. The New Heaven and the New Earth would be creations within a new definition of what time means…eternal, never returning to it's beginning but stretching out in unending progression of perfection.
The day when there will be "time no longer".
Let's find out how wrong this lie actually is. Lies are dangerous if you want to (need to) believe them…
Reminder [3]: Serpent Seeds
The Shepherds Chapel..Christian Identity..Serpent Seed Doctrine. These concepts have attracted a lot of people in the recent years. The greater familiarity with the Book of Enoch which has come about recently has been piggybacked by theology like that of Arnold Murray and his brand of doctrine surrounding the intermingling of human and angelic kind.
The events concerning the nephilim and their fathers, the preflood history of the world as told in 1 Enoch are subject matters which comprise a starting point to a solid thread of evidence throughout the canon. There is certainly a great deal of discomfort involved for many Christians in coming to terms with the idea of human and angelic co-mingling and of offspring of that sort of union. All discomfort aside..the foundation of support for it is unyielding scripturally.
The pitfalls for those who come across this information in their early walk in faith, when their spiritual maturity has yet to develop are certainly out there. The Serpent Seed doctrine does an excellent job of filling a position of look-a-like theology with subject matters such as nephilim, but the root of this doctrine is very different and so too is the fruit it yields.
Understanding what has gone before the flood, what many bible topics mean in light of it and what the implications are for the end times greatly expands maturity in objective thinking and understanding of the biblical message on a wide scale. The result is ultimately that you begin to understand Mercy for what it is…that there is no room for games of pride and racial "one-uping"…that grace encompasses all recipients of it and it is futile to debate the purity of one's own family tree.
Accepting the serpent seed theory grows into the antithesis of all of this. Confusion is the foundation of it and it breeds confusion in understanding the full message of necessitates very creative interpretation of scripture to continually find ways of supporting it throughout. The doctrine itself is not simply background information for those who hold it, but it is the axis on which their whole "faith" rests. It becomes of utmost concern to place oneself apart from those who are considered the literal offspring of Satan. This group is always held to be one or more specific ethnic group and the "true Israel" is held as being whatever racial group the adherent belongs to (for Murray followers..white). The obvious hallmark of pride abounds..that this cult has factions in every ethnicity, only adjusting the claims of who belongs to the devil and who belongs to Israel is enough evidence to show that the beliefs held around the serpent seed doctrine are hinging on racism and produces fruit fit for the garbage pile.
The doctrine of the Serpent Seed says basically this…that Satan literally had sex with Eve, producing Cain..this was the original sin of mankind. Cain's descendants are still with us today…who they are will depend on the adherent of the doctrine you ask. Murrayites will say Jews, black and other "non-white" groups. Anglo-Saxon whites are presented as "true" Israel in the Murray school of thought whereas other ethnic groups might be labeled as such in different versions of the same creed. The outcome is a band aid for an inferiority complex which bolsters one's self esteem by being a member of the "Real" Israel with the justified ability to look down other ethnic groups.
The fact that angelic entities did arrive on earth and did interbreed with humanity beginning in the days of Jared seems to have not fit the bill for the purposes of the Cain theory. Perhaps that has a beginning in those who first pushed the theory itself. The serpent seed theology has it's beginnings in gnosticism and kaballah, not Murray. Both of these belief systems are ironically ones which Arnold Murray followers would deny..yet there is the root of their central belief. Kaballah is called a Jewish invention but it is older than it's Jewish application and more resembles Babylon. Both of these belief systems..gnosticism and kaballah are rooted in the corrupt teachings of the Watchers.It would not behoove the agenda of the fallen Watchers or their students, ancient and modern, to instill a memory and understanding of how they corrupted the world physically or morally.
The Serpent Seed theory by necessity demands denial of a world wide flood, which is very difficult to support throughout scripture. It demands negating and explaining away in very convoluted ways the simple statement of Eve..that she had gotten a son through the blessing of YHWH and the very simple prelude of explanation about how she did: a normal marital union with Adam. The worst blunder in this doctrine lies in the commandment concerning the tree of knowledge of good and evil. YHWH's command was to leave that one tree alone of all those in the garden..they were free to partake of the others. If we must accept that the tree of knowledge of good and evil is representative of Satan and taking it's fruit is literally having sex with him…then what of the other trees? Does Adam and Eve have a license to fornicate with anything in the garden Other than Satan? What do we then make of the tree of Life?The scene begins to degrade into a bizarre pornographic version of Paradise that i dare say we are not looking forward to as the future state of eternal perfection.
Satan has 10 lies to obscure everyone truth..and it is my hope that believers will not accept the things which "feel good" to believe, but rather judge them against evidence, against common sense and against simple desires to believe a certain way. Judge all things in His Spirit and examine the fruit that beliefs produce. If those fruits do not resemble His nature…they are best dismissed accordingly, no matter how much you have grown to like them.
It gets weirder… yet, no less true. In the public opinion…Theory is whatever the establishment and the media does not mention or tell them to accept.
It may be more important than anyone realizes to comprehend and differentiate between what, in reality, comes down to fact and what comes down to theory. People of this world put on their blinders for a whole host of reasons…they don't think deeply on matters of truth and fiction as it is presented to them oftentimes out of fear, out of societal pressure, or as a result of stunted mental maturity brought on by years of training under the system of Serpentspeak. When we start to force ourselves to define our language, our ideas and our actions within the parameters of logic, and outside the box of social acceptableness…then we have finally given ourselves the freedom to deduce fact from fiction in all matters. It's no theory that there is a conspiracy and it's every person's duty to themselves, to their families, their friends, their Creator…to find out how far down that rabbit hole goes.
"and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" - John 8:32
Gen 4:2 …Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
Reminder [4]: The Watcher Rebellion
Not many bible readers give a lot of thought to a man named Jared who lived in the sixth generation of mankind, descending from Seth. Indeed he was not notable, at least in scripture, for anything other than being the father of Enoch… it was what took place in his lifetime that would literally change the course of human history dramatically and forever.
Jared's name itself is a memorial to the event, being translated from Yered… the name means "the descent".. or "a descending". Religious traditions of countless cultures all over the world testify to who or what descended… His Word of Truth answers that question also and does so with an accuracy that has been lost or purposely hidden in the various pagan cultures who echoed the historical event in their accounts.
YHWH created, not only a varied and interesting array of life on Earth, but also a varied and interesting array of spiritual life in heavenly realms. Amongst these beings which are collectively thought of as "angels" , is a certain type called the Iyrin. This word translates to "wakeful or watchful ones" or more commonly, "Watchers".
These beings were stationed to be observers of creation to the end that they would be privileged to learn the mysteries of YHWH's design and take a record of that which they observed for a testimony to all creatures of His perfection. A particular group of Watchers, 200 in all, were stationed to observe the Earth specifically under the leadership of one named Shemyhaza.
Entire World voting Trump. But Bigger this Time.
Shemyhaza is the Phoenix in The Phoenix and The Dragon.
In the process of observing Earth, these 200 Watchers were witness to some amazing aspects of His creation which are commonplace for mankind, but to beings who had nothing comparable to them in their own existence, seemed incredibly fascinating.
The most fascinating aspect of all was the miracle of flesh creatures' ability to procreate… and the most fascinating aspect in that detail was the human female. The human female was the nearest opposite sex creature to the Watchers themselves. No female or need for females existed in the world of angelic beings, but having seen such a creature as a woman, the leader of the 200 was captivated.
This interest might have remained an innocent, clinical fascination but for some influence which pushed this from a place of clinical interest to an obsession. There is fair evidence to suggest Azazel, a fallen angel who is interestingly implied to be the leader of these rebels in some instances in 1 Enoch, was that influence.
At the point where fascination became obsession, Shemyhaza led his 199 subordinates to descend to Earth at a precise geological point located at the summit of Mt Hermon. Here it was also, that the decision was made by him to cross the boundaries of his nature and propose that he and his subordinates take human wives and conceive children with them.
Shemyhaza being concerned that the others might change their minds and leave him with the burden of guilt, it was suggested to him that they all make a binding oath with one another that they would not turn back from the plan. This they did, and so the mountain, Hermon, is named to this day after that event… it's name meaning "a curse".
It is supposed sometimes that the Watchers had to take unwilling women and force them to comply with their demands to be a wife to them… but realistically, they had no difficulty finding willing participants. Just as the rich and famous and powerful men of this day have no difficulty finding partners.
Humanity was face to face with a collection of beings who had knowledge that had the power to make their lives easier… who had the means to give advantage to anyone who allied themselves with them… who were physically impressive and nearly indestructible, even in a flesh form.
Fathers were not as reluctant as they perhaps should have been to marry their daughters off to these Watchers in return for the prestige and advantage of being the "father in law" to an angel. Women were not as reluctant as they should have been to enter into marital union with a tall, blond, blue eyed creature that would elevate their lives to the equivalent of human "goddesses".
The resulting offspring of these unions were huge… much larger than their own fathers' physical forms, and so large, in fact that their appetites could not be satiated with all the food mankind had to offer them.
The giants then turned to eating animals… unheard of until that time… and then finally to eating humans. The giants themselves were not the only boundary crossed in hybrid life-forms.
The Watchers were also approached by their counterparts who had fallen in allegiance to Satan and who did not have the luxury of a physical presence in earth, and were requested by them to engineer body forms which they themselves could inhabit.
The enemy knows these things and is dying for you not to find out the truth about these basic game boundaries.
Some of the individuals Operating today, were there. Visiting Angels.
The creatures were the chimeras… made by genetic manipulation, they were variously part animal, part human, part animal, part angel, or a combination of different animal species, and all of the above. Not every chimera body was used as host for fallen angels.. but many were and hence comes the legends of "gods" having forms which were part animal and part humanoid.
Aside from the abominable breeding experiments, the Watchers also sinned in one other serious way… and that was teaching mankind the secrets of certain areas of knowledge which they had accumulated in their duty to observe and record the nature of His creation.
Often this is noted as being some kind of "magic" knowledge… what people do not readily understand by reading the descriptions of these secrets in the archaic way they are presented in 1 Enoch… is that these things are what we would find to be very ordinary, everyday fields of science and technology which are hailed as great accomplishments of mankind and seen as wonderful progress in this day and age.
The pre-flood world was no primitive scene… due to the Watchers intervention… it was a high tech and very advanced world utilizing technologies that would make some of those today look cumbersome and crude by comparison.
Man has not actually advanced… nor discovered great scientific finds… modern man has simply re-discovered or been re-introduced to very old knowledge in a rather incomplete fashion and instead of it being a virtue and a sign of progress… it is instead only causing mankind to become more lazy… less able to learn.. .less willing to rely on their Creator.
Human history might have ended here. Mankind as a pure species might have become entirely extinct and the world little by little descend into a state of irreconcilable ruin… but to prevent any of this, God sent the flood.
Prior to the deluge, the nephilim were turned on one another in an incited civil war and the rebellious Watchers were detained and forced to witness the deaths of their children and then they, themselves were bound and imprisoned in subterranean cells to await the last days.
As believers we should not so lightly dismiss the warning that the last days would be like the days of Noah prior to the flood.
You're fired.
To understand the way in which the phoenix is a key symbol in relation to Watchers…it's necessary to first understand the role which the Watchers play in the end of this present age.
The pre-flood world society is looked back upon by pagan tradition and modern occult tradition as the "Golden Age of the Gods". Perhaps distance (even chronological distance) can, indeed, make the heart grow fonder, as that era is regarded by those who look forward to it with nostalgia… A by-gone utopian time where life was easier and the wisdom of the "gods" was present in the Earth. The presence of man-eating giants and chimera abominations aside, the proponents of a New World Order are working towards a resurrection of that very society which was drowned in the flood.
Not only is there an expectation of a return to that order…but there is an expectation of the return of "the gods" as well. The Sumerians referenced this return in connection to what has been speculated to be a planet in a long elliptical orbit which makes its rounds at the close of each epoch…known as Nibiru. Though I would argue that the nature of that object is not a "planet",exactly..that is beyond the scope of this article. The idea that these "gods",known to the Sumerian as Anunnaki (meaning "they came from heaven to earth") arrived in conjunction with the arrival of Nibiru, would predict that their return coincides with Nibiru's next visitation.
1 Enoch gives the length of the subterranean imprisonment of the Watchers as "70 generations of men" . "And when all their sons shall be slain, when they shall see the perdition of their beloved, bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth," 1 Enoch 10:15. It is, then, in the time frame of the last days, that the Watchers would entirely fulfill the prophecy which speaks of the last days being just like the days of Noah.
The legendary bird called the phoenix can be found throughout multiple ancient religious beliefs, all of which incorporate several main theme points about what this bird is and does. The most familiar tale about the phoenix is the idea of this creature immolating itself, or otherwise dying at a specific time and being resurrected or reincarnated from it's own remains. The symbolism present in this death and rebirth notion encapsulates three inter-related events which produce a destruction of one age and the birth of another one: a celestial event called precession wherein we depart one zodiacal house and enter a new one, the return of "deities" who have been absent for long millennia, and a dramatic shift of circumstances on Earth.
We are not unable to witness the attachment which the elite hold to the symbolism of the phoenix. The bird representative of the United States is supposedly an eagle, yet it's recorded that the initial idea was that it should be a phoenix and without a doubt, that is the bird they are truly depicting in their own understanding. It is a habit of the elite to convey their messages in the open through a language of symbolism, which for the most part goes unnoticed by the public, but is easily understood by those "Illuminated" controllers who are familiar with the ancient language of symbols. It is a tip-off to anyone paying attention when certain themes become prevalent in society or trendy in fashion. The phoenix is one of those recent trendy symbols to make a come-back.
The phoenix, in most cultural beliefs, are described as being particularly colorful…combinations of red, gold, blue and purple plumage are common descriptions and often times they are described as being related to or appearing like a peacock.
The peacock itself (and birds in general) is not without ties to the Watchers, in fact a small, obscure and very ancient religion of Watcher worship is practiced by certain Iranians called the Yazidi, who's pantheon of revered spirits in headed up by the entity they refer to as Melek Tawus, the Peacock Angel. The Peacock angel is a being who is comparable in description to "Lucifer" of the bible and is identified as the leader of the rebel Watchers,Shemyhaza. If you happen to follow fashion trends…you may have noticed a strong presence of peacock decor and clothing in the past decade, which has yet to lose its momentum.
According to Greek legend, the Phoenix resided in Phoenicia, a people who's name, obviously, is derived from the bird itself. To this day, the Lebanese, who are one group of descendants of the Phoenician people have a high regard for the bird in their art and culture. The Phoenicians themselves claimed descent from the phoenix…which is a claim that should not be taken too lightly as they are a Canaanite people and certainly have descended from nephilim.
The Greeks also have been known to associate the phoenix with their deity Zeus…a deity who was the king of their pantheon and who resided on a mountain. Though this group of deities are now believed to have been represented as living on what we think of as Mount Olympus, it can be no coincidence that the Watchers, as well, considered their home base on Earth a mountain top…Mount Hermon.
Though it might seem hard to connect a real (and humanoid) being to a strange, magical, mythical bird…it is not so in all cultures that the phoenix was thought to have an avian anatomy. The Garuda, of Hindi mythology was their equivalent to the phoenix, and this creature was described as having a gold colored, humanoid body and a white face. The story about him related a tale of the Garuda bringing the "nectar of heaven" to the earth…a Promethean-like legend of a deified being bringing that which belongs to heaven, to an earthly realm is a strong correlation to the forbidden knowledge with Watchers imparted to humanity.
In addition to this, another legend states that the Garuda had several sons from whom descended a "bird race" known for their viciousness and warlike behavior and who had a close relationship to a "serpent race". There is no doubt that a description of Watcher and of Serpent hybrids can be seen in this legend. The appearance of Garuda, himself, automatically leads one to think of modern depictions of "angels".
POTUS has been singling them out for years for a reason. Big Finale.
Integral aspect of 40K down the Bloodline rabbit hole.
Egyptian culture also had their stories of the phoenix, which they termed the Bennu, or "the ascending one". The idea of rising, resurrection and renewal were closely tied with the tales of this bird. Though the Bennu was depicted often as being a completely birdlike creature, at other times he was shown as a man with the head of a heron. He was thought of as the soul of Osiris…a deity who died, but would rise again. The Egyptians connected all things related to time cycles with the bennu and in fact the temple dedicated to the creature produced the ancient equivalent of clocks.
In Persian mythology, the phoenix was called the Simurgh, often shown as a giant peacock-like bird and sometimes as having the claws of a lion or a human face. Interestingly, the Simurgh was known for its rivalry with serpents…just as rivalry actually exists between the two factions of rebel angel groups, Watchers and Serpents. It is said that the simurgh is incredibly ancient and has watched the turning of the ages, the destruction of the old and the renewal, several times. Mythology about this creature ties to it the concepts of fertility and of representing the union between the heavenly and the earthly realms…an unmistakable likeness to the interbreeding of angels with humankind.
There's no doubt that the elite Illuminates are in a state of ecstasy anticipating the arrival of their renewed age and the ruler ship of the rebels that they call "gods". In their means that their "superior" bloodline will be elevated to a status of minor deities above the decimated masses of human slaves that they call cattle.
What the "rising of the phoenix" will, in reality be…is a short but intense trial which will forever draw the dividing lines between who will choose to follow the One True Creator and who will choose to follow the pseudo-christ, and at the close of this era…we won't be witnessing a revived "Golden Age" of the mount Hermon "gods"…we will be witnessing the final wrath of God which will burn the phoenix to ashes…never to rise again.
Board Clowns always straining to ruin Moab Monday Missions.. never does work tho. On that note -
Reminder [5]: Angels and the Mysterious Sin of Sodom
It is almost an automatic reference to homosexuality and homosexual activity in these days to refer to "Sodomy". When most Christian clergy refer to "the sin of Sodom", this is what is normally meant and it is thus usually taught that the wickedness which brought about the destruction of Sodom and the neighboring Gomorrah was sexual immorality of a homosexual nature.
The one, and the only real basis for the connection between homosexuality and the destruction of Sodom is the description of events given in Genesis which follow two angels taking up lodging in Lot's home. These angels, referred to as simply "men" in certain instances throughout the account, are sought after by the residents of the city (male residents it would seem) for illicit sexual encounters. Obviously the angels were in such a form as to be obviously male…as to whether or not they were obviously not human, that is made less clear.
"Now the two messengers came to Sedom in the evening and Lowt was sitting in the gate of Sedom. When Lowt saw them, he rose to meet them and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground. And he said, "Here now, my masters, please turn in to your servant's house and spend the night and wash your feet. Then you may rise early and go on your way." And they said, "No, but we will spend the night in the open square." But he insisted strongly, so they turned in to him and entered his house. Then he made them a banquet and baked unleavened bread and they ate. Now before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sedom, both old and young, all the people from every quarter, surrounded the house. And they called to Lowt and said to him, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may know them carnally." So Lowt went out to them through the doorway, shut the door behind him, and said, "Please, my brothers, do not do so wickedly! See now! I have two daughters who have not known a man. I pray, let me bring them out to you and you may do to them as you wish. Only do nothing to these men since this is the reason they have come under the shadow of my roof." And they said, "Stand back!" Then they said, "This one came in to stay here and he keeps acting as a judge. Now we will deal worse with you than with them." So they pressed hard against the man Lowt and came near to break down the door. But the men reached out their hands and pulled Lowt into the house with them and shut the door. And they struck the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness, both small and great, so that they became weary trying to find the door" - Genesis 19:1-11
The difficulty with making a sure case for the sin of Sodom being one of a primarily homosexual nature comes in references to it outside of the initial account, particularly in Jude.
And the angles who did not keep their proper domain but left their own abode He has reserved in eternal chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day, as Sedom and Amorah and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. -Jude 6,7
There are two important points to notice in these verses in Jude. It would seem at first glance, and without using references outside of the New Testament that we have a very strange comparison being made. Here is a comparison between fallen angels and the sin for which Sodom and Gomorrah were judged: "AS Sedom and Amorah (Sodom and Gomorrah) …IN SIMILAR MANNER TO THESE ("these" being angels which kept not their first estate), having given themselves over to sexual immorality."
It would be odd, then, to imagine that the comparison being made had something to do with homosexuality. Did any angels fall into transgression because of homosexual relationships? Most ,i think, could agree that there is no basis anywhere to support a correlation between the fall of angels and a sin of homosexuality, but there is some manner of sexual sin alluded to here. The exact reference is to "going after strange flesh." The exact connotation in Greek is: going after strange (heteros - other, different) flesh.
Ironically, the very word in Greek used here: "heteros" is a root used today in the term "heterosexual" to specifically refer to normal, opposite sex relationships, as meaning that the sexes involved are "different" from each other as opposed to "homosexual" where the connotation is that the sexes are the same: homo= same. The very root words of the text of this verse are diametrically opposed to the correlation of homosexuality and the sin of Sodom.
Yes the board admins are impossible to clean. That's why they're getting fired. And the incinerator just got 10 times hotter.
What the sin is then, in actuality, is not that we have individuals going after same sex partners, but that they are going after a kind of flesh or body which is different than their own. This would never make sense simply confined to humanity…outside of gender differences which are, of course, an absolute necessity for procreation, not an aberration…what great difference of physicality could there be to constitute a mortal sin should that boundary be crossed? Furthermore..we still have the problem of the angels. What do they have to do with any of this?
The connection between fallen angels and the sin of Sodom is made again in 2 Peter…
For if Yahuwah did not spare the angels who sinned, but put them into the deepest abyss of she'owl and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment, and did not spare the ancient world but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the irreverent and turning the cities of Sedom and Amorah into ashes, condemned them to destruction, making an example to those who afterward would live impiously and delivered righteous Lowt, who was oppressed by the filthy conduct of the wicked -2 Peter 2: 4-7
One might just conclude that there is no connection of the two subject matters mentioned here (angels and the sin of Sodom) It is rarely the case in scripture, however, that multiple unrelated concepts are introduced in proximity to each other in this way, and of course coupling that with the Jude verses, which are unambiguous in their comparison of the subjects…the most logical answer that the same comparison is being made here in 2 Peter. It goes slightly further in demystifying the underlying reasoning for the comparison than Jude does, in fact. Here, we might not see just two subjects being compared, but three…the third being the world before the flood and the state of wickedness it was in which brought that flood on. This seeming third subject matter is not, however, a separate reference and here is where the puzzle pieces are merged to make a clear and obvious picture.
For those already sufficiently familiar with 1 Enoch, there should be no difficulty in coming to the logical answer as to what sin is being punished which applies to both angles and the city of Sodom. For those believers who have been taught and rigidly accept the teaching that 1 Enoch is not canonical and therefor not true or acceptable as scripture, i challenge you to rigorously test that conviction against the simplest of logical conclusions one can come to on this matter.
You know what you aren't.. you aren't Nobody. Trash is gonna burn on this board. Promise.
…back to basics for flying 40k straight down the Bloodlines rabbit-hole and understanding it once we've drilled down to the residue of the 4-6%, not to mention the topic at hand of spiritual faggotry:
I Enoch provides a concise, consistent and thorough background to the verses in Jude and 2 Peter which simply can't be ignored for it's blatant treatment of this exact subject matter and it leaves little room to doubt that Jude and Peter were very familiar with the story described in 1 Enoch and referred back to it. If it is not enough that the subject matter is exactly the same, one needs to also recall that Jude himself acknowledges Enoch as the original author of an exact 1 Enoch quote in his writings.
Here is the comparison of the subject of the sin of the angels in the New Testament and 1 Enoch…
The Sin: It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days, that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful. And when the angels, the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamored of them, saying to each other, Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children. - 1 Enoch 7:1-3
Go, say to the Watchers (angels) of heaven, who have sent you to pray for them, You ought to pray for men, and not men for you. Wherefore have you forsaken the lofty and holy heaven, (Jude: And the angels who did not keep their proper domain but left their own abode…) which endures for ever, and have lain with women; have defile yourselves with the daughters of men; have taken to yourselves wives; have acted like the sons of the earth, and have begotten an impious offspring?(Jude: having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh) You being spiritual, holy, and possessing a life which is eternal, have polluted yourselves with women; have begotten in carnal blood; have lusted in the blood of men; and have done as those who are flesh and blood do.These however die and perish.Therefore have I given to them wives, that they might cohabit with them; that sons might be born of them; and that this might be transacted upon earth.But you from the beginning were made spiritual, possessing a life which is eternal, and not subject to death for ever.Therefore I made not wives for you, because, being spiritual, your dwelling is in heaven. - 1 Enoch 15:1-7
The Punishment of the Angels: Again the Lord said to Raphael, Bind Azazyel hand and foot; cast him into darkness; and opening the desert which is in Dudael, cast him in there.Throw upon him hurled and pointed stones, covering him with darkness; - 1Enoch 10:6,7
the Lord said, Go and announce his crime to Samyaza, and to the others who are with him, who have been associated with women, that they might be polluted with all their impurity. And when all their sons shall be slain, when they shall see the perdition of their beloved, bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth even to the day of judgment, and of consummation, until the judgment…- 1 Enoch 10:15
From this time forward, never shall you ascend into heaven; He has said, that on the earth He will bind you, as long as the world endures. - 1 Enoch 14:4
(2 Peter: For if Yahuwah did not spare the messengers who sinned, but put them into the deepest abyss of she'owl and delivered them into chains of darkness to be reserved for judgment…)
(Jude: …He has reserved in eternal chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day)
Reminder, the 4-6% are painfully aware and deeply understand all the info being provided here on the Bloodlines Origin topic. One of the ongoing topics with very little in-depth information available here esp. Biblical. But Biblical is what it's all about to those 4-6% who will stop at Nothing, and this is the time it's meant for. That's why it's being provided now.
The Deluge: Then the Most High, the Great and Holy One spoke, And sent Uriel to the son of Lamech (Noah), Saying, Say to him in my name, Conceal yourself. Then explain to him the consummation which is about to take place; for all the earth shall perish; the waters of a deluge shall come over the whole earth, and all things which are in it shall be destroyed. - 1 Enoch 10:1-4
In those days shall punishment go forth from the Lord of spirits; and the receptacles of water which are above the heavens shall be opened, and the fountains likewise, which are under the heavens and under the earth.All the waters, which are in the heavens and above them, shall be mixed together.The water which is above heaven shall be the agent;And the water which is under the earth shall be the recipient: and all shall be destroyed who dwell upon earth, and who dwell under the extremities of heaven. By these means shall they understand the iniquity which they have committed on earth: and by these means shall they perish. - 1 Enoch 53:7-11
(2 Peter:…and did not spare the ancient world but saved Noah, one of eight people, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood on the world of the irreverent…)
Here is where we may examine another interesting mention of the circumstances preceding the flood as compared to the sin of Sodom…
(Luke 17:26-29: And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man. They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise as it was also in the days of Lowt. They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built, but on the day that Lowt went out of Sedom it rained fire and brimstone from the sky and destroyed them all. )
with these other similar and descriptive verses concerning the same theme of ideas, perhaps there is a clearer idea provided here as to who "they" are in this instance in Luke…a peculiar and pointed list of carnal pleasures which were indulged in by "them" up until the point of the flood (eating, drinking, marriage).
>"It's what you don't know." > Learn Factual History. Know your Factual Enemy.
Now returning to the initial description of the angels coming to Sodom where they are put up in Lot's house prior to Sodom's destruction…it is easier to understand that the abomination which the residence are about to perpetrate upon the angelic visitors has less to do with gender than it does with an attempted inter-species union. Though as i mentioned earlier, it is not made abundantly clear whether or not the angels were Obviously angels, the implication is, at least, that Lot knew it and if he was aware there is a fair chance that the residence of the city also knew what sort of creatures they were and their response to it (unlike the righteous response of Lot) was an unthinkably wicked one…they intended to knowingly sexually molest holy angels. This is logically followed by the reaction of the angels who, after blinding the perpetrators, make it clear to Lot that it was the last straw as far as YHWH was concerned and he and his family had to get out now…not later.
It is obvious that what had been going on in Sodom for some time which led to it's destruction was an ongoing practice of species boundary crossing…the question being with whom or what? Bestiality would fit the bill in some respects and no doubt occurred, yet they were immediately drawn toward angels when they arrived…they were a community very enamored with a "nostalgia" for the wicked, pre-flood world order. Since nephilim did exist post flood and thrived in the land which Israel eventually inherited, the objective was not simply to destroy a remnant nephil population or the destruction would have included more than just a couple of cities. It might be fair to say that Sodom was involved with an attempt to re-create the conditions prior to the flood socially as well as technologically, a theme which the whole world is set to attempt to achieve in these modern times.
And I will give to my two witnesses and they will prophesy one thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth." These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before the 'Eloah of the earth. And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this manner. These have power to shut the sky so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy and they have power over waters to turn them to blood and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire. When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill them. And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city that spiritually is called Sedom (Sodom) and Mitsrayim where also our Master was impaled - Revelation 11:3-8
The 4-6% know what's up.. They write the stories about the Factual History and the Projected Future all out in the open, hidden in plain sight. "Their need for symbolism will be their downfall." Factual History for What Symbolism and Why Needed. Biblical. "Everyone knows about. From the Queen of England to the Hounds of Hell" / "The world cannot swallow the truth." Anons, awakened by God for a reason.
Their songs are made to be spells. Like all their performances on The Stage (Reality +/-) …they need their symbolism. There's so much more as always. Anons won't always have this time together. Think of 2054. "Symbolism will be their downfall." They tell the stories in their songs. Think of Led Zeppelin lyrics and overall delivery. Symbolism is necessary for them. Necessary.
They have free will to repent and some have. Visiting Angels.
Do you see in the Alice in Chains vid? Every time the Darkness looks into the eyes of the creation made in God's image - it sees the Abyss on a Double Horizon.
Last name: Routh
SDB Popularity ranking: 5795
Recorded in many forms including: Roath, Roth, Rote, Rotte, Routh, Wreath, Wraith, Wrate, Wrates, Wroth and Wroath, this is a surname of English origins.
Derived from the Olde English pre 7th Century word "wrath", meaning angry or fierce, it was a nickname either for somebody with a fierce temper, or more probably given the robust humour of the medieval period, the reverse, in fact a quiet person. It is is an example of a sizeable group of early European surnames that were gradually created from the habitual use of nicknames. The nicknames were given in the first instance with reference to a variety of characteristics, such as physical attributes or peculiarities, mental and moral characteristics, and sometimes supposed resemblance to an animal or birds in appearance or disposition. It has been claimed that originally the surname as Wraith was usually found in Northern England, although the spellings as Wroth and Wroath are generally from the south of the country.
They must have done so much trying to prepare for this special week and their extra special days this weekend. Already backfiring so bigly. This weekend seems set for astronomical booms too, not good for them.
Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA
No approval or congressional oversight
State Secrets upheld under SC
Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?
Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.
>haters can gtfo.
You don't like the military? You're in the wrong place and no one is going to have mercy on you.
Got some real bad news for you, I'm here to stay. All Patriots are here to stay. Judases like you are leaving. Q told us to use the Military, and that's why you have to announce you're offended by it like the rabid SJW you are… Everyone sees it.
Gathering… Meant to mention, it was close up.
The way home.