Anonymous ID: 144a3e Sept. 17, 2024, 11:25 a.m. No.21609719   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9919 >>0169 >>0298 >>0366 >>0450

Reporter: Donald Trump blamed [Biden] and [Harris] for the latest assassination attempt against him. He claimed, without evidence, that their rhetoric is causing him to be, "shot at". How is the White House responding to those comments?

Jean-Pierre: I love that you added, 'without evidence', because I want to be very clear here; [Biden] and [Harris] have always forcibly, forcibly condemned, violence in all forms, including political violence, and we certainly have never encouraged any violence in any way……[Biden] has been clear-eyed about the threat that the former president represents to our democracy…from his role on January 6th, where he refused to accept the outcomes of free and fair elections.

[Biden and Harris have made endless comments against President Trump with the intent to incite violence against him]

Anonymous ID: 144a3e Sept. 17, 2024, 11:35 a.m. No.21609780   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0169 >>0298 >>0366 >>0450

Reporter: Senator Vance appeared to call out specifically one of the phrases that you used earlier, "threat to democracy". He said, "You cannot tell the American people that one candidate is a fascist, and if elected, it's going to be the end of American democracy."…in light of what has happened, in light of the fact that there are going to be disturbed people who take words like threat of danger literally, is [Biden], and is [Harris] considering avoiding those specific terms?

Jean-Pierre: [Biden] has always been very clear-eyed about this, about the threat of the former president represents to our democracy. Just think about January 6th.January 6th. We have to be honest with the American people when we see those types of threats. When we see that type of rhetoric that led to two thousand people going to the Capital.

[she calls to tone down the rhetoric, then ridiculously describes President Trump as a threat to the country]

Anonymous ID: 144a3e Sept. 17, 2024, 11:46 a.m. No.21609829   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0169 >>0298 >>0366 >>0450

Jean-Pierre: We got to condemn any type of hateful smears and conspiracy theories, and when you do things like that, it does make people feel less safe…it's hateful. You've heard from the mayor of Springfield, you've heard from the governor of Ohio, saying this is not true. And these are two republicans, who are saying this is not true. And we've seen, we've seen what this has done to the Haitian population, and it is not right. It is not okay…since day one, [Biden] has always wanted to make sure that communities across the country have the support they need, as we talk about migrants coming into their community…over the past two years, we have provided over a hundred and thirty million dollars to help communities across Ohio hosting recently arriving migrants.

[misappropriated funds to illegals, bribes to governors and mayors allowing the invasion]

Anonymous ID: 144a3e Sept. 17, 2024, 11:55 a.m. No.21609873   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9877

Reporter: It's been only two days since somebody allegedly tried to kill Donald Trump again, and you're here at the podium in the White House Briefing Room calling him a threat. How many more assassination attempts on Donald Trump until [Biden], [Harris], and you pick a different work to describe Trump other than threat?

Jean-Pierre: I actually completely disagree with the premise of your question, the question that you're asking. It is also incredibly dangerous in the way that you're asking it, because the American people are watching…January 6th. January 6th. January 6th. How many times do I; January 6th, 2021. That is a fact what was reported, that happened on that day.

[it is now dangerous to ask about their inciteful rhetoric that leads to violence against President Trump; she is coming unglued]

Anonymous ID: 144a3e Sept. 17, 2024, 12:03 p.m. No.21609928   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0169 >>0298 >>0366 >>0450

Reporter: Does [Biden] and [Harris] support no taxes on overtime for workers?

Jean-Pierre: [Biden] and [Harris] have been pretty consistent on making sure that we continue to lower costs for Americans, but also at the same time, making sure that we're increasing wages. The question that you're asking me, supporting overtime pay, this is something, a proposal in the 2020 election, so I'm going to be really, really mindful.

Reporter: From January 2021 to now, overall prices are up twenty percent, food at home is up twenty-one percent, electricity is up twenty-eight percent, and the list goes on. Does [Biden] believe that Americans are better off now than they were four years ago?

Jean-Pierre: Yes, and I understand what you're asking me. I get it There's still a lot more work to be done.

[your 'work' destroying America is about to end]