>i need to feel super duper special because the content of my message isn't enough so i need a special name because mommy said i was a special boy and i get all the snacks and weekly allowance and pats on the head when i go peepeepoopoo
would like to know exactly which foreign country it was
imagine letting this little sephardic twink troll you faggots
he had a go pro so most likely waiting on trump to get closer since he was on the other side of the hole they were on when it went down
just because you say something assertively doesn't make it any more of a legal argument
>muh spooks want $$$$
no fucking shit sherlock
glowniggers want to keep running their clandestine ops around the world
had you have seen the layout picture of where everyone was at when usss shot at the guy you'd see they were on opposite sides of the hole and they want a close up shot to circulate around the world
assuming he was being paid by glowniggers is speculation until proven too you fucking dipshit
yet that fact didn't stop you from speculating now did it
>n-no really
>i-im not trying to pretend to be q and act like i got some super secret information
>i want everything i say to be right and anyone else who says different is speculating
>but my posts are totally not speculation either
>piss off
fuck you
yea and your mom's a fucking whore who slept with a midget that had downs syndrome to produce a mongoloid faggot like you
just a coincidence though
she wants to strengthen ties between nk and china too
also the 2nd person the shooter followed when he joined x - nothing is random
5 bucks says it's vatican faggot
watch they'll run the
>you'll delete this spam but not that spam
pretty sure they're ip hopping too
2 different id's doing the same shit itt
to be fair without those agencies there will be nobody to run the fed is good narrative
i take it nobody has seen live free or die hard
or maybe every device has built-in capabilities to be remotely overcharged to the point of combustion
compare and contrast
lmao of course she is
now if you were a shill and wanted clicks to your website by running a narrative, what would it look like…
probably a little like this
probably intercepted devices in transit and implanted a small explosive charge triggered with a page
wonder if they all went off at the same time